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[Question] Armors/Clothing with Variant Colors

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I've been having trouble with armor/clothing that has variant on its own. 

Particularly in problem are the General Tulius Armor, which shares the same NIFs with Penitus Oculatus armor, and some of the Common Clothes that have extra variant colors. 

I build my outfit, entirely in BodySlide and Outfit Studio (in the latter, I assign textures, the same way the original NIF does.) Apparently, this does not include the variant textures. I suppose I need to assign texture set in either Nifskope or Creation Kit? <- this is only my guess though. 

If anyone knew how to do so, please do teach me! 


P.S.: I'm using Mod Organizer 2 for Skyrim SE; though I'm hoping the solution is similar with LE

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With regards to vanilla armor with color variants, each armor has a record (in the .esm) for texture swap based on a specific index/name in the .nif file.  When modifying .nif with BodySlide, Outfit Studio, or other programs, make sure the order/names of the NiTriShape/BSTriShape armor nodes remain the same.

For example, the Penitus Oculatus Armor (General Tulius armor with variant color) uses a custom texture set PenitusCuirass [TXST:000D3EA1] on the NiTriShape/BSTriShape armor part named GeneralTulius at index 1 in the Armor\GeneralTulius\GeneralTuliusM_1.nif file.  The texture swap will fail if the name at the specific index in the .nif does not match the record.

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like mentioned above, just make sure the name of each shape and the position is the same as how it is in the mesh you started with

so if the body is first and the armor is second in the original, keep it that way in your edit. and make sure the names of the shapes with texture swapping don't change either. if these conditions are met then texture swapping will work correctly.

On page 3 of this topic (about halfway down the page) I explained to someone the same thing with pictures, maybe it will help


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