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Files posted by Keldaryth

  1. Guards Armour Replacer - SAM Full Refit [LE]

    This is a Legacy Edition SAM refit of NordwarUA's Guards Armor Replacer. You WILL need to install the original mod for this to work - then install my mesh refits over the top - all I've done is refit the meshes for SAM and package them up. This replacer assumes you're using the full Guards Armour Replacer mod, which requires all DLC and USLEEP.
    Unlike a lot of other mods, this isn't designed for the player, although you can certainly get and wear the various armours. What the original mod does is give all the guards from the various holds of Skyrim unique armour sets, each reflecting the culture and history of the hold. I find it's wonderful for immersion, but unfortunately wasn't compatible with SAM, so... I fixed it. Eventually.
    Credits to:
    NordwarUA for the original mod and for permission to convert ElderVerK for advice on refits I am aware there are some minor clipping issues when moving, and some of the light armours are problematic when guards are at larger body sizes - even deleting vertices there's only so much I can do on those ones. There's also a chance you'll find a random naked guy in the great hall at Windhelm. That seems to be an issue with the original mod. Just give the guy some armour using whatever method you prefer--or enjoy the view. Feedback and screenshots welcome - I'm getting better at them, but it's still not my forte.
    Please feel free to convert to SE if you like. I do not have it and will not be able to convert it myself.


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  2. Gannicus Modular Armour - Full Morphing Refit for SAM

    I've always been a fan of Hoamaii's Gannicus set, and have been using Kyoshii's Samson refit for ages, but I don't really play at Samson 100, so... I tweaked it, now that I sort of know how.
    All of the following pieces have been refitted in Bodyslide and Outfit Studio, most for HDT enabled bodies:
    - Subligaria (underwear - 2 versions) - slot 32 (body)
    - Pauldrons, right shoulder alone or both shoulders - slot 58.
    - Arena Belt - slot 52
    - Leggings: right, left or both legs - slot 53
    - Boots: suede boots or Caligae (Roman boots enclosed in sandals) - slot 37 (feet)
    - Greaves (protecting lower leg) - slot 48
    - Plate Gauntlets - slot 33 (hands)
    - Leather Bracelets and Mixed Gauntlets (plate on right hand, leather on left) - slot 59
    - Cod Piece - slot 49
    You'll need the original file as these are mesh replacements only. Install that first and install this over the top.
    There is also an issue where the right legging cannot be improved at a workbench. This is an issue with the original file and Hoamaii does have plans to fix that eventually. 
    If you want your leather armguards and mixed gauntlets to show up in first person mode, you'll need this mod (seriously, how have I not known about it forever. It answered so many questions). The first person items fix works with LE and USLEEP. First person still suffers from the wrist gap issue, but I've minimised it as best I could.
    With thanks to Hoamaii for the original mod and for the permission to refit, and to Kyoshii for the original refit (also, if you only play at Samson 100, his does look better).
    Again, screenshots are not my thing. If you get better ones, please send them to me so I can upload them


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  3. Revealing Thieves Guild Armour - SAM Refit

    Before I found SAM, I played largely with the Revealing Thieves Guild Armor - assless chaps version, and I always wanted a version of this with SAM. Even if not for me, just for the view in the Ragged Flagon. But I could never make it work until Air posted his amazing guide (thank you), and now I have this.
    There's a bit of clipping around the collarbone, which I may be able to fix, but I'm not sure. And it should work with both Samuel and Samson morphs. 
    Replaces Standard, Variant and Guildmaster Armours (as seen in screenshots)
    First time making a mod, so hopefully this'll work. It's a mesh replacer only, so will work with whatever textures you have installed (if any), and you'll find the armour everywhere you normally do in game. I also only have LE and probably won't be getting SE, so... if you like it want to convert it go right ahead. 
    Thanks and enjoy!
    (Also, I suck at screenshots, so if you have better ones let me know) 😀


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