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SAM for SE

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@infiniteone Hello and thank you for your modding effort. 

As long as SAM-based works (derivatives of any of its assets, technically speaking) don’t get uploaded anywhere other than VectorPlexus.com website, it’s perfectly okay.

You can also use “Downloads” section of the website if you feel your mod is mature enough. 

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4 hours ago, infiniteone said:

I think something may be wrong that skyrim isnt reckoginzing it while nifskope is

The structure isn't right.  You should only have one root node (NiNode "SAM").  Also, when you copy over a mesh, you should only copy the NiTriShape node, not its root node.

I made and attached the base template for "SAM Light" that you can use.  It works fine in-game, but the UV layout has not been touched.  You will have to adjust that as well as the textures yourself.  To make swapping between nude/non-nude easier, I set SAMUnderwear Alpha to 0 instead of deleting the mesh entirely.  When I have time, I'll upload my own version of SAM Light along with texture changes and HDT options.


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1 hour ago, KouLeifoh said:

The structure isn't right.  You should only have one root node (NiNode "SAM").  Also, when you copy over a mesh, you should only copy the NiTriShape node, not its root node.

I made and attached the base template for "SAM Light" that you can use.  It works fine in-game, but the UV layout has not been touched.  You will have to adjust that as well as the textures yourself.  To make swapping between nude/non-nude easier, I set SAMUnderwear Alpha to 0 instead of deleting the mesh entirely.  When I have time, I'll upload my own version of SAM Light along with texture changes and HDT options.


Thanks so much man!  :)

my next attempt was to make a single ninode and only bring over the nitrishape node, but I did include also the other bits in the next branch up, I got a CTD on game load lol.  So all I can bring is the nitrishape? what about the bones and other bits that tie in the hkx anims and such?  Im going to look at your nif now, thanks again man!  This is my first nif merge in case you couldnt tell lmao >.>

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As a rule of thumb, you should first copy all the missing bones that your current mesh uses before copying the mesh itself.  Outfit Studio simplifies a lot of the process, but I like to do it manually with NifSkope to have more control over what gets copied.

If you're testing all of this in SE, you have to convert all the .hkx files in the Data\Meshes\Auxbones folder to 64bit first, otherwise the game will crash.


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9 minutes ago, KouLeifoh said:

As a rule of thumb, you should first copy all the missing bones that your current mesh uses before copying the mesh itself.  Outfit Studio simplifies a lot of the process, but I like to do it manually with NifSkope to have more control over what gets copied.

If you're testing all of this in SE, you have to convert all the .hkx files in the Data\Meshes\Auxbones folder to 64bit first, otherwise the game will crash.


Yarrr, I had converted all the hkx files already a while back when I was using SAM-light no schlong, they also animate the underwear sack.   Looking at your nif I can see how badly I ported things over lol, im glad I made a bunch of mistakes though since ive learned a bunch.   Thanks for the guidance :D Now my custom followers and races can have custom skins and bodies, with sos schlongs and sam too

Oh I posted an issued over on github about bodygen in racemenu


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21 minutes ago, Felio said:

In the BSDismemberSkinInstance of the genitals block? (Partitions>Partitions>Body Part)? 

I think the problem was that I merged the two nifs terribly wrong, I brought over too many things and it was a mess lol.

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17 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

As a rule of thumb, you should first copy all the missing bones that your current mesh uses before copying the mesh itself.  Outfit Studio simplifies a lot of the process, but I like to do it manually with NifSkope to have more control over what gets copied.

If you're testing all of this in SE, you have to convert all the .hkx files in the Data\Meshes\Auxbones folder to 64bit first, otherwise the game will crash.


Thanks again man, your nif works great, I tried to do one again and f'd it up some how lol, I've got to run through a few more merge tutorials, and see if I can get that outfit studio running.  The last time I tried it didnt work because there was no SAM stuff for it, but that's back now right? I think ive seen it recently.

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I could not get SAM to work like Better Males until I stumbled on this post... Seems if I replace the underwear with the genitals and set the genitals to the 32_body partition, I can get the genitals to show up in game, but they are not using the texture assigned. Then I read that somebody dragged the UV map to the belly of the malebody texture as kind of a work-a-round for the time being, but that got the wheels turning in my head. I came up with an idea based on this that works like a charm! It is for some reason being forced to use the malebody texture instead of malegenitals. To sort this out, I opened up the malegenitals_1.dds and shrunk it down to 20% of its size, copied it and pasted it into the malebody_1.dds on a new layer, and moved it into one of the unused portions on the malebody_1 texture. Then I did the exact same process for the normal map and got malegenitals_1_msn and 20% sized it, pasted into EXACT same spot in malebody_1_msn as I did with my diffuse texture. Want the normap map of the schlong to be in the exact same spot. Then I opened malebody_0.nif and malebody_1.nif in nifskope, right click the genitals, go texure, then edit UV. You will need to shrink the penis shaped UV to the same size as the penis texture you added to malebody_1.dds, then drag that UV until everything lines up, voila, you tricked the penis into being textured. If anyone needs any help with this, let me know.

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On 2/12/2018 at 11:48 PM, Doomspell said:

I could not get SAM to work like Better Males until I stumbled on this post... Seems if I replace the underwear with the genitals and set the genitals to the 32_body partition, I can get the genitals to show up in game, but they are not using the texture assigned. Then I read that somebody dragged the UV map to the belly of the malebody texture as kind of a work-a-round for the time being, but that got the wheels turning in my head. I came up with an idea based on this that works like a charm! It is for some reason being forced to use the malebody texture instead of malegenitals. To sort this out, I opened up the malegenitals_1.dds and shrunk it down to 20% of its size, copied it and pasted it into the malebody_1.dds on a new layer, and moved it into one of the unused portions on the malebody_1 texture. Then I did the exact same process for the normal map and got malegenitals_1_msn and 20% sized it, pasted into EXACT same spot in malebody_1_msn as I did with my diffuse texture. Want the normap map of the schlong to be in the exact same spot. Then I opened malebody_0.nif and malebody_1.nif in nifskope, right click the genitals, go texure, then edit UV. You will need to shrink the penis shaped UV to the same size as the penis texture you added to malebody_1.dds, then drag that UV until everything lines up, voila, you tricked the penis into being textured. If anyone needs any help with this, let me know.

Thats similar to what I did, however, I took the diffuse and made it 4k x 4k size, then the gaps provided enough room to add the schlong texture, attached is a .png to show you, I did the same with the _msn.dds, _s.dds, _sk.dds files. but afterwords I shrunk those back down to their original size, leaving the main tex diffuse at 4k.

This wont really work for argonians or the katz because their tail takes up room, however, if you're slick with the UV you can just use their stomach texture to wrap the peener and forget the schlong texture on those for now.

I almost went the route of SOS and took the feet off to make the extra room for all, but I figured why bother?  As soon as SAM or SOS comes out for SSE then we'll have a new setup to work from and all those texture changes will be useless,  from that point we can all use a single method to layout UV and have a lot more textures to share with each other here.

Attached is the shrunken (nonusable) main diffuse texture I made to show you where I put the schlong lol  since I made it 4k it doesnt really loose any fidelity in relation to the body skin, you cant tell the schlong texture was shrunk when viewing in game.


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4 minutes ago, infiniteone said:

One thing ive not figured out yet though is how to increase the size of the meat and potatoes, since there's no .esp like in the SOS, I guess it must be done in nifskope?

You can make a universal change by modifying the skeleton itself.  The exact formula is found in the function UpdateSchlongNiOverride() of the SAM_QuestScript script.  Just remember not to use a modified skeleton while doing refits.

I found a good spot for the genital on the body texture that's compatible with all playable races and conforms to the 2nx2n dimension.  My version of SAM Light has been uploaded to the downloads section along with texture options and a texture layout template for your own custom textures.  HDT support for SAM Light will be added to my HDT BBB mod later once I settle on my HDT-SMP settings and finish writing an installer script for it.


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10 minutes ago, KouLeifoh said:

You can make a universal change by modifying the skeleton itself.  The exact formula is found in the function UpdateSchlongNiOverride() of the SAM_QuestScript script.  Just remember not to use a modified skeleton while doing refits.

I found a good spot for the genital on the body texture that's compatible with all playable races and conforms to the 2nx2n dimension.  My version of SAM Light has been uploaded to the downloads section along with texture options and a texture layout template for your own custom textures.  HDT support for SAM Light will be added to my HDT BBB mod later once I settle on my HDT-SMP settings and finish writing an installer script for it.

Sweet!  I will test that right away, thanks Kou! :D

I have been loath to test the new HDT SMP since its hidden behind a registration wall on a foreign website, plus they keep dropping new versions too.   I hear there will eventually be a custom cache for it, and more fixes, ive not tested it yet but have followed along somewhat.   I do really miss seeing the booty and moobs swish swish tho! lol...

Edit: I will check out the skeleton for the schlong size bits, and dig into that script some, thanks for the tips.

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20 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

You can make a universal change by modifying the skeleton itself.  The exact formula is found in the function UpdateSchlongNiOverride() of the SAM_QuestScript script.  Just remember not to use a modified skeleton while doing refits.

I found a good spot for the genital on the body texture that's compatible with all playable races and conforms to the 2nx2n dimension.  My version of SAM Light has been uploaded to the downloads section along with texture options and a texture layout template for your own custom textures.  HDT support for SAM Light will be added to my HDT BBB mod later once I settle on my HDT-SMP settings and finish writing an installer script for it.


Thanks for the upload. I too will test it and let you know if I run into any issues. 

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So far the only issue I have found is there is a seam behind ears around the back of the head when using bald or shaved hairstyles. Other than that, works great. The dick size is perfect for me as well. ;)

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On 2/14/2018 at 2:15 AM, KouLeifoh said:

You can make a universal change by modifying the skeleton itself.  The exact formula is found in the function UpdateSchlongNiOverride() of the SAM_QuestScript script.  Just remember not to use a modified skeleton while doing refits.

Looking at that function it seems to edit 7 branches?  So, we'd have to put the same scale changes to all seven of them?  I admit I did try this several days ago before seeing your post and reference to the function, it changed in nifskope but not in game, so I suppose the problem was I needed to edit all of those for any scale or translation to be visible in game?


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On 2/16/2018 at 6:05 PM, jayshaydo said:

So far the only issue I have found is there is a seam behind ears around the back of the head when using bald or shaved hairstyles. Other than that, works great. The dick size is perfect for me as well. ;)

That's an issue with the default SAM textures.  I included them for completion sake and keeping SAM Light compatible with other SAM textures.  Personally, I'm using my own custom textures, but I did toy around with the idea of upscaling SAM textures to 4k and enhancing their details by adding visible skin pores while also reducing texture seams.  That seems out of the scope for SAM Light though.

9 hours ago, infiniteone said:

Looking at that function it seems to edit 7 branches?  So, we'd have to put the same scale changes to all seven of them?  I admit I did try this several days ago before seeing your post and reference to the function, it changed in nifskope but not in game, so I suppose the problem was I needed to edit all of those for any scale or translation to be visible in game?

The biggest change is done on the scaling for NPC Genitals01 [Gen01].  The scaling for the other bones is for the general shape like taper.  You can mostly ignore them unless you care about fine tuning the shape.

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1 hour ago, KouLeifoh said:

That's an issue with the default SAM textures.  I included them for completion sake and keeping SAM Light compatible with other SAM textures.  Personally, I'm using my own custom textures, but I did toy around with the idea of upscaling SAM textures to 4k and enhancing their details by adding visible skin pores while also reducing texture seams.  That seems out of the scope for SAM Light though.

The biggest change is done on the scaling for NPC Genitals01 [Gen01].  The scaling for the other bones is for the general shape like taper.  You can mostly ignore them unless you care about fine tuning the shape.

Yeah Ive mashed up my own custom textures inside sam-light too with things ive found, better feet mesh and texture, smooth pretty faces, plus I smoothed out all the Elven races so they dont look like emaciated cave daemons.

Thanks again for the tips!  I will try and edit that in the skeleton, the meat just needs to be a bit bigger for the animations to look proper. :) I have over 11k FNIS animations installed lols

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On 19/02/2018 at 4:26 AM, infiniteone said:

It worked, I only made it ever so slightly larger. :D



Is this regular skyrim? how on earth did you get the character looking so perffff?

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12 hours ago, andizzzzy said:

Is this regular skyrim? how on earth did you get the character looking so perffff?

No, its Skyrim Special Edition, im using near 300 mods, and full enb too hehe :D

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