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[COCO] Scarlet Rose SAM Light Refit 1.0.0

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6 Screenshots

About This File

About this mod:

I hate stockings. Also I learned how to refit amulets without crashing the game lol

There's a revealing and a normal version, non-hdt.

You can get the armor trough the AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer or by crafting it under the Elven Smithing perk.



COCO Scarlet Rose - CBBE-TBD-UUNP SE  - for original textures, then delete the meshes folder and overwrite the .esp with mine (hard requirement)

SAM High Poly Conversion - for HP body (hard requirement)



Use your mod manager or just drop the files into Skyrim Special Edition/Data - and overwrite all files.

To uninstall just remove the files, it shouldn't affect your game at all since it's just an outfit, just make sure to unequip it before removing the mod.


Known Issues:

- The neck piece was reffited to the race I use (COR), so I don't know how it'll look in different races.

-  If you use extreme Samuel/Samson there'll be probably some clipping with the stockings.


Credits and Special Thanks:

Daymarr/COCO for the original Scarlet Rose Outfit

air for the SAM Reffiting Guide

KouLeifoh for High Poly body

VectorPlexus (duh)

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