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trying to adapt 3D bodyhair to main mesh

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I was trying myself to add them to malebody mesh using nifskope (so all males have it automatically).... but I think because it's equipment it doesn't seem to work.... but don't know how I could fix it... 

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Don't use Nifskope, use Outfit Studio. Otherwise the hairs, not sharing the body's morph data, will clip and disappear inside larger bodies.

The reason they don't work is because of body slots. This is also easily fixable in the Partition tab of OS. Once you're done you can build the body, although the 3d hair will not appear under any of the refits, but only when naked, because each outfit replaces the body with its own mesh.


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This would take a lot of time to explain step by step, but there is this guide explaining how to refit armors for different SAM bodies and versions, I think it's possible to modify your base body just the same way, just as if you were trying to convert an armor. Without forgetting the part about the partition Draspian mentioned in the process.

Good luck to you, I didn't know anything about converting an armor before myself but succeeded following this guide.

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Mostly it's just file editing since the chest hair is already refitted.

1. Find the .nif_0 for the body hair you want to add. Example: SAM_Chest_hair_0.nif. Open it, find BSTriShape and expand them all. Find this nistringextradata (ignore the HDT one at the top) right click > block > removebranch. Only need to do it for _0.nif in this case. Ignore the _1.nif. Save and exit.




2. Get bodyslide and outfit studio then, Go here and download the optional Weight 0 to 1 Caliente Tools. Add them to your bodyslide folder. 

3. Continue from step 3A and 4A of this guide

4. On Step 4A, you are selecting [SE] Sam High Poly HDT. Open it in outfit studio by clicking the button as pictured in the guide. 

5. In outfit studio, go to Slider > Export Tri Morphs and export it somewhere you can access it later. It doesn't matter what you name it. For these instructions, we'll call it Body.tri.

6. Go back and find the .nif you saved at first step. Drag and drop it into outfit studio window.

7. Now, go to Slider > Import Tri Morphs and find the .tri file for the bodyhair you chose. (Example: If we chose SAM_Chest_hair_0.nif , we will import SAM_Chest_hair.tri.)

8. After you import this, most of the sliders will be deleted. But we can get them back again. Import the Body.tri file we created in step 5.

9. All the sliders will be there again, everything should be functioning when you move the sliders. 

10. Not done yet. All the slots need to be switched to 32. The 3d body hair has multiple parts to it, you need to select each part and go to the Partitions tab and change Type to 32. Then click "Apply"



11. File > Save Project. (Part C on guide). But in the end it should look like this before you save it, and click the "to project" button before you hit save. (display name can be anything, but output file name and output data path must match this exactly)



12: close and reopen bodyslide so that the list updates with your new saved project. Find the project in the list. Drag "Weight 0 to 1" slider under High Weight to 100%. Then tick "Build Morphs" box at the bottom left corner. Then Press the Build button.




It will make three files for you: malebody_0, malebody_1, and malebody.tri and add them to wherever your bodyslide is putting your files. Overwrite your male body with these files.

Keep in mind this will only work on nude body. Once you equip any slot 32 outfit, you won't see any hair.

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Yes.. for SAM Light it would be the same steps. For SoS it would be using just the genitals instead of the whole body, and slot 52 instead of 32.

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Author of the topic Posted

ok.... how about the virtual butt, legs, penis, etc.... that the malebody has now?

edit: just tried it as is ... and it works great.... exactly as planned.... so guess those virtual nodes are not really needed.

Many thanks again!!

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lol, honestly I forgot about those. I think it's for hdt collisions

it's easy to fix. open body slide, and open a brand new outfit studio (lower right button)

drag in the original malebody_0.nif (the unedited one, with all the virtual parts) and then drag in your edited malebody_0.nif with the bodyhair

delete the extra SAM body parts ending with _2 in the meshes list (example: SAMBody_2, etc)

import your malebody.tri file, then import the original malebody.tri file which came with the unedited body

everything should be moving regularly with the sliders. if so, go to file > export to nif, name it malebody_0.nif and keep it somewhere. go to slider > export .tri morphs, export malebody.tri and keep it in the same place.

repeat process with malebody_1.nifs, except you don't need to make another .tri file.

by the end you should have malebody_0.nif, malebody_1.nif, and malebody.tri, use these instead of the earlier ones


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Author of the topic Posted

the 0 to 1 weight slider does not act normal.... wavy patern somehow....

edit: when I deleted the normal sam body parts and renamed all the _2's... the problem was solved....

again many, many thanks!

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Author of the topic Posted

it's the same result as frima did, but it's automatically on all males... so no equiping needed....

maybe a dumb question (and this goes even beyond the original mod).... but feeling bold now I learned a little more about bodyslide and outfit studio:

is it anyway possible to match the body hairs to the hairs of each npc using BS and OS?

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