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Big Request List for Additional Clothing

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Hello! I'm posting a small list of possible articles of clothing for anyone who wants to make these. No one HAS TO make anything on this list if they are not up for it. But for those of you who wanna give it a go, feel free.

-Clothing List-


-Flip Flops(Beach Sandals)

-Bath Robe


-Thong/Bodybuilder's Speedo (if possible with a cute little number pin accesory)

-Swim Trunks(Shorts)

-Greek Toga

-Borat Mankini

-Martial Arts Top and Bottom


-Jeans (regular, bootyshorts, and/or ripped)


-Business Suit & Necktie

-Sleeveless Jacket

That's all, thanks, and have fun!

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The best way is pick some armor and ask author permission. If granted..maybe some refitter will help to refit it. If about skimpy and good one...i"ll be glad to help. Lol. I don't care full armor for sure. You can use full armor without refit directly because no skin or body exposed.

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Author of the topic Posted
20 hours ago, SkyNigma said:

If you weren't aware. Some Free SAM mods are: "El Men's Underwear + SAM Patch which you can find on here." and some sexlab conversions.

Yes, I'm aware. I have them! But thank you for the suggestion.

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On 21/11/2017 at 9:38 PM, SkyNigma said:

Like this?



On 21/11/2017 at 11:08 PM, SkyNigma said:

Indeed. Only tip I can give is, know who to make friends with on here.

Stop teasing me T_____T 

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I guess this thread might be the best spot to ask, not sure, but does anyone have a copy of the default but revealing blacksmith armor (its pretty much just the apron :P )

I remember there was one someone did it back on HoT but I lost it will a bunch of things when my HDD died recently
If anyone has a copy and is willing to share it that would be greatly appreciated :) 

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