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About MariaKeru

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  1. Hi, this mesh is such a huge improvement! My only issue is something up with the Blades armor. It shows up kind of green in-game for some reason, as you can see in the first screenshot. TESV 2020-08-02 16-17-00-81.bmp The refitted boots and gauntlets and the female armors look normal. I went into nifskope and discovered that the male armor uses a different cubemap than the female, so I changed it to use the same one, and it looks better but still pretty clearly wrong. TESV 2020-08-02 19-30-34-80.bmp Has anyone else experienced this?
  2. Oops, pulling my question out of a review: would you consider making the SAM morphs spells castable on female targets? When I use it on males, I see the UUNP tab available, which makes me think that I could use it to edit a female actor's UUNP morphs in game. I know it's outside the scope of this mod, but if there isn't some deep technical reason why it's impossible, it would be incredibly helpful for debugging bodygen configurations. ** Never mind, I found the condition in the ESP. If this is a terrible idea, I'll figure it out for myself.
    Works like a dream. I'm mad I didn't switch earlier! The bodygen presets also work perfectly. I edited them to offer a range of values for each class archetype and my game is now really diverse. I wish someone had done the same hard work of categorizing all the female NPCs by occupation. One question I had was if the mod author would consider making the SAM morphs spells castable on female targets. When I use it on males, I see the UUNP tab available, which makes me think that I could use it to edit a female actor's UUNP morphs in game. I know it's outside the scope of this mod, but if there isn't some deep technical reason why it's impossible, it would be incredibly helpful for debugging bodygen configurations -- there really don't seem to be a lot of tools that help with this.
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