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air last won the day on February 23 2024

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  1. High Poly Conversion has an option to install vanilla refits for SAM (these use the high poly body, of course)
  2. I can't see the first couple of pictures, but I'm guessing you are using SAM Morphs for Racemenu to set your character's body textures? And when you equip these armors, your character's body textures are reverting back to the base texture rather than applying the textures you chose? Well, SAM Morphs for Racemenu requires that the body parts are named properly, otherwise the texture swapping from this mod cannot work. For example, in your cuirass I can see the body is named SAMBody_outfit. It must be changed to just SAMBody. This is the same problem with the barbarian armor you have linked. The body is not named SAMBody so it will have the same issue. It will be common to find outfits like this since not everyone uses this mod and is aware of that limitation. But it's easy to fix it for yourself. If you have your project saved in outfit studio, I recommend to open it and rename it from there, and then re-export the files. You cannot only change the name in Nifskope or the .tri file will not work properly anymore. And change back the texture paths to how they were originally
  3. did you install the requirements? particularly UI extensions?
  4. it's from aether suite πŸ˜„ the room is found at the "Red Robin"
  5. Hello. Sorry for the late response. I should have realized it's not really obvious how to rename things in nifskope To rename it you'll just need to select it and look in the "Block Details" window, then find the little "Txt" and click it. After that, a small window will appear and you can type in SAMBody (dont include the brackets and numbers, just SAMBody.) Make sure capitalization is the same as I have written. Repeat with the Trousers, renaming to "Trousers.001." And follow all these steps again in the other .nif. (Underwear_1.nif and Underwear_0.nif) After that, remember to replace the .tri file with the one i posted previously
  6. sometimes even the executioner needs a vacation 😩
  7. This is a late response, but I just downloaded this today and I see the problem. There's some naming issues in the .nifs. I won't post the fixed meshes since it's not my work, but it's easy to fix. You need NifSkope.
  8. i believe it's called BDO Musa armor? I'm not sure if there's an official conversion available somewhere.
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