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Posts posted by KouLeifoh

  1. BodyGen itself is unstable in the older versions.  It seems to be fixed in v0.2.8+ and I haven't had an issue with it enabled since then.  You can still use BodyMorphs and manually apply them to NPC's though.  Just make sure the BodyGen templates don't exist in the data\meshes\actors\character\BodyGenData folder.  I forgot which version it was, but RaceMenu had a bug where disabling BodyGen will also disable BodyMorphs.

  2. If you have other mods that use BodyGen morph templates (like XPMSE), use BodyGen 2 option in my installer to avoid conflicts.

    Once BodyGen generates morphs for specific NPC's, changes to the templates will not affect them.  There's a tool for clearing morph data on Oldrim SKSE co-saves to force BodyGen to generate new morphs.

    On SE, it might be harder or easier depending on how you look at it.

    • open \Data\SKSE\Plugins\skee64.ini, set bEnableBodyMorph and bEnableBodyGen to 0
    • load game and then save game (SKSE co-save is now smaller due to all morph data being cleared)
    • make changes to BodyGen templates
    • open \Data\SKSE\Plugins\skee64.ini, set bEnableBodyMorph and bEnableBodyGen to 1
    • load new save to see changes

    This method seems easier to me since it doesn't involve an external program.  NiOverride for Oldrim, on the other hand, doesn't have the bEnableBodyMorph setting since it's enabled by default.

  3. Samson/Samuel morphs using the 0-100 scale is actually treated as a multiplier.  A morph value of 100 would be 1.0.  Since SAM uses the 0-100 scale, I kept that same scaling for the sliders.

    It's not possible to enforce a variable restriction on BodyGen values.  You can only list the possible morph values.  Anything extra needs to be done in a script.

  4. SAM Light Texture Add-on

    Custom skin textures I created for SAM Light for personal use.  It's reached a point where I feel it's ready for everyone else to use.  These textures are for human races only.

    Each texture set is custom made and meant to be used together.

    Hand and feet textures include fingernails/toenails and are meant to be used with hand/feet meshes from SAM High Poly Conversion.

    Face textures include high quality ears and no problematic seams commonly found in the back of the head.


    Diffuse Maps

    • created from various photo references
    • slightly saturated and mainly tailored for Nords
    • skin tone might be off for non-Nord races
    • includes body hair options
    • optional tanline body
    • available in 2k (uncompressed)

    Normal Maps (_msn)

    • baked from high poly models and blended with skin pores for extra details
    • face maps use vanilla maps as base and blended to remove neck seams
    • available in 4k and 2k (uncompressed)

    Specular Maps (_s)

    • designed specifically to highlight fine skin pores while not being overly glossy
    • available in 4k and 2k (compresed and uncompressed variants)

    Subsurface Maps (_sk)

    • effect is subtle in Oldrim but much more noticeable in SE
    • created from diffuse maps
    • available in 1k (compressed and uncompressed variants)

    Face Complexion Maps

    • custom-made complexion maps
    • rough maps are freckles and age maps are sharper and appear younger than vanilla
    • certain NPC's may look different due to age complexion
    • available in 1k uncompressed (RGB 64:64:64)

    If using a mod manager, just follow the installer.  The quality 4k options are meant for screenarchery, but they're usable for general gameplay if you have a capable system.

    Manual Installation

    • 00 Diffuse
      • textures in _bodyBase, _hands, _head folders are required
      • choose one body texture from _bodyDefault (normal body) or _bodyTan (tanline body) folders
    • 01 Normal
      • textures in _hands and _head folders are required.
      • choose between 2k body (_body2k) or 4k body (_body4k)
      • optionally install texture in _headCustom folder for custom head texture
    • 02 Specular
      • Quality: pick one body texture from _body2k or _body4k folder, then install all textures in _quality2k folder
      • Performance: install all textures in the _performance2k folder
    • 03 Subsurface
      • Quality: install all textures in the _quality1k folder
      • Performance: install all textures in the _performance1k folder
    • 04 Face Detail
      • optional for custom face complexion maps

    What about SAM (full)?
    Due to the vast amount of normal maps used, I decided to only support SAM Light since it uses only one set of normal maps.  The other maps can be used for SAM, but some editing is needed if you want the genital textures.

    Please do not modify and share without my permission.

    Credit goes to Vector for the creation of Shape Atlas for Men.


    • Like 6

  5. On 1/3/2019 at 9:59 AM, nemiens said:

    I assume those other SAM (separate) DB, DG, and Vanilla refit files aren't needed anymore, right?

    That's entirely up to you.  My refits have the high poly body/hand/feet meshes included in the refits where needed.

    On 1/5/2019 at 9:37 PM, boo said:

    I've identified a few issues with weight causing the chest to get pinched with physics enabled.

    That's a known issue.  Vertex weight painting isn't my strong suit.  Ideally, the problematic vertices need to be weight blended with nearby vertices, but I'm still learning how to do this properly.

    On 1/6/2019 at 6:21 AM, Kestrel said:

    where i can find 4k texture for body/hands/head?

    I'm not aware of any 4k textures that are (publicly) available for SAM.  Most of the time, 2k textures are fine.

  6. The recent update includes my own personal vanilla refits for high poly SAM.  The biarheart body mesh and USLEEP/USSEP mesh changes were not included.  The biarheart body requires a drastic mesh edit for the heart area and most of the USLEEP/USSEP changes removed normals from the skin mesh (not an issue for SAM).  I plan on refitting vanilla rings and amulets at a later date.

    Due to the size of the update (493mb), there may be issues with the download.  It took me a couple of tries to successfully upload it.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks! 3

  7. On 12/17/2018 at 9:38 AM, Ulfberth said:

    Recently i've found a issue with sliders like spine, pelvis left thigh and right thigh not being saved after you load the game (samson and samuel sliders do fine). Is this something you can do about or it's racemenu's fault itself?

    It's a bug with RaceMenu SE 0.2.12 (specifically skee64).  I haven't looked at the source code yet, but there seems to be a parsing error in the way skee64 serializes morphs/transformations to be saved when a game save is made.  It doesn't save morphs/transformations that use keys that end with .esp (my mod uses the key RaceMenuPluginSAM.esp for individual skeleton scaling while scaling from morphs have morph names added to the end of the key).  If I change the key to RaceMenuPluginSAM or even RaceMenuPluginSAM.es, then the transformations will be saved.  XPMSE/CBBE sliders are also affected.  The simple solution on my end would be to change the key, but this will affect existing saves unless I do a one-time cleanup to remove bloat from the old key.


    31 minutes ago, tybi002 said:

    skyrim SE: 1.5.53

    skse64 2.0.9

    racemenu 0.2.12

    thank you

    RaceMenu 0.2.12 is for SE 1.5.62.  Due to version mismatch with skse64, skee64 (part of RaceMenu) isn't loaded.  RaceMenu 0.2.7 is what you can use, but that version has issues with bodygen.

    • Thanks! 1

  8. After looking into it some more, the BodyGen issue is a bug with skse64 alpha 8 that's included with RaceMenu SE 0.2.7.  Disabling BodyGen will also disable BodyMorphs.  I edited my post above to reflect it.

    This bug is fixed in alpha 9 (on github), but that release introduces morph bugs with .nif files that include more than one mesh (morphs applied to pants but not bare body).

    One possible workaround for the current release (alpha 8 ) is to enable BodyGen but don't use any customizations for it located in the \data\meshes\actors\character\BodyGenData\ folder.  Simply renaming the BodyGenData folder (if it exists) to something else should be enough.

  9. 16 hours ago, LittleOrca said:

    There do seem to have a lot of people posting issues with bodygen. It'd be lovely to have a version without that option until bodygen is fully fixed. :) 

    How different is the SAM plugin implementation from XPMSSE's morphs? What I mean is, since XPMSSE's morphs saves and loads fine with BodyGen disabled in skee64.ini, would it be possible to copy that method of implementation? 

    Thanks Kou! Hope the next update can go smoothly :) 

    From what I understand, the issue is the morph key.  Every morph data has a name + key attached to it.  For example, Samson is a morph name and changes made to it have a key attached to that change.  This allows multiple mods to modify the same morphs without conflicting with each other.  By default, morph values with multiple keys will be added together.  XPMSSE uses the key XPMSE.esp for all its morphs while BodyGen uses RSMBodyGen as its key.  My mod intentionally uses the same key as BodyGen to allow the players to change those morph values rather than create new ones.  In one of the recent updates to RaceMenu SE, the way BodyGen was handled got changed (I suspect it's to fix crashing issues people were having).  If BodyGen is disabled, morphs using the key RSMBodyGen will be ignored when loading a save game.  The simplest fix would be to use a different key, but I need to figure out an elegant solution without having multiple versions of the mod.

    EDIT: RaceMenu SE 0.2.7 (skee64 alpha 8 release) has a bug where disabling BodyGen also disables BodyMorphs.  XPMSSE uses a cloaking spell effect to apply weapon styles and doesn't rely on BodyGen to function.

    16 hours ago, mojito817 said:

    I'm not sure, here's the result I get with those and the hi poly bbp meshes :


    Any idea would be welcome, thanks

    Are you using SOS + assets from SAM (full)?  If that's the case, the genital .nif files must be converted to SE format using SSE NIF Optimizer.  While SE does support Oldrim .nif (mostly), it converts them to SE format internally during gameplay and RaceMenu can't properly access/use this internal conversion for applying morphs.

  10. On 11/19/2018 at 2:11 AM, LittleOrca said:

    I have this installed in Skyrim SE with the latest version of Racemenu 0.2.7. Everything seems to be checking out: meshes fine, textures fine, morph on refit armors fine, racemenu sliders all working fine. 

    Everything seems to be fine EXCEPT one slight problem. The SAM slider setting are not saved... :(

    Basically, every time I load a save, the SAM morph setting are discarded, and everything went back to default. Only with the SAM sliders though. XPMSSE morphs seem to be saving fine. I took a quick look into my game's save files and found that slider changes to XPMSSE are saved in an array while SAM morphs are not? Anyone else encountered this problem or know of a fix to this? 


    From my limited testing, if you disable BodyGen in the skee64.ini file, RaceMenu SE won't load morphs (possibly with the BodyGen morph key) from save files.  I used the same morph key as BodyGen for my mod to allow players to change the values in RaceMenu.  This change must've been recent since the version I developed the mod for was 0.2.4 and that didn't have an issue with it.  For the next version, I may have to create a duplicate tab in RaceMenu that uses a different morph key for players that have BodyGen disabled.  Ideally, it should be done on the same tab, but I'm not aware of a way to dynamically update all the sliders after the tab has been loaded.


    3 hours ago, mojito817 said:

    Wouldn't you, by chance, have created a malegenitals Tri file ? 

    I'd need one usable with the latest skee64 but I can't find nor create it.

    The genitals .tri morphs are included as an optional install in the installer.

    • Thumbs up 1

  11. I spent many hours trying to figure out why the CTD happens when bodygen is enabled (even with a vanilla setup).  It's an issue with RaceMenu SE itself.  Other players who aren't using my mod are reporting a CTD after awhile when bodygen is enabled.  Since the mesh format changed for SE, I figured it may just be how Expired implemented body morphs and the changes needed for bodygen to function.  Body morphs work fine on the player character and other NPC's, but once bodygen is enabled, the game becomes unstable for me.  For now, you can disable bodygen in the skee64.ini file (part of RaceMenu SE) or simply don't install the bodygen option of my mod.

    • Thanks! 2
    • Thumbs up 1

  12. On 9/30/2018 at 7:04 AM, pspcat said:

    Thank you for a wonderful mod.

    Can "Sam Morphs (target)" be applied to a standalone follower?

    It'll work as long as the follower is male and using a playable race.  That condition can be removed from the .esp, but I currently don't have any safeguards in the scripts to check for incompatible skeletons.

    On 10/2/2018 at 4:35 AM, lien said:

    How to Sam Morphs can use for special NPC (Race not regular, such as some NPC of alfottes folower. They beauty:) but i cant use Sam for their body)

    Assuming the custom race is set as playble, you can still use skeleton scaling for them, but for actual morphs, the SAM body is required.  Using the SAM body for a custom race is possible, but it depends if the race is using custom textures (which may not be compatible with SAM body UV).

    • Like 1

  13. Texture options are limited for SAM.  You can get away with using a better diffuse/specular map, but the normal maps matter a lot.  The main reason I shy away from doing a full SAM texture replacer is due to the large number of normal maps it uses (8 weight sets x 3 body parts [body,hand,genital] x 3 races [human,argonian,khajiit] = 72 normal maps).

  14. 52 minutes ago, y_sengaku said:

    Doesn't Sam Morphs (target) work against the elder race (as a non-playable race) male actor? 

    I make this question  just out of curiosity as well as for confirmation, since I've just found that the spell had no effect on Nils of Windhelm (01414b).

    (I know the original SAM already exclude elder males)

    It's a simple condition (GetIsPlayableRace) in the .esp for the spell usage.  Elder race isn't considered playable even though vanilla male armor can be equipped.  I can modify the conditions to add Elder race as a possible target if people really want that option.  I have yet to test Snow Elves since they're technically not playable.

    • Thanks! 1

  15. You're free to modify and upload the morphs.ini/templates.ini files wherever you like.  They don't include SAM assets and were generated with a script in xEdit.

    The body type variations for a specific class would work fine.  The values I initially set were meant as a starting point where anyone can tweak to their own preference.  Keep in mind that once BodyGen applies morphs to an NPC, new values in morphs.ini/templates.ini won't change the morph data unless you manually edit the morphs on NPC, clear nioverride morph data on SKSE co-save, or start a new game.  Unlike skeleton scaling, nioverride doesn't have a function to clear all morph data from every NPC.  I need to find a way to manually do this without putting too much stress on papyrus.

    BodyGen reads the morph data based on load order and mod name.  I only generated a list of all the male NPC's (of playable races) in the base game + dlc.  Mods that add new followers and NPC's like the "populated" series will need to have a similar list.  Since I don't normally touch any of these mods, they will have to be generated by the users.  Maintaining a list of all of them would be too much for me to do.  I can probably clean up the xEdit script I used and share that so you can generate the lists yourself.

  16. I've been slowing going through all the vanilla armor and preparing them for a refitting from scratch.  It's something I've been meaning to do for an integration with High Poly SAM anyway without having to worry about permissions and fixing someone else's refits.

    • Like 5

  17. 16 minutes ago, infiniteone said:

    Ouch, so that racemenu update broke most of the armor on the Nexus and elsewhere for SSE?

    If the morphs were originally exported from Outfit Studio, then they should still work.  That covers basically all female body and armor mods.  Refits for SAM using the old method with Rebol/BodyMorph will need to be updated.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Melesse said:

    One final thing that I just noticed: the BodyGen morphs are all class-based specified values, not ranges. Even the 'random' genital morphs are some specific values. Just to be sure, you are aware that you can specify ranges, like '[email protected]:1.0' in the templates, right?

    That's intentional.  The specific values for class-based morphs are based off of what SAM used.  I expanded that to cover other classes.  I tried setting it to random using the class as a max, but every NPC ended up feeling the same regardless of class.  It kind of defeated the purpose.  Also, a random value in a range will result in a number like 0.123456789.. which looks messy in RaceMenu.  In the case of the genitals, the numbers I listed for BodyGen are the valid numbers I want it to use when picking a random morph.  The foreskin morph has to be a value of 0.0 or 1.0.  Anything in between will show the foreskin partially embedded in the penis (its hiding spot).  Aside from the foreskin, you're free to modify the values however you like. ?

    I figured out what the issue was with RaceMenu SE 0.2.4 and the armor refits.  Support for the older .tri format was removed when skee was updated for optimization.  If you're using the latest SAM Light or High Poly SAM, equip a refitted armor but leave the hands empty.  As you change Samson/Samuel morphs, you can see that the hands will morph but not the armor.  I used the newer .tri format in the latest updates for SAM Light, High Poly SAM, and HDT-BBB.  It's easy to convert the .tri files to the newer format, but it's really tedious.  You basically load the refitted armor in Outfit Studio, load its .tri morph, and then export the .tri morph.  Oldrim can use either format, but it seems SE users will need to use the newer format going forward.

    • Thanks! 1
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