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ft. GB

[NSFW] Revealing Tera Armors for SAM

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I hope this explanation is not too long and boring. I'm not a native english speaker myself, so please don't mind my mistakes. Here it goes.

I'm currently refitting the Tera Armors for SAM and I'm nearly done. Only a few left to refit. I'm working on the Revealing ones, that is. I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in this file, since it is not a new conversion for Skyrim anyway, and it basically consists of bare asses and swinging cocks in armors to fool around. I know I'm interested in that! 😅 

Short story is that I really like SAM and this forum, and I think many people here gave their contribution and I wanted to leave a contribution too! And I really did not like when this situation ocurred: somebody posted a screenshot here with a reffited armor for SAM (that I sure would like to have it in my game too) and another user asked for the file, and the reply would be negative due to permission issues or whatever reasons. I'm really not judging anybody, I'm just saying I was sad whenever I saw this happen.

So, I started working on the refits with Air's [Guide] Refitting for SAM (thank you, Air, for your guide, it really helps) and I got confident and thought I could do this! It sure looks promissing, and I would like to share it here, but I need some help and opinion, because I have some issues. I've never done such a thing, never asked for permission on converting any mod, never uploaded a file and I'm definetely not that outgoing of a guy. I'm still a virgin in the modding world. 😇 So I'm asking for aid on this quest. Somebody with more experience than me and willing to help me. A man. A willing man. An experienced man. A man who would be patient. And gentle. And kind to me. And would teach me things. Things that I thaught I would never be capable of... Hahaha Ok, that's enough! I made my point.


My issues are:

1 - Permissions - I used this mod as basis https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5227  It is a port to SSE from SLE by a different author. On the description, it says that the first author "gave" permission. It is a Nexus file. The textures are outdated and not that good, but then I used this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29398 with upscaled textures. It really improves it. This textures file I think I could tell people to download it and install it and then install the conversion file I did, so It wouldn't be necessary to ask for permission from this author or something like that, but I don't really like the ideia of relying on another mod for mine to work, it could be updated, changed... Anyway, ok, then I used this mod https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1267-sos-tera-male-armor-conversion-for-sos/ which is a Schlongs of Skyrim SLE file on Lovers Lab that I ported to SSE.

So I used 3 different files for the conversion to work as it is. What do you guys think? I've never done something like this, ask for permission and stuff. I know that some users don't even reply, don't see the message. Maybe I'm making a drama out of this, and uploading the file would be just fine. But I really do not want to get in trouble with anyone and having to take the file down once uploaded. 


2 - Gaps in a few armors - I asked for help in Air's guide, he sure helped me and updated the nail textures for the sliders, but I think that this is like a "project" now or something like that (to me, it is at least), so I thaught that creating it's own thread would be best. All of the sets comes with 4 parts: a helmet, a body part, gloves and boots. The gaps occur on wrists and calfs, and this happens with every single one of the armors. But this happens only when you equip the body part alone! When you equip the whole set with the 4 pieces all together, the gaps magically disappear! And you get a nice and smooth and beautiful Tera Revealing Armor conversion for SAM😉 Well, unfortunately there are a few armors that I just couldn't make it work... I really don't know if the way I managed to work this around is the right way, or the best way to do this, but it sure solved the issue on most sets. The hand part and the feet part kind of "overwrites" (I really don't know if this is the right choice of word to describe it) the body part with the gap, and the gaps are gone! Just like that. I'm gonna upload screenshots of these on outfit studio and what I did to work this out. I really don't know if this is the best way to solve the issue, but, as I sad, I'm really not experienced in modding at all. And if I have to tweak with the .esp of the file, well, I'm screwed. I don't even have the creation kit installed. So if someone is willing to help me, please send a word! I think it's best to send the file for someone to take a look and see what seems to be the problem, if it is something with the esp or what. (And hope that my file doesn't break somebody's game or melts down his computer or something)

The first example is Rysio Cuirass, I left part of the SAM body used as reference in Outfit Studio both on hand parts and boot parts and this solved the problem with the gaps. I did this in all the sets that had a small/tiny glove or boot, like this one, and it worked out in the majority of them.


The second one is Castanic Hunter Cuirass. I did the same thing, but it did not solve the problem on the wrist gaps. The boot part is a good example for all the armors, because it is a long boot, as most of the armors have long boots and long gloves, so I didn't have to leave a SAM body part on these pieces of armors to solve the gaps problem. The glove part and boot part were already big enough to make the gap disappear.


I have yet another tiny issue and it is not related with the file itself. I can't take in game screeenshots right now to show you guys what's happening, because some of my keyboard's keys are not working properly (print screen is one of them) ever since I've spilled beer on it... 😩 but I bought a new keyboard (with water resistence) and it should be here by the end of the week. I had to remap my keyboard to take the screenshots...

And that's that! Finally! I don't know if anybody is still reading this huge text that I ended up writting, I sure did not succeed in being brief.

Best wishes to you all! And if someone is willing to help me, please send a word! The part where I said that patience was needed is true! 😄

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Permission is somewhat tricky. I usually check their pages and see their last activity (besides adding friend, because apparently that’s an automatic process). If they’re still active, I would send them a PM asking for a permission. But generally, if the page of the mod gives permission to use the assets, I would probably just go ahead and refit anyway cuz I believed that they’re probably okay with it anyway xD people who forbids redistribution of their assets, 99% of the time, would wrote it in big, bolded, caps-lock, letters to ensure people get the message lol (though that’s far and few in between; but not rare I mean hello Tarshana)

I kinda use common sense in this too; since we’re talking about Tera armors. I’m pretty sure EnMasse gave the okay to use their assets for free in Skyrim so I doubt anyone making derivations from them are morally allowed to withhold permission to use their derived assets. (I’m not actually sure what the moral grounds for this tbh). 

In any case, I personally would just go ahead and publish; and take down the files if the author did reply back and doesn’t want their (derived) assets being used by others. 

As for your second question, that’s eerily similar to my first experience making armors. 

Check your armor in game. Wear it, take a screenshot. Then take it off, console to racemenu, change your weight and change your samson/samuel sliders. Then wear the armor again, then take a screenshot. Now compare the two screenshots. If the body stay the same, but the hands and feets shrunk/enlarged (accordingly to the weight); that means your armor has the same ‘size’ for its low weight and high weight. This happens when the outfit in bodyslide has the weight sliders still at default at the time it’s being Built. To fix this, simply slide the left pane (low weight) slider for “Weight 1 to 0” to maximum, but kept the right pane zeroed (and everything else). That will tell Bodyslide to ‘shrink’ the armor to Weight 0 for low weight version; but left it at full weight at weight 1.00. This is also assuming you conformed the armor to the “Weight 1 to 0” slider in Outfit Studio. 

If that’s not the case, then I don’t know lol 

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Author of the topic Posted

Hey, dude!

Thanks for the reply! It really matters to me to have somebody's opinion! And not just anybody, but YOU! I really like your skimpy refits! I use them all in my game!

I guess you're right, and I'll just post it anyway and see how it turns out. 😉

A quick update on the file:

It is a total of 64 outfits

42 are working properly - they have the gap issue when only body armor is equipped, but when the whole set is equipped, then it's just fine 🤩

7 have the wrist gap - I did what I could, but I just don't have the knowledge to solve it 😌

1 has a bug with unweighted vertices on the body part -  I don't even know what that means! Hahahaha It sure is buggy in game... 😆

1 has an issue with the right hand glove: an outter part of the glove is out of place, it's in the center of the glove. I tryed the "move vertice" tool on outfit studio, but I just couldn't solve this problem... 😓

13 are just not revealing to begin with, so maybe I'll just leave them out of the file... or refit them and let the dick slip through the pants... 😬

As I said, I can't take in game screenshots right now due to my keyboard issue, but I'll be able to in a few days. It is rather difficult to explain the issue without a proper screenshot.

The refits sure are not as good as some of the refits posted here, but I hope some of you, guys, like them! 😊

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Tera armor already old and from beginning tera armor always free permission from asianboy ( original author ). Just do it and post it. Besides this is not Nexus. Their shit drama useless here. Lol

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Tera always gorgeous. If someday you release it i can release my textures too remaster in 4k. For now kind useless release it because we have no refit available.


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Author of the topic Posted

Hey, dude!

Growing expectations around this! Nice! I just hope it won't disappoint you guys...

Well, I finally finished the refits! I don't really know the size of the textures, but the file has 3 GB... I wonder how much time it will take to be uploaded...

Anyways, I was learning how to make my character pose for screenshot and stuff, toogle the hud off for this, freeze time... I think I managed to do that just fine.

I'm uploading the file later today, so look forward for this!

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On 6/4/2020 at 12:54 AM, Don said:

Tera always gorgeous. If someday you release it i can release my textures too remaster in 4k. For now kind useless release it because we have no refit available.


@Don Tentation......

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Author of the topic Posted

I've just found out that you can't upload a file here larger than 200 MB. The file has 3 GB. And there are 2 of them, since there is a Foreskin version and a Cut version.

I've took out the textures, and the files have now 208 MB. I took out some non revealing armors of them, so now the files have 176 MB. And I still cannot upload this, because it fails every time I try to.

So, now I do have a problem. I already tried to split everything up and it still fails...Error.thumb.jpg.39c882ca64afce198462fa5935dc84bd.jpg

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On 6/7/2020 at 7:44 AM, ft. GB said:

I've just found out that you can't upload a file here larger than 200 MB

Actually, the limit for non-Authors is always 100MB/file (Cloudflare upload cap). We have special uploading instructions for Author group members.

Update: this no longer holds true. Upload limit for a single file has been raised to 1GB, up to 2GB of available storage in total for Members. Those numbers are somewhat tentative and could be changed depending on resources available. Authors aren't currently affected by those limits. As before, there are no requirements for applying for Author group.

To upload items as big as 3GB, you can either contact me privately or upload it somewhere else (Google Drive seems to be the preferable option) and add the download URL via "Linked Files" feature:

Снимок экрана 2020-06-07 в 08.06.29.png


Note that due to CDN limitations, some members around the world may experience network issues downloading bulk files off the site, so outsourcing those to 3rd party hosts may be your best bet.

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You could always only upload your refitted meshes (the Meshes folder only) and let other people download the textures from the original mod. That way, the original uploader gets endorsements/download counts/any other statistics that helps their works get the recognition. If you edited the textures yourself, you might want to upload JUST the textures itself separately so people can have a choice between using the older textures or your edited textures. This also helps people who have already had the original Tera Armors mod not to download another gigabytes worth of textures they already have xD

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Author of the topic Posted

So I don't really want to use my Google Drive for this. And I don't want to bother anyone with this either. I'm no author and not about to become one. I just wanted to give a contribution here with some refits. And for us to live in a happily ever after world with lots of green grass, and rainbows, and candy, and glitter, and raining men...

Ok, so I'll be using Mega to host it. It allows you to upload 50 GB for free. I'll try that and hope it works. Fingers crossed here! 😉

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4 hours ago, ft. GB said:

So I don't really want to use my Google Drive for this. And I don't want to bother anyone with this either. I'm no author and not about to become one. I just wanted to give a contribution here with some refits. And for us to live in a happily ever after world with lots of green grass, and rainbows, and candy, and glitter, and raining men...

Ok, so I'll be using Mega to host it. It allows you to upload 50 GB for free. I'll try that and hope it works. Fingers crossed here! 😉

We are waiting !

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9 hours ago, ft. GB said:

So I don't really want to use my Google Drive for this. And I don't want to bother anyone with this either. I'm no author and not about to become one. I just wanted to give a contribution here with some refits. And for us to live in a happily ever after world with lots of green grass, and rainbows, and candy, and glitter, and raining men...

Ok, so I'll be using Mega to host it. It allows you to upload 50 GB for free. I'll try that and hope it works. Fingers crossed here! 😉

Indeed looking forward to this 😊😊

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I read you mention " unweighted vertices  ". What armor ? maybe i can help fix it. This is important because can lead some ctd. Unweighted vertices in skyrim kind dangerous.

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Author of the topic Posted


Yeah it's Gildhorn Cuirass.

The path to it is meshes/teraarmorsM2/Highelfl19

Armors status and paths, all of this is written in a READ ME file inside. This is what looks like in game.461709766_TheElderScrollsVSkyrimSpecialEditionScreenshot2020_06_06-03_10_57_34.thumb.png.f508871e2566bde5a893ae0a185071a9.png

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