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[Help] Get SAM Morph to work with custom race

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Hi! First of all thank you everyone for the amazing mod and addons, I'm still a noob in modding so I'd like to ask for a little help if possible!


I think got my custom race follower to work with SAM (I use SAM Light) by following the guide from here. When I use the SAM Morph on other vanilla character it works, but on my custom race follower it doesn't!

In game, my custom follower's body doesn't look like it uses SAM's body because it looks thin and a little weird. I changed the follower's weight to 100 in CK but it stays the same.

(NSFW Picture!!)



(I also use SavrenX's Schlong of SAM)


My question is, how do I get SAM Morph to work with custom race? I have no more hair to pull out!

Or did I miss a step to make the custom follower's body compatible with SAM's? I mean, I followed the guide and it seems to work since the schlong appeared, but the body still doesn't look like SAM's buffed one, but rather thin and skeleton-ish like in the picture. Maybe it's because he has no Samson as default? But then again, I can't use SAM Morph on him to make any change! It works on vanilla characters and show the racemenu-like menu for me to morph, but when I use the command with the custom follower nothing happens. Nothing shows up.

I really really really appreciate any help I can get! Thank you thank you thank you in advance!!!


Below is my plugin list just in case it may help! (the follower esp is damienfollower.esp)


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SAM Morphs has a check for playable races to prevent players from accidentally targeting monsters/objects.  The quickest fix for a custom race is to set the race to Playable in its .esp file.  The alternative is to remove the check from SAM Morphs entirely.

This screenshot is an example of where the Playable flag is found on the default Nord race in xEdit.


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Managed to add the penis and textures for Yngvar, and fixed race to playable in Xedit. Still couldnt use morphs on him though ;( 

EDIT: Actually got it to work! TY KouLeifoh! 

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