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Hey everyone, so I'm having an issue with the SAM revealing armors (the HDT Bounce versions, haven't tested without them just yet). Basically, 50% of the Stormcloak soldiers look like this mess:


Like I said, it's a mixed bag of some guards looking hot and normal and the rest glitching out like this. I've gone through the forums and install guides for SAM and don't see anyone else having this problem. Here's my load order and installed mods:


If anyone has any suggestions, I would be so grateful. And much love to the creators on this site for all of the gorgeous work!

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There could be several things going on here: however because you said that you have this problem only with guards then it makes me believe that you have mods installed that overhaul guard's armors both added and original armors and the two armors are trying to be assigned at one time or you could have a mod that overrides another mod like a patch that somehow messed up a mesh.

-Bandanas of Skyrim can effect guard npcs
-Tera Weapons and armors leveled list can effect guards
-RLO I'm not sure if you have the guards torch module active
-The SAM Armors

Try going though these and uninstalling and reinstalling to see which one is causing the issue.

Try moving SAM and XPMSE to the bottom of your load order

use wrye bash it will go through your installers and hopefully merge your Terra armors together
Try Running Loot

You can also use TES5 EDIT to see what mods are conflicting where and override and remove the conflicts

I hope the above helps solve the issue you're facing and you can get back to playing!


And as a side note :o how you gonna' have final fantasy mods and not mine!:

Final Fantasy Eidolons- Summonable Followers


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I tried your suggestion but no luck. I also just tested with the normal skimpy armors (no BBB) and it works fine, so there seems to be an issue somewhere with the HDT-enabled version of the skimpy armors. That makes me wonder if there's a skeleton problem, but their bodies are as they should be as soon as I have them go naked. I need to see my boys bouncing, so I'm still testing to see what the issue is.

Also, I never came across your mod! I'll definitely be trying it out, it looks awesome!

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There's a lot going on and it's hard to follow which is overwritten by what since you're using NMM, but it looks like hdt bbb bounce isn't overwriting SAM Core as it should. Reinstall hdt bbb bounce and make sure it overwrites SAM Core.

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Just reinstalled it to make sure - still no luck.

I'm getting the impression I should do some mod spring cleaning, but I had this issue before months ago with a much smaller mod list. Again, it's just some of the guards that have this issue for some reason. Also, should I be trying out MO instead of NMM? While troubleshooting other mod issues I've seen a lot of people recommending MO, but I also consider myself a noob at this.


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2 hours ago, saladbee said:


Just reinstalled it to make sure - still no luck.

I'm getting the impression I should do some mod spring cleaning, but I had this issue before months ago with a much smaller mod list. Again, it's just some of the guards that have this issue for some reason. Also, should I be trying out MO instead of NMM? While troubleshooting other mod issues I've seen a lot of people recommending MO, but I also consider myself a noob at this.


Using MO over NMM used to be a no-brainer. However, things have changed over the past two years or so since the developer behind MO switched to the NMM team. I don't know how much NMM has changed since then, so all I think to know about it might be wrong by now.

Anyway, if the glitched guards are your only problem right now, just stick to using NMM for the time being. I guess only half of the guards are affected because there are two versions of the stormcloak cuirass, a sleeved one and a sleeveless one, and only one of the two is probably broken for you.

The easiest solution you could try is to disable just the one armor that appears to be broken. Open the hdt-enabled armor mod you are using (I assume it's this one) by clicking

in NMM-> Open folders-> open NMM mods folder-> virtualinstall-> “armor mod”,

then navigate to

meshes-> armor-> stormcloaks

and disable “cuirassm_0.nif” and “cuirassm_1.nif” OR “cuirasssleeved_0.nif” and “cuirasssleeved_1.nif” (rename them or move them to another folder). Then start the game and see if the broken armor is gone. If disabling those meshes does nothing, you're altering the wrong mod. That way, this one variant of the cuirass won't be hdt-enabled, but at least it won't be glitchy anymore, either.

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if it's only happening to the stormcloak guards, then it's likely the sleeved cuirass as I believe they're the only ones who use that variant. (the other guards all use the same mesh as the non-sleeved cuirass so you would see the issue with all the other types of guards if it were that one.)

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My guess would be that the morph file of the stormcloak armor mesh doesn't match the mesh itself.  Make sure you're using all 3 files (_0.nif, _1.nif, .tri) of each armor piece from the same refit set.  I know that Vector's skimpy armor refit for the stormcloak armor is basically a textured underwear while other refits use the full armor.  Mixing those 3 files from different sets tends to cause the issue you have.  It's one of the reasons why I don't use mod managers due to file overwrites.

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Author of the topic Posted

Thank you for all of your help, everyone!

I did a clean re-install of Skyrim and then carefully re-installed the mods that I deemed necessary. The issue seems to have fixed itself as a result. That said, @Dredd, @LuckyHarris, and @KouLeifoh were all definitely right. Due to how specific the issue was, it has to be that I had issues somewhere down the line regarding the sleeved cuirass files. This time I only installed the vanilla refits followed by the HDT skimpy refits, and now none of the meshes seem to be fighting each other.

I can now carry on with my homoerotic fantasy life.

Thank you again!

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