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About zhayan13

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  1. zhayan13


    Personally, I've always felt that your work for The Sims 4 to be possibly the finest sex modding for any game ever. I would love to see your work transcribed to both Skyrim and Starfield!
  2. zhayan13


    Balls position is good, just penis too high on the body... perhaps when the penis is properly placed the balls won't look overly large? Although making them a little bit smaller would not be amiss. I'll just edit this to add that the penis looks yummy, reminds me of a crush at college
  3. zhayan13


    It really sucks, but I'm going to be 'that guy'... Your penis is located several inches too high on the body, and balls are not usually that large, nor do they hang that low until very late in life. The texture looks quite good, and the mesh is well-shaped, but placed like that looks very unnatural. I am impressed by the work you have done so far and wish I had even half your skillset, and hope that you continue with your efforts, as they will be well-received, but the placement is just wrong, and I hope you can make corrections to give it proper looks and placement. I'm sorry but I feel that this should be brought to your attention so that it will be fixed. Please don't hate me
  4. zhayan13


    Thank the stars! I thought I was the only one, and that I screwed something up! I mean, maybe I did, but it wasn't my fault!
  5. zhayan13


    OMG! Part of me is screaming for you to hurry the f*** up and post this... the other part is quietly admiring your talent and dedication, and just waiting patiently for you to achieve your goal and then share it with us... Thank you for your effort, and I truly hope it meets your standards (and ours) when it is finally ready to publish. I'll keep waiting and hoping Now, if BGS gets off their butts and releases the CK so that this whole thing becomes easier for our talented friends...!
  6. zhayan13


    Ian Patterson of Silverlock has published SFSE on nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/106?tab=description and on Silverlock https://sfse.silverlock.org/, so we're off to some kind of start, anyway.
  7. zhayan13


    Are any of our fantastic modders planning to make adjustments and adaptations for Starfield? Or creating completely new things, skins, bodies? I'm sincerely hoping that you all will, as the game may become the 'next great thing.' I'm desperately hoping for a Bochu character! And maybe clear plastic space suits!
  8. "This plugin contains records that have FormIDs outside the valid range for an ESL plugin. Using this plugin will cause irreversible damage to your game saves." This is the comment on the mod in LOOT. I'm not knowledgeable enough regarding modding to know if this presents a real problem or not?
  9. Wow! These look like photos, not in-game captures! Absolutely amazing!
  10. Current character Ullryc. He's going through some things right now And thanks to SavrenX for his wonderful bochu mod and armour mods! Makes young Ullryc quite sexy.
  11. Revered Don, Pubic hair is a dream come true! but which file do we use to make this update? They seem to all be the same as were there previously. Or I'm not as clever as I thought? hahahahaha
  12. For me, your solution is very welcomed! I do get your dissatisfaction with the aesthetics, though. Comic books used to be written like this, and it never detracted from the art, in my opinion. But I'm older, and less inclined to judge on that score 🙂 I love the art, and I love the story being told, nothing else matters to me. HEHEHE
  13. I hate to whine, but the font is too dark against the background for me (partially blind with new-growing cataracts_) Yellow would be easier, or white bubbles like a comic book would be much better for me, at least. I enjoy what you do with these so much, I hate to lose out on this one.
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