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Dizona textures for SAM?

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While I love SAM with it's huge variety of body types and textures, I always felt jealous of the Dizona body's high resolution and high poly body and face. I saw an image on Flicker which gave me the idea to try to adapt the face texture to SAM.

The results are below, I think they look good (I also used Fine face's old man complexion). Anyone interested? Should I start to ask permissions? :)






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To be fair, a high resolution normal map would make a low poly mesh look almost as good with better performance.  The high poly head mesh looks amazing though for close-up screenshots.  It actually looks better than the Citrus high poly head mesh which has issues with the eye sockets and lips for males.  Dizona's body + face textures are highly detailed 4k maps with blemishes and imperfections, just like real skin.  I like the variety in face textures for the different (human) races.

My only gripe is that the body mesh looks too.. square, but I do understand their goal for a realistic body rather than a super hero or body builder type.  Their fix was to alter the proportions with a custom skeleton scaling.  This obviously makes it not compatible for the average user relying on another custom skeleton like SAM or XPMSE.

The language barrier between Dizona body mod authors (Russian) and myself (English) is what made me hesitant to ask for permissions and thus keeping my Dizona-based mods for private use  If you can get approval for just the head textures, then there's hope. xD

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Nice, ive not seen that one yet, but I am partial to the way SAM is setup as far as interface and sliders go, surely would be nice to add a more detailed texture option tho, im pretty sure any SOS skins can be tweaked and added below in load order right?  I read something on LL to that effect, just a few renames and it should work to replace any one of the skin options smooth, to furry.

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Author of the topic Posted
26 minutes ago, infiniteone said:

Nice, ive not seen that one yet, but I am partial to the way SAM is setup as far as interface and sliders go, surely would be nice to add a more detailed texture option tho, im pretty sure any SOS skins can be tweaked and added below in load order right?  I read something on LL to that effect, just a few renames and it should work to replace any one of the skin options smooth, to furry.

If you rename an other texxture, it can works well with SAM. I experimented with it a few times, adding some custom textures. No, I mean replacing them, not adding, it would be great to have more options :)


1 hour ago, KouLeifoh said:


My only gripe is that the body mesh looks too.. square, but I do understand their goal for a realistic body rather than a super hero or body builder type. 

language barrier between Dizona body mod authors (Russian) and myself (English) is what made me hesitant to ask for permissions and thus keeping my Dizona-based mods for private use  If you can get approval for just the head textures, then there's hope. xD

I agree, the Dizona body mesh looks a bit too detailless compared to SAM. Although the abs look good. I tried them on SAM, but they didn't look well :/

I also worry about the language barrier ^^'

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1 hour ago, foofight said:

Dizona looked promising until I saw that the UV layout is across 3 different meshes and wholly incompatible with existing textures. :(

I mentioned it briefly in the other thread, but I did manage to convert the textures to SAM's UV layout while keeping the final texture at 4k for the most part.  I did a similar thing to the normal maps but had to blend it with SAM's normal maps to match the mesh and avoid texture seams.  Out of respect to the mod authors, I'm keeping them private until I have permissions to share them publicly.  This experience alone opened the doors for some other mod ideas. :D


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First - how did you do that!? And second, can you go the other direction? (AKA, get beast race textures working with the Dizona body), Third alternatively, remapping the UVs for the mesh quickly? I've done my fair share of remaps but it's been a very labor-intensive manual process thus far.

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The trick is to use projection rendering (or baking).  This process is normally used to generate normal maps from a high poly mesh to a low poly mesh, but adapting texture to a different UV layout can also be done.  It can also be reversed if you flip the meshes, but each time it's done, texture information is lost.  This is where you need to go in to do manual touch-ups like on fingers and toes.

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Very nicely done Kou, im still a bit of a newb with this stuff, ive done a bunch of architecture and such over the years in Blender & its pro Zero Brush addon (which is awesome for UVs & more), but not character stuff yet.... :)  This is far too intriguing, I suppose I'll have to just jump in and experiment soon hahaa, im such a nut.  So glad vector made this website!

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Heh, I only work in photoshop, I can't do anything 3d.... I tried the body textures too, but ended up doing only the chest-belly area. And using the body hairs.


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