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  1. Version 1.1.2


    YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD ONLY ONE FILE WITH THE DATE OF THE UPDATE 12/01/2025 - update that no one wanted but everyone needed Some meshes were re-adjusted in order to decrease the number of clippings Added HDT and scaling body parts (breasts, belly and butt) support Chef and barkeeper outfits redesigned Vaermina robe redesigned Psijic robe redesigned Miner clothes redesigned Merchant clothes and wench clothes redesigned Added Nocturnal robe refit and made it playable Increased the number of polys in some meshes DESCRIPTION This file replaces: Almost all in-game clothes: Archmage robe Barkeeper clothes (both variants) Chef clothes (both variants +cook clothes ) Dark brotherhood robe Emperor outfit (+several Yarl's outfit with the same model) Executioner outfit All kinds of Casual wear (4 types of different colors) All kinds of Robes (Necromancer robe and Vaermina robe have unique model) All kinds of Fine clothes (2 types of different colors) Greybeard robe Jester outfit Merchant clothes (2 types + Wench outfit) Miner outfits (both types) Mythic Dawn robe Psijic robe Redguard outfit Sheogorath outfit Thalmor robe All types of Yarl clothes (including Ulfric's robe) Compatible to any clothes retexture. Any textures that might look strange on screens will look OK in your game. Nothing unusual. All changes can be seen on screens. Screens were done with Samson 80. IMPORTANT - gloves and boots weren't changed If you notice any clippings or something just write here or in personal messages. INSTALLATION Drop files to Skyrim folder ESP file should be at the end of load order UNINSTALLATION As usual delete files added by archive.
  2. Version 1.0.3


    YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD ONLY ONE FILE WITH THE DATE OF THE UPDATE 13/01/2025 - update that no one wanted but everyone needed Some meshes were re-adjusted in order to decrease the number of clippings Added HDT and scaling body parts (breasts, belly and butt) support Increased the number of polys in some meshes This file replaces: Dragonborn DLC clothes: Cultist robe Dunmer outfit (fixed) Miraak robes Skaal outfit Telvanni robe Temple robe Dawnguard DLC clothes: Bloody rags (both types) Vampire clothes Vampire armors Moth priest robe Compatible to any clothes retexture. Nothing unusual. All changes can be seen on screens. Screens were done with Samson 50. IMPORTANT - gloves and boots weren't changed If you notice any clippings or something just write here or in personal messages. Refits of clothes of default Skyrim will be added later. INSTALLATION Drop files to Skyrim folder UNINSTALLATION As usual delete files added by archive.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD ONLY ONE FILE WITH THE DATE OF THE UPDATE 13/01/2025 - update that no one wanted but everyone needed Some meshes were re-adjusted in order to decrease the number of clippings Added HDT and scaling body parts (breasts, belly and butt) support Dawnguard armor redesigned (maybe I'll try to make individual design for each set but idk) Heavy Falmer armor redesigned (more revealing) Increased the number of polys in some meshes DESCRIPTION This file replaces: Dragonborn DLC armor: Bonemold armors (all three variants) Chitin armors (both Heavy and Light) Nordic carved armor Stalhrim armor (both Heavy and Light) Dawnguard DLC armor: Snow Elf armor Falmer armor Dawnguard armors Vampire armors Compatible to any armor retexture. IMPORTANT - gloves and boots weren't changed If you notice any clippings or something just write here or in personal messages. INSTALLATION Drop files to Skyrim folder UNINSTALLATION As usual delete files added by archive.
  4. Heya! I apologize in advance if this question has been asked here before or if this has an easy solution. Been messing around with Skyrim mods for a while and I’ve gotten into the bodyslide program which works absolutely beautiful with CBBE. But I’ve noticed that there isn’t really a option to edit the SAM bodies in it. Is there a way I could make my own SAM body presets in the program and use them in game? I would really like to edit the SAM bodies and not just have full customization with Women. Thank you in advance and for any efforts!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    After years of being unable to find a proper mesh edit/slider set for SAM to be able to use with belly/pregnancy mods and the like I got fed up and decided to make my own edit. I did my best to make it look smooth but these things are never perfect, especially considering the mesh is intentionally stretching out. These are the BILF Body Slider set by SavrenX but I made the following edits: -NPCBelly bone/node weight paints have been increased -3 new belly sliders (all are the same size/weight paints just given different names based on what mods may be looking for (PregnancyBelly / BigBelly / Belly). -1 new "breast" slider so the pecs can actually change size from milking/pregnancy mods. I included the hands, feet, and body meshes from my own game but please bear in mind the following: -These were made with the "Weight 0 to 1" slider set to 100% on the "high weight" side due to the fact that if I did not the SAM high poly head had a ridiculous gap between the neck and body. -If these files aren't to your liking you can make your own using the provided body sliders. Installation: -Add the sliders to your Bodyslide folder -If you use the provided meshes make sure they go into your override folder (when using ModOrganizer 2) or put them into your data folder in "Meshes." Highly Recommended to use this properly with other mods: -Sexlab Inflation Framework SE - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6938-sexlab-inflation-framework-se/ So far I have tested and confirmed the belly/breast scaling works well with the following mods: -Milk Mod Economy SE - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6103-milk-mod-economy-se/ -Soul Gem Oven 4 - https://github.com/darkconsole/dse-soulgem-oven + https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/23173-soulgem-oven-4-integration-fork/ -Fill Her Up Baka Edition - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/156185-fill-her-up-baka-edition/ (use SLIF if you're going to have this mod, the morphs look better than using bone scaling) -Sexlab Hentai Pregnancy - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5788-sexlab-hentai-pregnancy-special-edition/ -Pearl Juice Continued - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4031-pearl-juice-continued/ I find (for example, with Fill Her Up) limiting the max inflation size to about 12 or 13 so the belly doesn't stick out so far but try out whatever you want in terms of settings. I will try my best to answer any questions but I am intermediate, at best, on my knowledge level when it comes to Skyrim mods and this was simply a personal edit I decided to share. The Original mod can be found here:
  6. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  7. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  8. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  9. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  10. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  11. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  12. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  13. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  14. shuiyinpool


    © skyrim

  15. Version 1.2.0


    This is SAM refit version of simple but aesthetic late medieval style Knight Armor (LE Download/ SE Download) by Medtech, adapted from Afrotoast42/ ArwingXL's Witcher 2 Armors Collection. Each of its parts is craftable and temperable with Advanced Armor (Smithing) Perk (Their armor rates are also the same as vanilla Steel Plate Armor set). It is also the first armor (not clothes) refit for SAM by me. [Add]: [Feb. 13, 2019]: Meshes of this package don't include exposed skin parts, so it does not need to update in accordance with the latest SAM Morphs for Racemenu v 1.0.4+ . How to use: This is NOT a stand-alone package. You need to download the original package of either LE or SE versions hosted on Nexus (and I posted download links above). Overwrite their meshes with the adapted meshes from this package. Known Issues: Checked Samson/ Samuel Morph Ranges: -20~+80. Over 80 there will be some clipping between the cloth leggins and Steel Plate Greaves on shanks. Due to avoid possible clipping (see above), I have to thicken the shank part of the greaves a bit, in contrast to the original finess. I also converted male 1st person arms for SAM (and included in the package), but the original 1st person meshes were based on female version (so, not so proportionally OK......) (The sample SSs are taken with heavily compressed textures. Original would be more beautiful!) Credits: Medtech: Original Mod Author Afrotoast42: for Witcher 2 Armor Collection, the resource used by the original version. Studio CD Project RED: Creater of Original Meshes (TW2)
  16. View File Belly & breast sliders for SavrenX SAM BILF Bodyslide After years of being unable to find a proper mesh edit/slider set for SAM to be able to use with belly/pregnancy mods and the like I got fed up and decided to make my own edit. I did my best to make it look smooth but these things are never perfect, especially considering the mesh is intentionally stretching out. These are the BILF Body Slider set by SavrenX but I made the following edits: -NPCBelly bone/node weight paints have been increased -3 new belly sliders (all are the same size/weight paints just given different names based on what mods may be looking for (PregnancyBelly / BigBelly / Belly). -1 new "breast" slider so the pecs can actually change size from milking/pregnancy mods. I included the hands, feet, and body meshes from my own game but please bear in mind the following: -These were made with the "Weight 0 to 1" slider set to 100% on the "high weight" side due to the fact that if I did not the SAM high poly head had a ridiculous gap between the neck and body. -If these files aren't to your liking you can make your own using the provided body sliders. Installation: -Add the sliders to your Bodyslide folder -If you use the provided meshes make sure they go into your override folder (when using ModOrganizer 2) or put them into your data folder in "Meshes." Highly Recommended to use this properly with other mods: -Sexlab Inflation Framework SE - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6938-sexlab-inflation-framework-se/ So far I have tested and confirmed the belly/breast scaling works well with the following mods: -Milk Mod Economy SE - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6103-milk-mod-economy-se/ -Soul Gem Oven 4 - https://github.com/darkconsole/dse-soulgem-oven + https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/23173-soulgem-oven-4-integration-fork/ -Fill Her Up Baka Edition - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/156185-fill-her-up-baka-edition/ (use SLIF if you're going to have this mod, the morphs look better than using bone scaling) -Sexlab Hentai Pregnancy - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5788-sexlab-hentai-pregnancy-special-edition/ -Pearl Juice Continued - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4031-pearl-juice-continued/ I find (for example, with Fill Her Up) limiting the max inflation size to about 12 or 13 so the belly doesn't stick out so far but try out whatever you want in terms of settings. I will try my best to answer any questions but I am intermediate, at best, on my knowledge level when it comes to Skyrim mods and this was simply a personal edit I decided to share. The Original mod can be found here: Submitter linkster123 Submitted 08/04/2023 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Original sliders set by SavrenX, belly/breast sliders were done by me. Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Refit of Deydranos's Lunar Guard. For Special Edition. Requires original mod for textures and esp. Place this mod below the original in Mod Organizer or install my files over originals. Credits go to Deydranos for the original mod.
  18. Version 1.0.1


    Description So, finally I got the permission from rydin. Just the refit of Rydin Underwear for Men Pack You'll need the original file to use this mod. Also, special thanks go to urieldover for removing SOS dependancy.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    My first ever refit of an armor, it was just perfect for my Beyond Reach playthrough! First, you'll need to download the original armor here - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62871, and then this file. It supports both Samson and Samuel. Credits to 4thUnknown for the original mod.
  20. Version 1.1.0


    This is just a small package of SAM refit meshes & .tri files for steelfeathers' mashed up Barbarian Steel Armor, both released for Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE, with her/his generous permission.The armor pieces of the mod consist of Armor, Boots, Gauntlets (beast race supported), Helmet, Fur Cloak & Hood, and all are craftable and temperable with Steel Smithing Perk. The original creator (steelfeathers) provides both craftable only version and leveled list version, and this package is supposedly compatible with both versions (since it mainly consists just of tweaked meshes for SAM). This is not a stand-alone package (only including tweaked files), so you'll need the original package on Nexus either for Skyrim LE or SE versions. How it looks in your game will be largely dependent on the re-texture mods you install (i.e. Iron, Steel, Steelplate and Tsun). Checked Samson/ Samuel morph sliders from -20~+80. I also adds underwear layer to the armor, borrowing a texture from Rydin's Underwear for Men Pack (RUMP) for hiding the crotch hole of SAM base body mesh. This is my first time to tweak SAM distinct armor mesh mechanics, so if you find anything weird, please make a notice to me (At least I haven't encountered any problem like CTD, even only with SAM - Light and SAM Morphs for Racemenu). What all I did is just to convert ths armor compatible with SAM. All the other credits should be given to the original mod author(s). If you like the armor, please visit Nexus again and endorse the original one(s). How to Install: Install the original package either for Skyrim LE or Skyrim SE. Both non-leveled list version and leveled-list version .esp will be compatible with this package. Overwrite male armor meshes with SAM morphs compatible ones from this package. Permissions: While I'm fine with what you want with the refit package itself (preferably with credit), please contact with the original author (steelfeathers) for further inquiries. Credits: steelfeathers: for creating the original mod and giving her/his generous permission to me for publishing this package. Rydin: for additional underwear texture (bear fur brief) from his RUMP: Rydin Underwear for Men Pack. Vector: for SAM
  21. View File Falconer Armor SAM Refit My first ever refit of an armor, it was just perfect for my Beyond Reach playthrough! First, you'll need to download the original armor here - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62871, and then this file. It supports both Samson and Samuel. Credits to 4thUnknown for the original mod. Submitter zabuzapollo Submitted 09/22/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible No  
  22. View File SAM - Lunar Guard Refit of Deydranos's Lunar Guard. For Special Edition. Requires original mod for textures and esp. Place this mod below the original in Mod Organizer or install my files over originals. Credits go to Deydranos for the original mod. Submitter rhavik Submitted 09/16/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
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