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Sandow PP - Ripped Bodies - SAM edition

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Hi, wanted to share a little something I've been working on. The first remotely mod like thing I've touched.


Sandow PP Ripped bodies is a mod on nexus (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34632) that dynamically changes muscle map based on weight slider. It comes with textures for SOS and I used to use quite alot. However, since I've recently changed to SAM i thought I'd see if I could make it work with SAM.

Well, image shows my progress. The original mod has 6 stages. I used Don's Light Boyish Body for the low weight, the default normal map from SAM light texture add on for middle weight and Don's SavrenX Muscular map for high weight. I then created two blended normal maps to make the transition smoother and used the default medium map for two stages. The way I did this is no doubt incredibly amateurish - I know nothing about image editing. I literally just took the light boyish map, added a new layer with the default map, set the default map to half opacity, merged back down to a single layer and saved. Then did the same only starting with the default map and adding the muscular map and halving the opacity of that.


If Don and KouLeifoh are OK with it I could upload it as a mod for people but I don't think it is necessarily the greatest piece of work or anything. I'm writing this post as much in hope that someone more talented will take the idea and improve it.



GIF 04-02-2021 22-02-35.gif

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Personally i don't mind. I'm pretty sure bro Kou just fine too AS LONG AS you keep that files exclusive only for VectorPlexus and SAM. No upload that files outside because we don't want SAM files outside this website. Not to mention bro Vector himself very strict with his EULA about anything connected to SAM Assets. That mod very good too and with that...i can say now we have OLD SAM SYSTEM for Sam light ( muscle based on weight ). Who knows someday i will contribute map for special morph. Femboy to Muscular ? Lol.

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If you are cool with it I will upload it as a mod then in case anyone finds it helpful.Would love to see someone that knows what they are doing like you take a shot at it!  

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