About This File
Original description by Vector:
QuoteThis is just an "emergency" upload, so people will still have access to SAM, since its now being removed from Hall of Torque. Like I already stated, I havent worked with SAM/Skyrim in almost 2 years now, so I have no idea what was exactly changed, and pretty much forgot a great deal of how things work, but I will get back on working on Skyrim/SAM mods once the SSE (Skyrim Special Edition) is released
SAM Shape Atlas for Men
by VectorPlexus
Available exclusively at https://www.vectorplexus.com
Please read and adhere to SAM's EULA.
Please do not distribute SAM or its assets in total or in part on any other website than https://vectorplexus.com
What is SAM?
SAM is a male body replacer mod for Skyrim (32-bit version) and is meant to replace SOS (Schlongs of Skyrim).
It introduces a wide variety of body forms that can be assigned directly or randomly to male characters in Skyrim.
This is achieved by introducing three basic body types:
- "Normal" - Similar to the vanilla body. Ranges from skinny to, well, normal.
- "Samson" - Muscular, top heavy body form. Wide shoulders, small hips. Adds muscle definition to the body.
- "Samuel" - Fat, almost pear-shaped body form. Narrow shoulders, wide hips. Adds softness to the body.
To create a nearly unlimited amount of body shapes, the Samson and/or Samuel morphs are "injected" into the normal body on a scale from 0 to 100.
Furthermore, SAM adds male genitals, also lovingly called schlongs, that can be morphed, scaled and toggled on and off in-game, 5 different degrees of body hair,
Beast Character support, Werewolf support and 13 poses.
Setup without HDT And XPMSE
SKSE http://skse.silverlock.org/
SkyUI https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863
Racemenu v3-3-0 or older https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/
OR NetImmerse Override Standalone https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37481
SAM Core https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
SAM Textures (SD, HD or third party) https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
SAM Vanilla Refits https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
Setup with HDT and XPMSE
SKSE http://skse.silverlock.org/
SkyUI https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863
Racemenu (latest) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/
Realistic Ragdolls & Force https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/601/
HDT Physics Extensions https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996/
SAM Core https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
SAM Textures (SD, HD or third party) https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
SAM Vanilla Refits https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/?
Soft requirements
for SAM's integrated poses:
FNIS https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811 (toggle "Skeleton Arm Fix" ON when running the FNIS tool)
for Werewolf support:
Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Essentials https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59463/
SAM Optional Moonlight Tales Essentials Patch https://www.vectorplexus.com/index.php?/files/file/10-sam-—-shape-atlas-for-men/
Highly recommended
Dawnguard DLC Refits by Afendor https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65853
Dragonborn DLC Refits by Afendor https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61523
More armor and other optional content available on https://www.vectorplexus.com
NOTE: Only armor, clothing and accessories that have been refitted for SAM specifically will work as intended. Items that have not been refitted will lead to visual issues when equipped.
- Schlongs of Skyrim (SOS)
- Armors and clothes created for SOS
- Latest version of Racemenu (unless SAM's skeleton is overwritten by XPMSE, see above)
To get the most out of SAM, you are encouraged to adjust SAM's settings in its MCM to your liking.
Available settings in MCM:
Most of the options here alter the way SAM assigns values to NPCs.
- Enable Automatic Race Settings: If enabled, SAM will morph NPCs according to their race. Adjust race offsets in the "Races" tab.
- Class morph offsets: If enabled, SAM will also morph NPCs to fit their assigned class (muscular warriors, thin mages, etc.)
Weight Cap: If enabled, the Samuel and Samson values cannot exceed the overall weight of the NPC. For example, if an NPC has the weight 37, the Samuel and Samson values can only add up to 37.
- If disabled, this rule no longer applies.
- Variaton Range: The higher the value, the more varied and extreme the randomly assigned body morphs become.
Enable schlongs: If enabled, all male characters will have genitals.
- If disabled, schlongs will be replaced by black underwear.
- Overrides: this button resets textures applied to all characters. For trouble-shooting purposes only.
- Export/Import settings: all your settings can be saved and loaded via these buttons. Very useful if you start new games often.
Body Options
Most of these options are fairly self-explanatory. However, the schlong options won't be present if schlongs are disabled in the general tab.
NPC body scaling and NPC Schlong scaling are toggled off by default to save system resources. Enabling them means that the engine will assign moprhs to all male characters that get loaded into the game.
This can stress the engine considerably as NPCs are loaded and unloaded more or less all the time.
The Scale multiplier affects all male NPCs. It is set to a believable value by default.
Proportion Settings
Here, you can adjust the proportion of the Samson and Samuel moprhs to your liking. The "Original Values" buttons reset your inputs in this menu.
In this menu, you can assign Samuel and Samson values as well as schlong options to your character and currently loaded male NPCs around you.
- Actor: Choose which currently loaded male actor you want to alter. Default is your character.
- Overrides: Same button as the one under the general tab.
Body Options
Here, the values SAM applied to the character that you chose in the Actor field are shown and can be adjusted to your liking.
- Weight: Vanilla weight slider. Makes the character broader or slimmer. Not available for NPCs.
- Height: Vanilla height slider. Use carefully as even small changes can have big impacts.
- Samson / Samuel sliders: Choose how much of each body morph should be injected. Max combined value is either 100 or the character's weight, depending on settings in the general tab.
Texture: choose between up to 5 texture sets. By default, these contain different degrees of hairyness for human and elf races, from smooth to Furball. Khajiits have two texture options (smooth and stripes), Argonians only have one default option.
- Body hair is black by default, which cannot be altered without reworking the textures directly.
Schlong Options
- Schlong Size: Alters the schlong's size, primarily its length.
- Schlong Taper: Makes the tip of the schlong narrower. 0= evenly wide, 100 = strongly tapered towards the tip. High values also shorten the schlong noticeably.
- Testicle Size: slider from -50 to +50, default is 0.
- Cut: Toggle foreskin on and off.
This menu lets you predetermine the values assigned to different races.
Most options work exactly like the options in the Actor tab, so only the ones behaving differently will be discussed here.
- Race: choose which race you want to alter.
- Texture Lock: Make all characters of the chosen race have the chosen texture. If unticked, variations can occur.
- Cut: In this tab, the cut option is a slider rather than a toggle on/off button. Sets the probability of characters of the chosen race being cut or uncut. 0= everyone is uncut, 100 = everyone is cut.
This tab only works as intended if you have Moonlight Tales Essentials as well as the Moonlight Tales Essentials Patch installed.
Options are fairly self-explanatory. Schlong options carry over from the Actor tab.
SAM Poses and SOS console commands
SAM contains 13 poses for your pleasure. FNIS is required to play them in-game. Important note: when running the FNIS tool, make sure to toggle the "Skeleton Arm Fix" option ON.
To play the poses, open the console in-game and use one of the following commands:
player.SAE SAMPose XX SAE SAMPose xx
The first version plays the pose for the player character, the second version plays the pose for the character selected in the console (left click on them while the console is open).
Replace XX
with a value from 01 to 13 to play the according pose.
Alternatively, you can use mods such as Poser Hotkeys to access poses, be it from SAM or other poser mods.
Also, some console commands carry over from SOS (Schlongs of Skyrim). These include:
SAE SOSFlaccid //turn schlong flaccid SAE SOSFastErect //get erection quickly SAE SOSErect //get erection gradually SAE SOSBendXX //replace xx with value from -9 to 9 to adjust erection angle, default=0
Again, add player.
before the command to target the player character.
Alternative download links
Since downloading texture archives fails for a substantial number of members, here's alternative links for these files:
@Vector, the maker of SAM and maintainer of the vectorplexus.com website.
FavoredSoul for the initial and unfinished body mesh.
B3lisario for the SKSE plugin.
Translators for providing SAM localization.
"SAM Hands fix 2" by @KouLeifoh. Thank you!
A big thank you goes to VectorPlexus community, authors and active members alike, for making the forums a lively place.
ReadMe file created by @Dredd.
Have fun with Skyrim and Shape Atlas for Men!
What's New in Version 2.011.19 See changelog
Added Readme.txt, incorporated @KouLeifoh's hands fix.