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Question for the future

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I just want to know in the far far future when Elder scrolls VI releases (and if it's still as mod-friendly) will there be an intention to continue SAM into it? Although I only scraped the surface of coding (albeit C# and just starting to tap into C++) I can't imagine how different you need to code for the next installment...

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I keep seeing messages like "Vector kept SAM script sources to himself", but in reality script source has always been available. It's in scripts/source folder waiting for you to explore.

Снимок экрана 2019-11-28 в 16.33.16.png

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The issue for me has always been the closed source for the ShapeAtlasForMen.dll SKSE plugin.  I'm under the impression that it's owned by B3lisario and isn't publicly available.  That's what led me to develop the RaceMenu morph plugin as an alternative.

With regards to the future and ES6, modding Skyrim (and modding in general) has always been my escape that I find enjoyable.  I plan on carrying that fervor into ES6 whenever it's finally released.

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6 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

The issue for me has always been the closed source for the ShapeAtlasForMen.dll SKSE plugin.  I'm under the impression that it's owned by B3lisario and isn't publicly available.  That's what led me to develop the RaceMenu morph plugin as an alternative.

With regards to the future and ES6, modding Skyrim (and modding in general) has always been my escape that I find enjoyable.  I plan on carrying that fervor into ES6 whenever it's finally released.

Of course i will follow your update too. XD

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