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  So it has occurred to me that some modders are just jerks.... I had an interaction that caused me to raise a brow and want to send a private message to the author and let them know they should slow down there.... I don't want to hurt feelings  by telling people off but I'm like seriously what is wrong with people.... I don't know if it's the anonymity of the internet that makes them think too highly of their self and gives them their little corner of empowerment and I'm all for that when it's positive you know!

      There is a modder who will not be named that made a new race for skyrim that has it's own unique body mesh that basically makes males look like women (he uses UNP body for men and the SOS UNP addon to make feminine males) ... People were a bit upset that they were only limited to the  armors that the modder included and coludn't wear their own downloaded armor mods so I fixed this and posted the fix for it in two flavors one kept the male's with the female behaviors the other changed the males to having a male behaviors but allowed the race to wear all of skyrims clothing and not just the select armors added/ modified by the mod.

  And the author flipped out playing it down and whatever and saying that I essentially broke the mod. I'm like okay let me calm down before I have to textually cause him rethink his life choices.  I'm like if you didn't make a broken mod I wouldn't have had to make a patch for it, if you gave the end user more armor choices there wouldn't be a need for this, but he gave them like 9 or 10 pairs of blue jeans and hoodies for skyrim... All I did was specify an Armor race where he left out one  because this was what had caused people not to be able to use armor from mods and the base game, I updated his custom race records to keep the custom body mesh and it's other records in sync with the patch I made.

        So I disproved his "omg you broke the mod" with images letting him and everyone see that the patch doesn't break anything or the purpose of his mod  he argued against the pictures and tried to insult my intelligence. I'm like LAWD is he seeing what I'm seeing where are these alternative facts coming from?

   So I let this fool know I'm a gay man, my people invented feminine boys (more or less but you know what I mean!) .... most of the things I create are trans-friendly so I know what I am doing and maybe I shouldn't have sent him snapshots of all the mods I've made on the nexus but he was asking for it when he slammed SAM and SOS bodies  I stated in my reply to his alternative facts reply ... That you can use SOS and SAM to create a feminine young looking man It's up to the person and their knowledge of  esthetics....and left it at that because I didn't want to be trashy .....
 I wanted to reply "I'm so sorry that your imagination, understanding of esthetics, and ability as a modder is limited to having a visual reference." but that is mean and I don't think I'm a mean person.

Pages 8 and 9 ....  I'll probably delete these because I don't normally get into confrontational situations like that with people.... but #I'M_NOT_WITH_HER!  I'm pretty young but seriously even I know how to say no thanks gracefully.   I sent him a PM about the file and told him I posted them in the comments, he or she  was cordial in the PMs but then in the comments it was such a different story I was shook I totally thought I was talking to a different person.


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for what a mod for this? you can use SAM and get much better results. Use your talent to do things for SAM. I'll keep my criticisms to myself, but I think it's no crime for me to say that SAM is superior in so many ways that it's cowardly to quote them all.

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I follow their thread too. I tried their mod before and i don't like it. I want feminin boy. Not female with schlong. They just create Futa with flat chest basically. Female body shape very different with male especially hips, butt, and waist part. I know feminin boy because i like them. But female body for me is not boy. 

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Hmm. I mean its odd. Theres His Mod Where you know (people can download and use it the way he provides) lol "the non broken way" and then theres mods that people make for his mod (seperate download=- seperate author and for people who would like to have a choice) it doesnt break anything if its LITERALLY a separate OPTIONAL download. 

meh. just have a pixel cookie. u cant eat it, use it but ...here. lol. ( i have infinite cookies):P




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Author of the topic Posted
9 hours ago, Sorajmoe said:

Hmm. I mean its odd. Theres His Mod Where you know (people can download and use it the way he provides) lol "the non broken way" and then theres mods that people make for his mod (seperate download=- seperate author and for people who would like to have a choice) it doesnt break anything if its LITERALLY a separate OPTIONAL download. 

meh. just have a pixel cookie. u cant eat it, use it but ...here. lol. ( i have infinite cookies):P




Om nom nom nom   I can pretend to eat with coffee :C 

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Author of the topic Posted
10 hours ago, Don said:

I follow their thread too. I tried their mod before and i don't like it. I want feminin boy. Not female with schlong. They just create Futa with flat chest basically. Female body shape very different with male especially hips, butt, and waist part. I know feminin boy because i like them. But female body for me is not boy. 

  Exactly! Yet the author is like "oooooooo I want the armors to conform to the body I gave them!" I'm like how the body you gave them is way too thick in the hips and buttocks there will be nothing in game that will have those outlandish proportions. And a feminine boy can still use the male body... I just don't understand why he didn't just alter the head mesh and put it on a thin male body and use SOS's Milkdrinker textures and body that would literally solve his issue or hell even SAM with the no body hair option D: LAWD 

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Ehh people can like what they like, you've just got to hope they're mature about things like that especially when they essentially mod someone else's mod then get upset when people do that to their mod.

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Author of the topic Posted
On 1/21/2018 at 8:34 AM, Don said:

Maybe he become mad because someone can make better solution. Other word...better than the author. Lol

I love you xD and need all of your armors, all of your characters just your entire Skyrim Data directory thanks :D

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