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What ENB do you use?

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 Hello to you all!
      I just wanted to know what ENB do you use and if you don't use an ENB how do you make skyrim look better?
I personally use Kwanon ENB it looks amazing and preforms the best :)

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I used a lot, but I usually stuck with Suki's.

Also liked and often swapped between DMT, Rudy, CubBorne, Antique Dragon, and the Jyggalag Grim and Somber preset. Probably more than those that I've used, but I've only got Special Edition installed right now.

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Author of the topic Posted
1 hour ago, Chompy said:

Oh Snapdragon is another one that I used! And it's really not too much of a hassle to switch if you use the manager. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4143/?


1 hour ago, Cyrus said:

i'm currently using Snapdragon. I find the process of switching out ENB's quite tedious so I haven't tried too many :D

I use the manager that Chompy suggested. I really like that it can backup the ENB preset and save it to a different directory without getting rid of the current ENB set up. I use Kwanon however I really like Lens flares and the effects of them I used DAKAH ENB but I hated the look of it but the lens effects were really nice like the ENB raindrops lens effect and the frost shader on the lens .

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I've tried dozens of ENBs. Weirdly, the more presets I try out, the less I'm satisfied with any of them :P My top three are TAZ, SnapDragon and Grim and Somber Jyggalag, each with their own pros and cons. 

Grim and Somber Jyggalag is easy to install and can look amazing at times. Looks better indoors than outdoors to me, though, and the whole sepia look gets old kind of quickly, anyway. What's worse, there are no tweaking options and its performance has gotten surprisingly bad.

SnapDragon can look amazing, but you have to keep tweaking it all the goddamn time and there are just too many options :S I decided to ban it from my computer for a while because it started to frustrate me quite a lot, actually. Just like with G&S, there's something slightly off with the outdoor lighting, but I can't put my finger on it. Getting the contrast just right is hard for me, too. Most of the time, it's either a little too dark or too bright. Performance is good as long as you deactivate the DoF.

TAZ has been my favourite preset for years now and it's the one I keep recommending to everyone. The outdoor lighting in particular simply looks SOOO GOOD. It's crisp, hits a great balance between cool and warm, doesn't crush details in dark areas while maintaining a sufficiently high contrast and makes colours pop without oversaturating them. Unfortunately, it has absolutely zero tweaking options and it hasn't been updated in forever, either. The real problem, however, is that it lacks variety compared to other presets, which is pretty much the only reason I keep looking into other presets at all. Performance impact is okay, I guess. Could be worse.

My dream ENB would feature SnapDragon's variety and customisability paired with the overall look and feel of TAZ. One can always dream.

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38 minutes ago, Dredd said:

TAZ has been my favourite preset for years now and it's the one I keep recommending to everyone. The outdoor lighting in particular simply looks SOOO GOOD. It's crisp, hits a great balance between cool and warm, doesn't crush details in dark areas while maintaining a sufficiently high contrast and makes colours pop without oversaturating them. Unfortunately, it has absolutely zero tweaking options and it hasn't been updated in forever, either. The real problem, however, is that it lacks variety compared to other presets, which is pretty much the only reason I keep looking into other presets at all. Performance impact is okay, I guess. Could be worse.

My dream ENB would feature SnapDragon's variety and customisability paired with the overall look and feel of TAZ. One can always dream.

I used TAZ too back in time, the coloring is just amazing, that blue Sky.. maaaaan :D

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Author of the topic Posted
50 minutes ago, Dredd said:

I've tried dozens of ENBs. Weirdly, the more presets I try out, the less I'm satisfied with any of them :P My top three are TAZ, SnapDragon and Grim and Somber Jyggalag, each with their own pros and cons. 

Grim and Somber Jyggalag is easy to install and can look amazing at times. Looks better indoors than outdoors to me, though, and the whole sepia look gets old kind of quickly, anyway. What's worse, there are no tweaking options and its performance has gotten surprisingly bad.

SnapDragon can look amazing, but you have to keep tweaking it all the goddamn time and there are just too many options :S I decided to ban it from my computer for a while because it started to frustrate me quite a lot, actually. Just like with G&S, there's something slightly off with the outdoor lighting, but I can't put my finger on it. Getting the contrast just right is hard for me, too. Most of the time, it's either a little too dark or too bright. Performance is good as long as you deactivate the DoF.

TAZ has been my favourite preset for years now and it's the one I keep recommending to everyone. The outdoor lighting in particular simply looks SOOO GOOD. It's crisp, hits a great balance between cool and warm, doesn't crush details in dark areas while maintaining a sufficiently high contrast and makes colours pop without oversaturating them. Unfortunately, it has absolutely zero tweaking options and it hasn't been updated in forever, either. The real problem, however, is that it lacks variety compared to other presets, which is pretty much the only reason I keep looking into other presets at all. Performance impact is okay, I guess. Could be worse.

My dream ENB would feature SnapDragon's variety and customisability paired with the overall look and feel of TAZ. One can always dream.

I've used SnapDragon before and I loved it! However my computer was like WTF are you doing to me man!     I want to try Taz and you can always drag the items from the Taz enb series folder to SnapDragon and switch the features around I did that with DAKAH and kwanon to get the lens effects i like when I used COT. I just copied the "weathers" list but changed the values under the particular weather.ini file to get the same look as in Kawanon. In other words it's very possible :)

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