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  1. Version 1.0.2


    YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD ONLY ONE FILE WITH THE DATE OF THE UPDATE 12/01/2025 - update that no one wanted but everyone needed Some meshes were re-adjusted in order to decrease the number of clippings Added HDT and scaling body parts (breasts, belly and butt) support Fur armor redesigned (more revealing) Hide armor refits added Dragonscale armor redesigned (more revealing) Increased the number of polys in some meshes DESCRIPTION This file replaces all light armors The list of armors changed : Shrouded armor Thieves Guild/Leader armor Elven Light/Heavy armor Nightingale armor (incompatible with custom textures) - NOW COMPATIBLE Forsworn armor Tsun armor Savior's Hide Imperial light armor Imperial medium armor - It’ll be redone little bit in the next update Glass armor Studded armor Dragonscale armor Nothing unusual. All changes can be seen on screens. Sorry but only screens with Samson 100. It works with both Samuel and Samson. IMPORTANT - gloves and boots weren't changed If you notice any clippings or something just write here or in personal messages. INSTALLATION Drop files to Skyrim folder UNINSTALLATION As usual delete files added by archive (I'll all the information later)
  2. View File Elmlock Armor SAM Refit Conversion of the Elmlock Armor from HIMBO to SAM. My first refit but I think everything should be alright. Credit to Krieste for the armor, it's very nice! Submitter DiZco Submitted 01/03/2024 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Conversion of the Elmlock Armor from HIMBO to SAM. My first refit but I think everything should be alright. Credit to Krieste for the armor, it's very nice!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A refit for RefurbMadness's Simple Outfits for Men. To install you need to download, and then install the original file from the nexus. Then, install my files over it. The vertex count for the meshes is rather high, so the refits aren't quite perfect. There may be some clipping during some animations, particularly on the chest for the midnight assassin outfit. I will look into fixing this at a later date. Credits RefurbMadness for the original mod, and all of its related credits VectorPlexus for SAM.
  5. SAM - RM Simple Outfits for Men View File A refit for RefurbMadness's Simple Outfits for Men. To install you need to download, and then install the original file from the nexus. Then, install my files over it. The vertex count for the meshes is rather high, so the refits aren't quite perfect. There may be some clipping during some animations, particularly on the chest for the midnight assassin outfit. I will look into fixing this at a later date. Credits RefurbMadness for the original mod, and all of its related credits VectorPlexus for SAM. Submitter rhavik Submitted 04/16/2018 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  6. This is a refit of all of the vanilla armors in the game. Every armor should be included in here, excluding those from dawnguard and dragonborn. I did not refit any of the clothing. These refits are not revealing or skimpy, I am sorry if that disappoints. There may be some clipping when you apply a very high value of samson or samuel with high values of the bone scaling turned on. SAM Armor - Main.7z
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This mod replaced the wonderful armour Countess Armor with a strong ass (with HDT) fitted on SAM Bilf, please check in photos section. Note that you will need the original mod for the textures, this mod only contains meshes. Please download the original mod here Sam Bilf Slider is not technically needed but highly recommended since this mod is refitted based on it. Otherwise, your butt will look very different with this armour on.
  8. View File Countess Armor - Sam Bilf This mod replaced the wonderful armour Countess Armor with a strong ass (with HDT) fitted on SAM Bilf, please check in photos section. Note that you will need the original mod for the textures, this mod only contains meshes. Please download the original mod here Sam Bilf Slider is not technically needed but highly recommended since this mod is refitted based on it. Otherwise, your butt will look very different with this armour on. Submitter zhudy Submitted 03/16/2023 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Zhudy Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  9. Version 1.1.0


    Tuck your shirt into your pants like a real gentleman. This mod replaced the wonderful armour Inquisitor HDT-SMP Armor with a shirt-inside-pants mesh, please check in photos section. Note that you will need the original mod for the textures, this mod only contains meshes. Please download the original mod here And Sam Bilf Slider is highly recommended since this mod is refitted based on Bilf body slider. Otherwise, your butt will look very different with this armour on. (You now have a very strong ass with HDT effects.)
  10. View File Inquisitor Armor - Tuck Your Shirt (SAM Bilf) Tuck your shirt into your pants like a real gentleman. This mod replaced the wonderful armour Inquisitor HDT-SMP Armor with a shirt-inside-pants mesh, please check in photos section. Note that you will need the original mod for the textures, this mod only contains meshes. Please download the original mod here And Sam Bilf Slider is highly recommended since this mod is refitted based on Bilf body slider. Otherwise, your butt will look very different with this armour on. (You now have a very strong ass with HDT effects.) Submitter zhudy Submitted 03/15/2023 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Zhudy Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  11. View File Traveling Mage HDT-SMP Armor SAM Refit I really like armors with cloth physics, so I refitted this armor for my mage character. First, you'll need to download the original armor here - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69394, and then this file. It supports both Samson and Samuel. Credits to Fuse00 for the original mod. Submitter zabuzapollo Submitted 10/10/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Fuse00 Anniversary Edition compatible No  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    I really like armors with cloth physics, so I refitted this armor for my mage character. First, you'll need to download the original armor here - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69394, and then this file. It supports both Samson and Samuel. Credits to Fuse00 for the original mod.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Conversion of the excellent armor variant expansion mod to the Sam Light body. Original mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34100?tab=description. You will need the main files and whatever patches you need, see also the extra patches available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35176 The shirtless Hide variant comes built with the high poly physics body and all others with high poly non physics. Credit to darkgondul for the original mod and for allowing me to post the conversion.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    THE WELL DRESSED MAGE by Earrindo REQUIREMENTS: SAM Light (with high poly) The Well Dressed Mage original mod (mainly for textures, I included a converted esl plugin since the one from the Nexus is still on format 43). ORIGINAL MOD LINK: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3825 The conversion is not perfect, it wont work over 100 slider on neither Samson nor Samuel, so don't get too crazy. There are some minor clipping here and there, and there are a few problems with body gaps. Check it yourself and tell me where can I improve the meshes. RECOMMENDATIONS: Run the hood meshes through Nif optimizer if they're giving you weird effects. I'm trying to fix a wrong texture placement on the Thieves Guild armor, idk what went wrong, but if you are eager to try it go ahead and fix it yourself or remove the non-working mesh (the coat itself). Have fun Original mod by Earrindo, conversion by me.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Hello everyone, I saw this costume on nexus, but it has been deleted now, I don't know why, but the male costume in it is very sexy, so I changed the style of the skirt slightly,And reworked the physics on the skirt to collide with the penis, very cool! Then I only made the male version of this mods and deleted the female version, so you can enjoy,🥵 The outfit comes with HDT-SMP support for the loin-cloth and hairs. The armour pieces can be crafted at any forge. If you are the author of this dress and you don't want to make this mods public, please let me know, I will delete it as soon as possible😥
  16. Just a re-upload of my refit of Seedye's Revealing Tsun Armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72387/?. Everything you need is included here, no need to download anything else. If you want HDT enabled on the body, install the main package first, and then install the HDT package over the top of it. Credits: Seedye for the original armor, Vector for SAM. SAM - Revealing Tsun Armor (Seedye).7z SAM - Revealing Tsun HDT.7z
  17. Version 1.0.0


    These are simply the armors I have already converted for Oldrim, converted over to SE. They will work as is, if you want functioning morphs then you must also have KouLeifoh's SAM Morphs for RaceMenu. There are a few 1st person body meshes missing that I forgot to do. Other than that, this is mostly complete. Credits: VectorPlexus for SAM KouLeifoh for getting SAM to work in SE Bethesda for Skyrim Permissions: Do what you want with these, just give credit.
  18. View File Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Pillar Men smp.ver for SE Hello everyone, I saw this costume on nexus, but it has been deleted now, I don't know why, but the male costume in it is very sexy, so I changed the style of the skirt slightly,And reworked the physics on the skirt to collide with the penis, very cool! Then I only made the male version of this mods and deleted the female version, so you can enjoy,🥵 The outfit comes with HDT-SMP support for the loin-cloth and hairs. The armour pieces can be crafted at any forge. If you are the author of this dress and you don't want to make this mods public, please let me know, I will delete it as soon as possible😥 Submitter lilyrim Submitted 04/20/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Hymnaru SMP by me Anniversary Edition compatible No  
  19. Version 1.0.1


    A refit of the BDO Gavi Regan Armor originally converted and remastered for Skyrim SE by Team TAL. So all the texture and base mesh editing (including the XML files) was done by them (and the Black Desert Online team, of course). While refitting the original armor i had the idea to make it a little bit (a lot) more revealing, because i just couldn't resist 😊 Requirements: SAM Light - a hard requirement of course. HDT Physics Extension - for the HDT Cloaks and Skirt. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - a requirement from the original mod. Content: I split the original armor mesh into several parts to allow you to equip only what you want: Main armor is an armored thong with a golden chain attached, there's also a version without the chain (because it can clip with some poses). There's 2 HDT cloaks - a longer and a shorter version. The HDT Skirt is attached to the boots, there's also a version without the skirt. The gauntlet will make your left hand disappear. That's from the original mod and it's meant to minimize clipping in first person. The other parts are: Neck Fur, Glowing Arms, Horns (originally from BDO Ram Horn Witch). Installation: Make sure you have the requirements and then drop the file in your mod manager. That's it.😃 Please contact me if you run into any problems, so i can fix it. Have fun! Credits and Thanks: Black Desert Online team for the original armor meshes and textures. Team TAL for converting the armor mesh, adapting the XML and remastering the textures. Rydin for Rydin Underwear for Men Pack (RUMP) - The underwear mesh i used. Thanks TheDarkPhoenix for converting the esp and zipping everything in a single file. =D
  20. Version 1.1.0


    This is a Legacy Edition SAM refit of NordwarUA's Guards Armor Replacer. You WILL need to install the original mod for this to work - then install my mesh refits over the top - all I've done is refit the meshes for SAM and package them up. This replacer assumes you're using the full Guards Armour Replacer mod, which requires all DLC and USLEEP. Unlike a lot of other mods, this isn't designed for the player, although you can certainly get and wear the various armours. What the original mod does is give all the guards from the various holds of Skyrim unique armour sets, each reflecting the culture and history of the hold. I find it's wonderful for immersion, but unfortunately wasn't compatible with SAM, so... I fixed it. Eventually. Credits to: NordwarUA for the original mod and for permission to convert ElderVerK for advice on refits I am aware there are some minor clipping issues when moving, and some of the light armours are problematic when guards are at larger body sizes - even deleting vertices there's only so much I can do on those ones. There's also a chance you'll find a random naked guy in the great hall at Windhelm. That seems to be an issue with the original mod. Just give the guy some armour using whatever method you prefer--or enjoy the view. Feedback and screenshots welcome - I'm getting better at them, but it's still not my forte. Please feel free to convert to SE if you like. I do not have it and will not be able to convert it myself.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    It's time for some sexy butt and back view. Let's see your character manly butt bounce when playing Skyrim ^.^ Replace Darkbrotherhood armor and Glass armor. Butt and chest bounce support, Samson & Samuel morph support. This is simple mesh replacement. Back up your Darkbrotherhood armor and Glass armor meshes before replace! This is Skyrim LE mesh, but it should work on Skyrim SE, too. Required SAM or SAM Light, HDT BBB Bounce for SAM Update: Thank Kyoshi very much for the SE tweaks
  22. View File Alduin Armor SAM Refit This is refit of Alduin Armor for Shape Atlas of Men. In armor was gap on SAM male so it need be fill gap. I could not make armor relieving so had to use protective undies mod and patch for sam to fix this problem, sorry for this + 2 requirement mods. 1. Requirements: Alduin Armor SAM — Shape Atlas for Men Additional SOS - Protective Undies for Schlongs of Skyrim for underwear version Additional [SAM] Protective Underwear Patch for underwear version Additional SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim if u use SOS with SAM together. Its have another version + SOS for it. 2. Install: Install through MO2 or put files to data game folder. Records Alduin Armor files. 3. Enjoy! Now this armor no only for womens! Hip Hip! Hooray! 4. Credits Thank maker of Alduin Armor for this cool armor. Thank Vector for best (my opinion) male replacer SAM — Shape Atlas for Men. Thank VectorPlexus and Smurf for SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim. 5. Expect, wait other conversions, share your conversions for SAM, please. Armors and clothes for SAM is very few, need to change it. Everyone can use my refits as you want, distribute, taking into account the original requirements. Submitter WolfKent Submitted 08/13/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible No Created by  
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Artifacts - The Breton Paladin "Yet the wicked and foolish are not doomed, for in their infinite mercies, the Nine have said, Repent, and do Good Works, and the Fountains of Grace shall once more spill forth upon you." Hi! It has been a while since my last contribution so here is a little patch for this armor mod by FrankFamily. Includes files for Bodyslide and OutfitStudio. First of all! Install the original mod, it includes the plug-in, the quest, the other meshes, and the weapons. This patch just the body armor pieces in order to make them affected by SAM Light sliders. YOU NEED: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16199 MANUAL INSTALLATION: Install the original mod and overwrite their files with mine. MOD ORGANIZER: Put my files below of the original mod, not completely necessary since the original mod uses BSA but this helps with sorting:) Enjoy!
  24. Version 2.1.0


    Release Note for v 2.0.0+: Now this package is stand-alone, i.e. does no longer require the torso refit from Afendor's Dragonborn DLC Armor Refit for SAM, and is compatible with the latest Racemenu SE (0.2.4+) / SKSE64 as well. I just wonder no one seems to have paid any attention to the fact that Afendor's Dragonborn DLC Armor refit for SAM only includes the torso/ cuirass part of the armors and the clothes from this DLC. In other words, all the gloves, boots as well as 1st person meshes from that DLC has ever been left untouched. So, I've made this hot fix collection as a stopgap, until anyone skillful will make a more decent conversions. The basic premise of this WIP package is as the same as my previous one, Crude Hot Fixes of Vanilla Cloth Refits for Citizens and Mages, but now also with armors. This was a very hasty work originally for my personal use, so I would appreciate if you report any problems concerning on these refits. Never touched by mine in v 2.0+ as well as in the future: Armor: General Carius (non-playable) Clothing: Miraak (attached too many 'unknown (at least to me)' data in the mesh) Credits: Bethesda: for Original Mesh Files Vector: for SAM Permissions: Do what do you would like to (preferably with credit).
  25. Version 1.2.0


    This is a stand-alone refit package for SAM as well as my 3rd (1st: (Very) Crude Hot Fixes of Vanilla Cloth Refits for Citizens and Mages; 2nd: (Very) Crude Hot Fixes of DLC Dragonborn Armors & Clothes) contributions of compilation package of very crude vanilla/ DLC outfit refits, consisting of all the outfit meshes (armors as well as clothes) in DLC DG like Dawnguard and Vampire armors. 'Stand-Alone' means that this package does not require Afendor's Dawnguard DLC refits for SAM to function. The package is provided both for LE and SE optimized versions: The latter is compatible with the latest build of Racemenu SE (0.2.4+)/ SKSE64 without any manual conversion. Known Issues in the initial release package (-> Fixed in v 1.1.0. Sorry for inconvenience): I don't have much time to check the refit for now (so they'll be dealt later), but I have found at least three possible (mainly visual) glitches in the short-term test. The back side of dark boots (in clothes\vampclothes\vampboots_0 (1).nif) is messed up. Invisible part around the heel of the falmer heavy boots: possible partition problem? I'll look into this issue later in the end of this year, I hope. Armpit part of snowelf armors/ red-light armor variant of Dawnguard armor certainly has room to improve. Credits: Bethesda: for original mesh files USLEEP team: for some corrected mesh files Vector: for SAM Permissions: Do what do you would like to (preferably with credit).
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