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Everything posted by jdronk

  1. AE breaks SKSE and mods that requires it so dont update your game. Important things you need to know about skyrim anniversary edition. - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - VectorPlexus Hopefully you can revert back to the older version
  2. Im a sucker for chubby daddy types and usually play mage characters. Here's my attempt at making a "daddyfied" breton mage. Let me introduce you to Girndin Vanrane A chunky mage who relies more on his conjured minions and followers to assist him in battle than doing too much work himself! He's supposed to be in his late 50s, a real silverfox! EDIT #Update to his face below Edit: Update to his face I was fooling around in Racemenu and came up with this and was quite pleased with the results.
  3. Well done putting this together and thanks for sharing!
  4. Will definitely try this out! Thanks for sharing!
  5. Been waiting a long time for this to complete it all! Thanks for your hard work!
  6. I can confirm now that I haven't noticed any performance loss or such while using this and it's a great addition to my game! Diversity in bodyshapes to add more immersion is always welcomed. Thanks for sharing and your contribution!
  7. Can you explain a bit more what this mod exactly does and how much it impacts performance? Does it generate random body shapes to random NPCS that you encounter? Bandits, Guards etc? Does it apply to essential npcs too, followers?
  8. Thanks for putting your time and effort into refitting this for us!
  9. I suggest you check out this mod instead Lykaios Male for SAM Light - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - VectorPlexus
  10. Let me introduce you to my big fluffy Arch-Mage Amaruq Achak Bookworm and obviously lover of food and beverages, you can easily bribe him with a dozen Sweetrolls! He is in his older days, but a happy and adventurous fella!
  11. Thanks for sharing! I really hope your chub body can become the new standard for the Samuel body! Im enjoying it so much, actually because of it, I learned how to refit myself.
  12. I would try and reinstall SAM-Light all togheter to really make sure everything works as it's supposed to. Did you allow, when you installed this body that it would overwrite everything? An issue like this one would happen when the hands doesn't want to scale with the body when you inject different Samson/Samuel Values. Cause this only happens when you try and scale the body right? When you're at 0 SAM values this gap isnt there? Is there gap at the feet aswell?
    Finally a body mod for us chub-chasers that is made for the best male body replacer mod ever created SAM! ! Thank you so much for sharing and making this! Here's the chub body with the update Lykaios Race. Love the crotch fat!
  13. Thank you for the quick support! I can confirm it's working now, and thank you so much for sharing this with us! Nothing to apologize for, thanks again!
  14. I cannot seem to get this to work, I install using the Nexus mod manager and replace the files when asked to do so. But the body doesnt seem to be working at all for me, as shown in the screenshots. I loaded up a new game, undressed the character and played with the Samuel slider and nothing happens. Only the hands scale. So dont know what im doing wrong. I have all the other required files.
  15. I am very intrigued by this as I 90% of the time play with very chubby characters in Skyrim! However, I wonder about the installation, I first installed this and replaced everything that it wanted to replace, ,loaded up the game and my SAM body was messed up so I think I did something wrong here. When my character was nude and I played with the sliders samuel slider he just kept getting bigger but not around the waist. WHen we install this, are we supposed to allow it to overwrite existing files or just ignore it? It tells me to overwrite files that is in "HDT BBB-SAM" When I equip these "Sam fitted" pants suddenly the sliders do as they're supposed to, but when naked, the results are like shown in pic 2.
  16. So lovely to see some more clothing options! My mage character is pleased! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Does exactly what it should do! Now we can finally enjoy the Lykaios Race with the SAM Body and textured genitals!
  17. Exactly this has been needed for so long I cant belive I haven't seen it sooner! Thanks for sharing and making this, now I can finally enjoy real genitals on my Lykaios men! First you install the Lykaios reborn https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8684-lykaios-reborn/ Then you download the Lykaios Reborn Patch and install it and let it overwrite everything it wants to overwrite, DONE! Now you have Lykaios without black spots and a matching set of genitals!
  18. This mod has been a favourite of mine! Thanks for sharing this conversion with us! Great work!
  19. Excellent work as always! thank you so much!
  20. Thanks for all your work ! I just returned to Skyrim the other day, now playing the Special Edition it's so smooth compared to oldrim, so happy to see that I can use my favorite bodymod with excellent refitted armors!
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