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Fallout 4 Screenshots


This thread is for sharing your game screenshots of sexy nature. Keep in mind that we appreciate men here, so please keep female private parts covered.

To *.bmp uploaders: please, stop uploading your pictures in bitmap (BMP) format. Here's why:

  • Inconvenience. Forum members have to download them just to take a look.
  • File size. Aside from limited server storage, it takes more time to upload them for you and increases download times for everyone else.
  • Obsoleteness. While bitmap format definitely has its uses, it's not used anymore for consumer imaging needs. Don't use .bmp.

That being said, please use any imaging software or online service you like to convert .bmp files to either .jpg or .png and only then upload your pics.

Message added by sh1ny

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Glad to see we get more and more FO Screenshots! :D 

Also I think it's better we post a long Screenshot post as "Spoiler", just like we do in Skyrim. Otherways Scrolling takes some time. :D

My attempt on making V from Cyberpunk.Bild11.thumb.jpg.2e6eb0c0fca50f51fe0b8d6aa6bd8726.jpg




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10 hours ago, Ulfberth said:

The armor is the skimpy attires for Male and the jacket is Cross Courser Strigidae. No idea about the weapon tho.

Looks like a retexture for the Double-Barrelled shotgun. Long Barrel.. and that looks like the Crit chance barrel choke.

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very nice Nick and Hancock. Those on the nexus? The Preston and looks nice also and I am guessing the one with on the far right is Maccready he looks nice also. Man nice follower edits there.

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Not on nexus for sure. I'm not nexus modder anymore. Yes the left sexy one with thong is Maccready. He is my spouse in game. His voice very young almost twink so i designed him as young male too. Smooth custom skin ( reddish ass too like spanked ) and body shape. Because i don't like muscular bottom. Need them smooth and cute.... Lol.





Edited by Don

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