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ft. GB

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  1. View File Tera Armors Collection for SAM Please read this, it's very important. This is a pack with 64 Armors from Tera. Every armor comes with 4 parts: a helmet (invisible in most cases), a body part, gloves and boots. There is an issue with gaps in every single one of the armors: when body part is equipped alone, you get wrist gaps and calf gaps. When the whole set is equipped with 4 parts all together, then the gaps disappear (in most cases). You can see this in the screenshots. Out of 64 sets: 44 are revealing and work as intended, 7 are revealing and still have wrist gaps, 1 has unweighted vertices in body part (I don't even know what that means), 1 has a bug with the right hand glove, 11 are NOT revealing and work as intended. There is a READ ME file inside that shows the status of every set and in which file it's in. So, this is not perfect, it has some issues. If you play as an argonian or khajit, you'll have bug in armors that have exposed hands/fingers. You'll definetely have some clipping if you use something like 100 Samuel + 100 Samson. The file is like a BETA version, and probably the only one to ever exist, since this is as far as my refitting knowledge goes. There is a Cut version and a Foreskin version. I guess I don't have to explain the difference between them, right? The file is hosted on Mega. This is a combination of 3 different mods, so it is a heavy file. I did not create any of this, I just refitted for SAM. All you need is already there. I think you guys won't have any problem with the download. And this is it. I hope you'll give it a try. Enjoy! 😉 Submitter ft. GB Submitted 06/08/2020 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Please read this, it's very important. This is a pack with 64 Armors from Tera. Every armor comes with 4 parts: a helmet (invisible in most cases), a body part, gloves and boots. There is an issue with gaps in every single one of the armors: when body part is equipped alone, you get wrist gaps and calf gaps. When the whole set is equipped with 4 parts all together, then the gaps disappear (in most cases). You can see this in the screenshots. Out of 64 sets: 44 are revealing and work as intended, 7 are revealing and still have wrist gaps, 1 has unweighted vertices in body part (I don't even know what that means), 1 has a bug with the right hand glove, 11 are NOT revealing and work as intended. There is a READ ME file inside that shows the status of every set and in which file it's in. So, this is not perfect, it has some issues. If you play as an argonian or khajit, you'll have bug in armors that have exposed hands/fingers. You'll definetely have some clipping if you use something like 100 Samuel + 100 Samson. The file is like a BETA version, and probably the only one to ever exist, since this is as far as my refitting knowledge goes. There is a Cut version and a Foreskin version. I guess I don't have to explain the difference between them, right? The file is hosted on Mega. This is a combination of 3 different mods, so it is a heavy file. I did not create any of this, I just refitted for SAM. All you need is already there. I think you guys won't have any problem with the download. And this is it. I hope you'll give it a try. Enjoy! 😉
  3. It's fine, mate! Your guide has helped us a lot! 😉 And thanks for the quick response. This .nifs You're reffering to, where do I find them? data/meshes/actors/character/character assets perhaps? I tried that already and It looked odd... as if It's not even there. I'm having another issue with hands and feet parts of armors when they are small/short and they do not cover it all. I'm having a gap between the SAM body and the hand part with a small glove/sleeve or the foot part with a small shoe/boot. Did I make myself clear? I've uploaded two images of the Tera Armors I'm currently trying to refit in Outfit Studio showing this. Unfortunately, I don't know how to take a picture in game without the printscreen key. Some of my keyboard's keys are not working properly ever since I've spilled beer on it... So, any thoughts?
  4. Hello I'm having a problem with fingernail's textures and toenail's textures in [SE] SAM Hi Poly Hands and [SE] SAM Hi Poly Feet files, respectively. The textures are missing, I guess. In game, they do not appear, they're purple...
  5. Wow! I managed to do a refit! I'm almost ashamed that it is not so good like the ones I've seen in the NSFW Screenshot showoff thread, but it is a start... Thank you for your guide! It's great and really helped! And I have a question: if I wanted to refit a female only armor to my male character, I would have to modify the esp too? Right? What do I have to do exactly and how? I wanted something like this https://skyrimscandal.blogspot.com/2017/01/full-metal-bikini-mark-ii-unp-diana.html (I won't put a screenshot of a half naked woman here, don't worry guys) and I know it's a dificult one because of the codpiece (much patience needed) and the high heels (I'm not really into high heels... plain boots are best!)
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