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SAM for SE

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Actually, SAM is really unpopular body type than the others in Skyrim, but this is my favorite so I am still using this body type. I see many mods are ported to SE except for complicated mods(Dodge, HDT-PE, etc..) these days. I think those mods also will be ported later as really famous mods. Do you guys think SAM for SE will be released later? I have no idea that SAM author is still playing Skyrim and developing SAM because English is not my first language so I am hardly visit English forum and no one mentions SAM body in my country's all forum. If you guys have any clue for SAM, please share with me.

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Vector has said he plans/wants to update SAM, and I know he's said he has plans to add additional features. He had been busy with his XCOM 2 mod, and I'm not sure what he's up to now.

On the topic of other mods, there have been several dodge mods for SE (here's one: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14512). TKDodge won't be ported soon (probably) because tktk needs help with SKSE. HDT-PE won't be updated, but HDT-SMP has already been.



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Nevermind the fact that the player base tends to lean more torwards straight males who care more about female bodies and would settle for vanilla/SOS male bodies, it all comes down to SKSE64 support.  The mods you listed require SKSE plugins to function.  SAM is no different.  The main thing stopping the current version from functioning in SSE is the lack of a fully functional nioverride plugin for SKSE64.  There's an alpha version of the plugin available, but it's not enough for a fully functional SAM.

I know myself and perhaps a few others are using a variant of "SAM-light" for SSE that's simply a body replacer without the extra features.  I can't stand the vanilla body.

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Also, other than SKSE64 SAM will need a port or a surrogate of niOverride for the texture changing, morph applying and node scaling functions (so yeah, basically all its features). I won't count on seeing it anytime soon.

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On 20.1.2018 at 1:11 PM, Felio said:

Also, other than SKSE64 SAM will need a port or a surrogate of niOverride for the texture changing, morph applying and node scaling functions (so yeah, basically all its features). I won't count on seeing it anytime soon.

Expired is currently working on RaceMenu for SSE, there's even an alpha version available on github. Expired's post on Nexus from 20 November 2017:


Most features have already been ported successfully, the features still missing are Overlays, Bodygen, Sculpting, and Import/Export. However presets will still load with sculpt data and should technically function.

The alpha has not been officially released because I have not gated any of the features that do not work and I don't want to be dealing with complaints regarding those features.

However if you are still determined to try the alpha:
This alpha does not include the base mod, this only includes the SKSE64 plugin which drives most of the features.


I haven't experimented with it yet, but it sounds promising.

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From what I read morphing and body scaling should work, then. If he makes the overlay work we'd be one step further towards SAM-SE (or would that be SESAM? XD)

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I looked at that alpha but havnt tested since I use ECE and they're incompatible apparently.  What is it in racemenu thats needed?  If its just the net immerse override cant that be a separate thing like before in oldrim?  I am using ECE which does have the face mesh editor and all the sliders ya'd ever want so Im not going to bother with racemenu for now.

I was using a SAM light setup for the last year, but recently switched to SOS light so I could test the new sexlab full release beta and porting a bunch of SL mods heheh, all seems to be working great, I was even able to generate fus ra d-oh and it all works, all the MCM menus work too.

I do miss SAM but its got no meat and potatoes >.>

In the current state of things we could do a Full SOSse if someone with source is willing to recompile that one .dll in it, I suppose its possible to use the SAM assets in that too, with some swapping and foot shenanigans lol.

For now im being lazy and going with what works, SOS lite, the full SL beta, and a bunch of SL mods i converted their full versions for SSE.   Everything is working so far, except any mods that have .dll files needing recompile, and possibly they'll need rewritten depending on what the dll is doing and hooking into.

SOSse or SAMse ?  which comes first?

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11 hours ago, infiniteone said:

I looked at that alpha but havnt tested since I use ECE and they're incompatible apparently.  What is it in racemenu thats needed?  If its just the net immerse override cant that be a separate thing like before in oldrim?  I am using ECE which does have the face mesh editor and all the sliders ya'd ever want so Im not going to bother with racemenu for now.

Yeah, the crucial part is NIOverride afaik. Maybe Expired will release a standalone version of NIOverride for SE once he's done with converting Racemenu as a whole. I'm pretty sure he's aware of the demand for it.

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17 hours ago, infiniteone said:

In the current state of things we could do a Full SOSse if someone with source is willing to recompile that one .dll in it, I suppose its possible to use the SAM assets in that too, with some swapping and foot shenanigans lol.

To be fair, SOS full doesn't do body morphs or dynamically change the body textures.  It's simply "SAM light" but with dynamic equipping of genital.  I modified the genital UV for my SAM light setup and it works just fine for me without the need for scripts.  Even the SL stuff works for it.

6 hours ago, Dredd said:

Yeah, the crucial part is NIOverride afaik. Maybe Expired will release a standalone version of NIOverride for SE once he's done with converting Racemenu as a whole. I'm pretty sure he's aware of the demand for it.

Standalone or not, nioverride has already been integrated into that alpha plugin.  Since the mesh system is completely different in SE, the bodygen feature that SAM requires needs to be redone by Expired.

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2 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

To be fair, SOS full doesn't do body morphs or dynamically change the body textures.  It's simply "SAM light" but with dynamic equipping of genital.  I modified the genital UV for my SAM light setup and it works just fine for me without the need for scripts.  Even the SL stuff works for it.

Yeah, this has me wondering why ECE and Racemenu dont team up, seems each side has the others missing bits completed, and yet they're incompatible where they werent in Oldrim.  Though im sure the incompatibility is just a matter of it being beta still.

2 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

To be fair, SOS full doesn't do body morphs or dynamically change the body textures.  It's simply "SAM light" but with dynamic equipping of genital.  I modified the genital UV for my SAM light setup and it works just fine for me without the need for scripts.  Even the SL stuff works for it.

Yeah I agree, thats why I was thinking SOSse might come first, that dll is likely quite simple, and any skse bits used are already available and work out of the box.  It is possible to put SAM assets into it, but you're right, it wont have anywhere near the full features of SAM mod.  Maybe if SAMse is not going to be a thing for a long time thats what we can settle on fairly easily for the time being.

You say you've rigged a SAM light with the meat and potatoes, and it works with SL stuffs?  Would Vector ever allow a SAMse Light upload like that?   I will tinker with it again soon when I decide to bring SAM back into the mix. I had a SAM light setup but it was just underwear, so i didnt bother testing SL stuff with it.

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On 2/5/2018 at 4:54 PM, infiniteone said:

You say you've rigged a SAM light with the meat and potatoes, and it works with SL stuffs?  Would Vector ever allow a SAMse Light upload like that?   I will tinker with it again soon when I decide to bring SAM back into the mix. I had a SAM light setup but it was just underwear, so i didnt bother testing SL stuff with it.

It's not that big of an issue since my custom body textures are 4k and resizing the genital texture to fit on it didn't result in much detail loss unless you like to zoom up really close to it during gameplay.  Permission-wise, I only modified the body nif and textures.  SAM scripts weren't touched and aren't needed for this "light" setup.

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On 2/6/2018 at 8:33 PM, KouLeifoh said:

It's not that big of an issue since my custom body textures are 4k and resizing the genital texture to fit on it didn't result in much detail loss unless you like to zoom up really close to it during gameplay.  Permission-wise, I only modified the body nif and textures.  SAM scripts weren't touched and aren't needed for this "light" setup.

ahh very cool, I see, well I just about killed myself trying out things over the last few days lol.... neeeewb!  Im trying to make a custom race, I got the schlong attached in nifskope and used the separate texture which i forgot wont work... fml... looked great in nifskope, but in creation kit and in game it just repeated the body texture on the schlong and it was sort of stretched out longer than it was in nifskope too.  Cant believe I totally forgot the foot swap thing SOS light used to overcome missing SSE stuff... damn... damn... damn... 2days gone, but I learned some things lol.

So you used a larger texture and left the feet on the main texture just including the schlong tex in it, hmm
how did you get the skin in the right spot on the genitals mesh?  Can that be done from within nifskope?  Or does a new UV map have to be made?

EDIT:  oh I just found the UV edit feature in nifskope lol, just a noob

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Well, I was modifying a body with SOS schlong mesh added already, but it used a separate texture for it, instead I set it to the same texture as the body and moved the schlong into the textures, then moved the UV into position, looks great in Nifskope. 

In game the UV edits from nifskope dont come thru tho, animations do work.   I cant seem to find much relevant stuff around the net, there is one, but its old and not really resolved in a way that helped, regardless its the same UV issue visually.  https://www.loverslab.com/topic/21695-penis-texture-issues-with-sos-light/

The UV map editing from Nifskope wouldnt carry through, no matter how many times and ways I tried... he's also dragging his cock on the ground like a gorilla lmao... I guess the weights are fubar, and the race has black face bug I cant debug, and im usually good at squashing that... So, Im going to dump this and start over lol....ill chock all this up to another learning experience, next time I'll get it. xD  #FailForward

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20 hours ago, infiniteone said:

So you used a larger texture and left the feet on the main texture just including the schlong tex in it, hmm
how did you get the skin in the right spot on the genitals mesh?  Can that be done from within nifskope?  Or does a new UV map have to be made?

I'm using the original layout with the feet texture still intact.  I used 3ds max to move the UV for the genitals to an empty spot on the body texture.  The UV changes must be done for both _0.nif and _1.nif.  With regards to the UV in Nifskope, I only use it to copy the entire UV array from one identical mesh to another.

When trying to have the genital use the same body texture, the best starting point is removing the BSLightingShaderProperty node from the genital mesh and copying the existing one from the body mesh.  Then you can modify the UV accordingly.

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15 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

I'm using the original layout with the feet texture still intact.  I used 3ds max to move the UV for the genitals to an empty spot on the body texture.  The UV changes must be done for both _0.nif and _1.nif.  With regards to the UV in Nifskope, I only use it to copy the entire UV array from one identical mesh to another.

When trying to have the genital use the same body texture, the best starting point is removing the BSLightingShaderProperty node from the genital mesh and copying the existing one from the body mesh.  Then you can modify the UV accordingly.

Well that must have been the issue, I only changed the _1 textures uv. 

I did the same as you I think, I made the diffuse 4k which left ample space for the schlong and left everything else in default location, and it still did fine on the normal & specular too.  I just couldn't have guessed it needed to be both nif sets though..  Thanks for the tip.  I might just use the ECE kit for building a custom race, seems better than what I was trying to convert before.

Im ready for SAMse tho... we have SKSE, nioverried, and all the needed things now, we could at least have the old version functioning as it was by just changing some naming conventions in the scripts.  But it would be nice to evolve it too in some ways.

Can I be allowed in the modder forums here? is there more discussion and work on that there? :D

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Just dropping by to thank the team for your hard work on this. I simply can't play Skyrim SE without SAM. Can we get an ETA on how things are going? Of course, I would love to see advances in future updates, but just having an old version functioning in SE while we wait as infiniteone mentioned above, would make the wait less painful. Or at least having a deadline goal we can anticipate looking forward to. Thanks again.

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9 hours ago, infiniteone said:

Can I be allowed in the modder forums here? is there more discussion and work on that there? :D

There are some useful, old posts, but there hasn't been any activity since my last post there a year ago.

6 hours ago, jayshaydo said:

Can we get an ETA on how things are going? Of course, I would love to see advances in future updates, but just having an old version functioning in SE while we wait as infiniteone mentioned above, would make the wait less painful. Or at least having a deadline goal we can anticipate looking forward to. Thanks again.

At this moment, it's a waiting game for Expired to implement/port the bodygen functions of nioverride to SE.

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Oh I see, yeah, it was about a year for me being away from playing as well.  We are a lot closer now though!  lol

I didnt know that there was still a bodygen dependency tho, that sucks. SAM really was the most advanced male setup for Skyrim back in the day.  Thats what enabled spreading the various body types throughout the realm right?   And being able to edit self/npc in game with the sliders?

D:  So close, yet so far....  This feels like groundhogs day or something....  Im going to try and get that cock in some SAM-light setups, I just have to figure how to add it into the body nif SOS-light style lol, fun game breaking ahead!



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19 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

There are some useful, old posts, but there hasn't been any activity since my last post there a year ago.

At this moment, it's a waiting game for Expired to implement/port the bodygen functions of nioverride to SE.

Progress on SAM--Ultra-Light (without the footswap sos-light method)

Well, I thought I almost had it lol...

I did the following in the malebody_1.nif and the malebody_0.nif

  • deleted the underwear branch
  • opened the genitals nif separately, copied its whole branch and pasted it into the body nif
  • updated its texture to use the body texture
  • edited the uv into position of the genitals on the body texture
  • saved and loaded game

It all looks great in nifskope but in game its just a hole in their crotch. D:

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16 minutes ago, infiniteone said:

I did the following in the malebody_1.nif and the malebody_0.nif

  • deleted the underwear branch
  • opened the genitals nif separately, copied its whole branch and pasted it into the body nif
  • updated its texture to use the body texture
  • edited the uv into position of the genitals on the body texture
  • saved and loaded game

It all looks great in nifskope but in game its just a hole in their crotch. D:

You should either set the AA in the CK to use slot 52 as well or change the slot in the skin partition to be slot 32 (body) I think.

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3 minutes ago, Felio said:

You should either set the AA in the CK to use slot 52 as well or change the slot in the skin partition to be slot 32 (body) I think.

I think slot 52 only works with the skse version of SAM, what we're trying here is an Ultra-light version, like the old Better males days, where its schlong texture is on the same as the body texture and no mesh swapping ever happens. Kou said he had something similar working already.

But I think you're on to something with the slot 32 bit, hmm, im such a noob with this lol... Whats so confusing is it looks perfect in nifskope but in game the genitals are invisible.  I put the genital mesh into the body nif, isnt that setting it at 32 already basically?

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