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Do anyone have Better Feet mod for SAM?

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Do anyone have Better Feet mod for SAM? Default SAM feet textures are looking really bad, anyone still have it? Please PM me if you do have it. Also Pubes Textures for SAM would be cool.

Thanks in advance!

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18 minutes ago, Darnexx said:

Oh, well I only know the one from Ixum.. :D 

Do you have it? Or you mean the one you posted?

Thanks anyway for your help, I did find some from followers from Nexus ;)

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16 minutes ago, Luke2987 said:

Do you have it? Or you mean the one you posted?

Thanks anyway for your help, I did find some from followers from Nexus ;)

I have the one from LoversLab. Dunno if Ixum is still here, may you wanna ask him on Nexus.. :'D 

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So just as a heads up Ixum and his work are not a good topic here. He not only told Vector to go kill himself but pushed at him to do so one day when he and Vector were talking on steam and vector was having a hard time with some things in his life. That is why Vector disappeared for a long time a few years ago. It is also one of the things that sparked a lot of trouble between him and Lady M from HoT. Vector for good reason did not want Ixum using his work after the way Ixum had treated him and things did not go well from then on out with Vector and some things on HoT. I will not go into any more detail than that since that is for Vector to post,  but I wanted at least this little bit out there. With that I would ask for any contact that people do have with Ixum to keep it away from this site and please never direct him here. Even though I am sure he knows of the site.

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Not a lot of people do. I did not mean any thing bad by my post mind you. I just wanted to give people a heads up that Ixum is a bad subject when it comes to Vector because of the way he treated Vector.

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I know what you mean crafty. As someone that has had a lot of thoughts of suicide I know just how bad they can be. Ixum is not a good person at all and he really showed how tasteless he can be when he did what he did to Vector. I just wanted to let people know what happened so no misunderstandings happen here dealing with Ixum.

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Same here. Depression is a very common thing to go through when you're LGBT. I don't understand how someone could ever do that to someone, it really makes me sick.

Thanks for the warning about Ixum, I know to avoid him in the future now. (Not that I was even in contact with him before)

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Well, I still like Ixum, even tho I don't know him much, I like him for Mods, not for him as Person.

Everybody has his good and bad side. Telling someone to kill themself is a big no go for sure.

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I'm just going to give a quick step on this, because while I have no reason to want to save Ixum's name, it would be wrong from my part, if I didn't corrected what happened. He did not directly said "go kill yourself", although what he said was equally agregious considering the context. Here is a very brief (but accurate) recount of the facts:

  • Me and Ixum friended over HoT and then on steam
  • Ixum asked me to go skype with him over voice, and I said sure. After we started talking he started making sexual advances at me, saying that he wanted to suck my cock and stuff.
  • I wasn't really into sex-voicing in skype, and specially with someone who I had just met, so I tried to divert the conversation. As time went by his voice got increasingly slurred, and the conversation became quite awkward so I told him, ok, let's wrap it up and end it here.
  • A few days went by and I started to feel bad about what happened, specially since Ixum did not talked to me after that. I said Hi on steam, and he said he didnt recalled anything about the skype conversation. I asked him a favour (I needed to export some DDS and I was working on Mac at the time so I couldnt export DDS).
  • He said he would do it BUT only if I went on Skype... Obviously I was not delighted by the thought of having to endure yet more unwanted sexual advances, and the fact that he was "blackmailing" me only made it worst. I ended up asking Hymnaru to convert the DDS for me, and while I did it, I totally ignored Ixum, because I was busy talking to Hymnaru.
  • During that brief period he started to get a bit abrasive and said things that while I can't quite remember what specifically was, it annoyed me, but I didn't replied back.
  • After that episode I started to feel bad again (I have Social Anxiety Disorder) and was pretty much in the gutter, and Ixum went silent on me again.

After a few days, I decided to say "Hi" again... I wish I never did... I have lived with depression ever since I was 6 years old, and started wanting to die at that age. I had 2 pretty good almost successful suicide attempts back before college, and ended up in a coma on both times.

  • When I said "Hi" to Ixum again, he asked again to go to Skype, and being the idiot that I am, I went. His voice was slurred (again) and he started being judgmental about me, and about why I couldn't have handled the trolls on Nexus and about my online disappearances. I started crying on Skype, and immediatly hang up the call, because you know... I don't want ppl to see/hear me crying...
  • After that I went on Steam to apologize for having hanged up the call so abruptly, and said:

"Sorry, sometimes I get really depressed, and lose my will to live..."

to which his reply was:

"You're a shitty shit" (and other shit/crap related insults)

While I frequently think about wanting to die and/or killing myself, there is never anything that will be able to push me over the edge. This did. The next weeks were pure hell, I couldn't even get out of bed, and I told this story to some ppl, which included LadyMoiraine, Hymnaru and lxlhunter. My relationship with LadyMoiraine went down the drain, because her only concern was SAM, and she even accused me of asking Hymnaru and lxlhunter to remove their mods from their site, when I did no such thing. The whole reason why I ended up removing SOS from Nexus was to avoid harassment, and I went on HoT feeling it would be a place where I could be in a peaceful state of mind. Obviously LadyMoiraine doesn't care about that, all she wanted was to have her ego stroke by the traffic SAM was bringing to her site.

Anyway yes, now you know first hand my account of the facts... I also did a PDF document that is 25+ pages, that relates in much more detail everything, and since I could no longer trust LadyMoiraine at that point, I almost only communicated with her via mail, where you can see her intentions, and even lies. My poop is worth more than her word and you can also have a good grasp from past events, that she only cares about herself... To be honest I sometimes envy selfish ppl, I wish I could be more selfish sometimes, The reason why I never removed my mods from her site, was because I didn't want ppl who were ignorant about this whole thing, to have to pay for the loss of my mods. I could have done it yes, and believe me I really wanted to, but not at the expense of everyone losing access to something that is already sparse, specially where I had nowhere to host them. So the only thing I could do was to abandon everything. I didn't abandoned because I no longer cared, I abandoned due to the behaviour of Ixum and LadyMoiraine.

VectorPlexus AKA "Selfish Unstable Piece of Shit"

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I gave you a warning, and you know why... Initially I applied a 30 days restriction, but I removed it... don't let it happen again please. I want to trust people, but its actions like yours that lead me to grow more distrustful, and its one of the reasons why I'm mostly absent from the site and even Discord now.

If you don't know what respect means, maybe you are in the wrong site.

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First off, thanks for sharing your Story man.

It wasn't cool from Ixum to have these sexual actions against you, mostly after you clearly did not seem to response to it.

And it's sad to hear that you have suicide thoughts, I have a friend, she has depressions since she's young aswell, because she lost her dad in young ages.

I know a bit how depression can be, switching your Mood from good to sad in one moment. She did try killing herself aswell, I tried convincing her a whole day, but she was ready to do it.

So I started to accepte it, since I don't know how people feel in such situation, I've sad down on the bed and watched her walking to the Bathroom, thinking about the moment to walk in and finding her. GLADLY, she did not do it at the end, very happy about that.


I'm also glad you stayed strong over the years, even tho I don't know you. Not because of the Mods you've made, more about the fact that nobody should be called names or whatever. Telling someone to kill themselfs is the worst you can say in my eyes, I disslike that a lot. Even tho he did not directly said so.

All I can say is stay strong, it does worth living, even tho it's not easy. :) 

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6 minutes ago, Vector said:


I gave you a warning, and you know why... Initially I applied a 30 days restriction, but I removed it... don't let it happen again please. I want to trust people, but its actions like yours that lead me to grow more distrustful, and its one of the reasons why I'm mostly absent from the site and even Discord now.

If you don't know what respect means, maybe you are in the wrong site.

Ehh what? I don't know what I've done, no. What are you talking about? :o 

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Also I appreciate your kind words ofc. I wish I could say I stay strong, I'm unable to, but... I survive. And that's the main reason why I sometimes disappear... I start feeling increasingly depressed, sad, and feeling that I'm to blame for everything and I'm a horrible person (yay for social anxiety...)

Anyway, I just wanted to clear it because I didn't wanted people to get the facts wrong. Ixum doesn't deserve it, but I take great pride in truth and honesty, so I would be complicit if I didn't corrected the record.

Let's not talk about this anymore, at least not in this thread because is out of context. I may in a near future do a more detailed thread about it, not because I want to have drama, but because I want the record to be straight, specially considering recent events regarding sexual harassment coming from the US.

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depression and social anxiety is something i know all to well, a pathetic bully like him only makes things worse and to be honest, you're more mentally stable then he is,  you struggle but try to do good and put smiles on peoples faces (SAM make a lot of us vary happy ;)), anyway, i agree,  lets try to forget the past.

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Hey @Vector thank you for sharing your story! Sometimes depression and anxiety can really run your life and make things appear to be a lot worse than they are  - and also sometimes things are just bad. It takes so much strength just to get out of bed, or just to walk outside, but you remember that when you do those things you are showing immense strength and fighting your depression! You may think you're not strong enough but to eyes of thousands you have the strength of a bull. You have a very special place in the world that's unique and only yours and nobody and nothing can take that from you. Lean on us as much as you can, Vector!!

You are an amazing creator and any modding community should feel very proud to have you personally!

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On 11/30/2017 at 6:23 AM, Korgerrim said:

So just as a heads up Ixum and his work are not a good topic here. He not only told Vector to go kill himself but pushed at him to do so one day when he and Vector were talking on steam and vector was having a hard time with some things in his life. That is why Vector disappeared for a long time a few years ago. It is also one of the things that sparked a lot of trouble between him and Lady M from HoT. Vector for good reason did not want Ixum using his work after the way Ixum had treated him and things did not go well from then on out with Vector and some things on HoT. I will not go into any more detail than that since that is for Vector to post,  but I wanted at least this little bit out there. With that I would ask for any contact that people do have with Ixum to keep it away from this site and please never direct him here. Even though I am sure he knows of the site.

    WTF are you serious!  There is always so much drama in these modding communities.

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On 12/25/2017 at 4:36 PM, Vector said:

I'm just going to give a quick step on this, because while I have no reason to want to save Ixum's name, it would be wrong from my part, if I didn't corrected what happened. He did not directly said "go kill yourself", although what he said was equally agregious considering the context. Here is a very brief (but accurate) recount of the facts:

  • Me and Ixum friended over HoT and then on steam
  • Ixum asked me to go skype with him over voice, and I said sure. After we started talking he started making sexual advances at me, saying that he wanted to suck my cock and stuff.
  • I wasn't really into sex-voicing in skype, and specially with someone who I had just met, so I tried to divert the conversation. As time went by his voice got increasingly slurred, and the conversation became quite awkward so I told him, ok, let's wrap it up and end it here.
  • A few days went by and I started to feel bad about what happened, specially since Ixum did not talked to me after that. I said Hi on steam, and he said he didnt recalled anything about the skype conversation. I asked him a favour (I needed to export some DDS and I was working on Mac at the time so I couldnt export DDS).
  • He said he would do it BUT only if I went on Skype... Obviously I was not delighted by the thought of having to endure yet more unwanted sexual advances, and the fact that he was "blackmailing" me only made it worst. I ended up asking Hymnaru to convert the DDS for me, and while I did it, I totally ignored Ixum, because I was busy talking to Hymnaru.
  • During that brief period he started to get a bit abrasive and said things that while I can't quite remember what specifically was, it annoyed me, but I didn't replied back.
  • After that episode I started to feel bad again (I have Social Anxiety Disorder) and was pretty much in the gutter, and Ixum went silent on me again.

After a few days, I decided to say "Hi" again... I wish I never did... I have lived with depression ever since I was 6 years old, and started wanting to die at that age. I had 2 pretty good almost successful suicide attempts back before college, and ended up in a coma on both times.

  • When I said "Hi" to Ixum again, he asked again to go to Skype, and being the idiot that I am, I went. His voice was slurred (again) and he started being judgmental about me, and about why I couldn't have handled the trolls on Nexus and about my online disappearances. I started crying on Skype, and immediatly hang up the call, because you know... I don't want ppl to see/hear me crying...
  • After that I went on Steam to apologize for having hanged up the call so abruptly, and said:

"Sorry, sometimes I get really depressed, and lose my will to live..."

to which his reply was:

"You're a shitty shit" (and other shit/crap related insults)

While I frequently think about wanting to die and/or killing myself, there is never anything that will be able to push me over the edge. This did. The next weeks were pure hell, I couldn't even get out of bed, and I told this story to some ppl, which included LadyMoiraine, Hymnaru and lxlhunter. My relationship with LadyMoiraine went down the drain, because her only concern was SAM, and she even accused me of asking Hymnaru and lxlhunter to remove their mods from their site, when I did no such thing. The whole reason why I ended up removing SOS from Nexus was to avoid harassment, and I went on HoT feeling it would be a place where I could be in a peaceful state of mind. Obviously LadyMoiraine doesn't care about that, all she wanted was to have her ego stroke by the traffic SAM was bringing to her site.

Anyway yes, now you know first hand my account of the facts... I also did a PDF document that is 25+ pages, that relates in much more detail everything, and since I could no longer trust LadyMoiraine at that point, I almost only communicated with her via mail, where you can see her intentions, and even lies. My poop is worth more than her word and you can also have a good grasp from past events, that she only cares about herself... To be honest I sometimes envy selfish ppl, I wish I could be more selfish sometimes, The reason why I never removed my mods from her site, was because I didn't want ppl who were ignorant about this whole thing, to have to pay for the loss of my mods. I could have done it yes, and believe me I really wanted to, but not at the expense of everyone losing access to something that is already sparse, specially where I had nowhere to host them. So the only thing I could do was to abandon everything. I didn't abandoned because I no longer cared, I abandoned due to the behaviour of Ixum and LadyMoiraine.

VectorPlexus AKA "Selfish Unstable Piece of Shit"

       So I know people have stated on here not to talk about this however, I'm a student of psychology and I've been interesting in the why behind the reasons people do things. As far s this interaction with Ixum goes (who hoever the hell that maybe it's the guy that does lame presets on the nexus and does weird  Xvideos of his "Sexploits in Skyrim."  What this seems to be is someone trying to be very controlling, or at emotionally manipulative.  Vector you and a particular person connected because of your many mutual interest it seems that at one point in time you had some resemblance of respect for him however when you interacted with this person you saw that they were trying to push things in a particular direction that you didn't want to go or weren't ready to go. He violated your trust, said terrible things about you to hurt you, to get you to publicly acknowledge him and what he was saying about you, he wanted to make you do what he wanted and you refused.

It's  a terrible thing when you trust in people and they violate that trust. It's good  that you value trust, it's good that you want to make connections with people just be careful and stand firm on what you will and will not do having a friend  to talk to is less important than your own well being. I think that by creating this site like you did and making the choices that you made to protect your creation you took some steps to acknowledging their violation against you.  I don't know if you still think this way: "somehow I caused them to behave this way" I hope not. But  If you don't know yet with interacting with other people  their actions rest with them, their thoughts, their emotions, and motivations are isolated from your own.

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