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Windows 10??

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The only problem there was under Windows 10 was that 32-bit apps could only use 4GB of VRAM max, even if your gpu has more than that. The Fall Creators Update fixed that, so there are no donwsides to using Win10 anymore, really.

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On 1/16/2018 at 6:00 PM, Dredd said:

The only problem there was under Windows 10 was that 32-bit apps could only use 4GB of VRAM max, even if your gpu has more than that. The Fall Creators Update fixed that, so there are no donwsides to using Win10 anymore, really.

That's only partially true, for one its only vram they fixed, a 32bit DX9 app is still an old cludgy thing by this point.  That said, if you dont plan to mod Oldrim too much you should be fine, anything more than a small amount and it will lag lag lag.  I always play with 200+ mods and custom stuffs, have not been able to play Oldrim since the Windows 7 days lol... I totally tried again in windows 8, 8.5, and 10, no go, unplayable, unstable.

You could dual boot win7 if you want to play old games made for it, or better yet, you can get Skyrim SE, its modern 64bit and DX11, with way better mods that are active and current.

EDIT:  well... that is except for SAM! lol  although we're very close to having that, just waiting for the bodygen feature to be added to racemenu, that and some minor code refactoring in SAM are all that remains.  Plus Vector has hinted he had far grander plans for SAM but Oldrim was incapable of handling it, so the eventual full SAM for SSE may be in orders of magnitude superior.   Kou has put a SAM-light up for us in the downloads section too which works great, its missing some things but at least the guys look yummy :)

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13 hours ago, infiniteone said:

That's only partially true, for one its only vram they fixed, a 32bit DX9 app is still an old cludgy thing by this point.

That's exactly what I said, they fixed the VRAM issue. In terms of system RAM, 4GB is the hard limit of 32-bit programs, so there's nothing to fix in that sense (except for Oldrim's shitty memeory allocation, which is fixed by the SKSE memory fix). To me, 32-bit programs didn't feel more stable or faster on Win7 than they do on Win10, but I don't have any hard numbers to prove it. I don't think anyone does, really. All we have to go on is anecdotal evidence, and most users report positively on switching to Win10. At least by now, since people were pretty disappointed in the beginning because they were expecting an overall performance improvement that didn't happen, along with the VRAM issue.

 Also, this thread is about OS compatibility, not about 32-bit vs 64-bit programs. There's no doubt that SSE is technically superior to Oldrim, but despite the advancements you named, we're still not where we need to be to suprass Oldrim's current capabilities imo. I'm most definitely looking forward to the day we get a  full-featured SAMSE though, I can tell you that :P

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