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presets to companion ?

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Hello, i would like SAM presets, preferably from Ixum's :x to invite a companion Mod, there is a mod to the Racemenü ?
Can not find anything there

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Author of the topic Posted
1 hour ago, LuckyHarris said:

i really can't understand this question. are you trying to turn presets into followers?

Yes, exactly, ingame would like to change the look of existing followers (Mods), with racemenu presets :)

Thanks @brassknuckles, but is a very large mod with JContainers support, could be heavy and prone to error to script ... :|



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here's a tutorial on how to create follower from racemenu preset. I don't know if it is outdated or maybe theres a better way to do it now, but this is how i do it and it works for me : http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_RaceMenu_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim

since you want to edit an existing follower, you dont need to create a new actor, just load the follower mod into CK as active file and edit the follower's face gen data

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