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  1. View File SAM - Lunar Guard Refit of Deydranos's Lunar Guard. For Special Edition. Requires original mod for textures and esp. Place this mod below the original in Mod Organizer or install my files over originals. Credits go to Deydranos for the original mod. Submitter rhavik Submitted 09/16/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Refit of Deydranos's Lunar Guard. For Special Edition. Requires original mod for textures and esp. Place this mod below the original in Mod Organizer or install my files over originals. Credits go to Deydranos for the original mod.
  3. I just wanted to drop by and leave a bit of info because I had an issue that I've seen a couple people have troubles with, namely: these textures can appear blue when you make edits to them when they show back up in game. The issue isn't how you're exporting them per se, but how the textures have been read and loaded into photoshop or whatever other program being used. The "legacy" Nvidia DDS Plugin for Photoshop (version 8.5 I believe) will not work to import these. Or at least if there's a setting you need to adjust to make the plugin read the textures properly I could not find it. That said, you can always try Nvidia's newer version since it grants a better compression format anyway. That does require Photoshop CC which can be expensive. Alternatively Intel Texture Works Plugin for Photoshop will work just fine as well. This will allow you to load in these textures and they will not appear blue, hence when you save the file that blue tint won't be carried along in game. Thanks for these textures KouLeifoh. They're very good, great job as always.
  4. It needs to be converted over. So in its current state, no.
  5. SAM SE - Vanilla Armor Refit View File These are simply the armors I have already converted for Oldrim, converted over to SE. They will work as is, if you want functioning morphs then you must also have KouLeifoh's SAM Morphs for RaceMenu. There are a few 1st person body meshes missing that I forgot to do. Other than that, this is mostly complete. Credits: VectorPlexus for SAM KouLeifoh for getting SAM to work in SE Bethesda for Skyrim Permissions: Do what you want with these, just give credit. Submitter rhavik Submitted 09/01/2018 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    These are simply the armors I have already converted for Oldrim, converted over to SE. They will work as is, if you want functioning morphs then you must also have KouLeifoh's SAM Morphs for RaceMenu. There are a few 1st person body meshes missing that I forgot to do. Other than that, this is mostly complete. Credits: VectorPlexus for SAM KouLeifoh for getting SAM to work in SE Bethesda for Skyrim Permissions: Do what you want with these, just give credit.
  7. I suppose I'll get to work converting over my tri files for the vanilla refits at the very least then. Eventually.
  8. Great work as always, the only request I do have is an option for Samson / Samuel morph without skeleton scaling as well? I suppose ultimately it doesn't matter that much as I can just edit the slider myself to get closer to the vanilla scaling.
  9. SAM - RM Simple Outfits for Men View File A refit for RefurbMadness's Simple Outfits for Men. To install you need to download, and then install the original file from the nexus. Then, install my files over it. The vertex count for the meshes is rather high, so the refits aren't quite perfect. There may be some clipping during some animations, particularly on the chest for the midnight assassin outfit. I will look into fixing this at a later date. Credits RefurbMadness for the original mod, and all of its related credits VectorPlexus for SAM. Submitter rhavik Submitted 04/16/2018 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  10. Version 1.0.0


    A refit for RefurbMadness's Simple Outfits for Men. To install you need to download, and then install the original file from the nexus. Then, install my files over it. The vertex count for the meshes is rather high, so the refits aren't quite perfect. There may be some clipping during some animations, particularly on the chest for the midnight assassin outfit. I will look into fixing this at a later date. Credits RefurbMadness for the original mod, and all of its related credits VectorPlexus for SAM.
  11. I keep messing it up. Don't know why, don't usually. Either way, hopefully the version I uploaded this time works.
  12. Version SAM Light


    Description To say that this is a retexture isn't entirely true. It uses the textures that are already included in the base download (made by SinglesCat). However, those were never really destined for the SAM body shape, so there were several inconsistencies when you used it. I originally did some edits and uploaded them to the Hall of Torque, but they no longer host mods; I was in the process of doing some edits for myself so I decided to upload a newer package here. Generally the edits are subtle, but hopefully noticeable, mostly fixing seams and so on. Bear in mind I'm not a texture artist, so the work isn't going to be 100% perfect, but I hope it's acceptable. What's Included I included facial textures, but I didn't edit them. I included them only because they are no longer available on SC - Khajiit Improvement, and the body textures simply won't match with anything otherwise. I tweaked the smooth and striped diffuse textures to remove some seams along the inner leg. There's some lighter color sections that didn't match up, I did some cloning to close that seam a bit. This was more noticeable on the smooth texture, so that's where I focused the work. I also added shading for a belly button and nipples. SAM's body mesh has them modeled in, so I figured I would add them. The belly button is just simple shading I did, but the nipples are from the Lykaios Race by KrittaKitty. I also added toe nails that were used from the hand mesh, personally I use a set of toe claws I modified so I don't even notice it anyways. I copied over the pink toned flesh that ShinglesCat put on the palms and soles in her newer version of her textures, and put them in here. Vector's original genital texture was meant to match up with Bethesda's, creating a seam, now it should be mitigated. With certain ENBs the specular lighting on the hands and feet were too high, and as a result created a seam. I reduced the specular lighting here to reduce some seams. The same is true sides of the body, and the hip/groin region. I heavily edited the normal maps so that now when your character's weight is at 0, or you have high values of samuel, there's less muscle definition. This is most noticeable in the chest region but I smoothed out everywhere else as well. For higher weights I added abdominal definition, and more definition in the pecs, they should appear a bit more smooth now than before. The abs aren't quite as defined as some of the mods I have seen here, but I was going more for a look that was in line with the Vector's textures. Finally, I swapped some of the channels for the normal maps on the tail. This was present even in the vanilla game. Basically light hitting the tail from above would be treated as if it was being cast from the front, and vice versa. This was most noticeable in front of something like a fire, or outside, where your back would be bright and the tail would be dark, or vice versa. The tail should match the body now. I included a before and after picture if this doesn't make sense. Credits ShinglesCat for the original textures, whose work is most predominantly featured here VectorPlexus for SAM KrittaKitty for LykaiosRace, whose texture assets I used slightly mrLenski for CoverKhajiits Bethesda for Skyrim
  13. Because I messed up the file name. This new one should not have that issue. SAM - Armor.7z
  14. SAM - Revealing Tsun Armor
  15. This is a refit of all of the vanilla armors in the game. Every armor should be included in here, excluding those from dawnguard and dragonborn. I did not refit any of the clothing. These refits are not revealing or skimpy, I am sorry if that disappoints. There may be some clipping when you apply a very high value of samson or samuel with high values of the bone scaling turned on. SAM Armor - Main.7z
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