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About DarkZephyr

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  1. It looks great! Recolored to the appropriate colors, it could work as a nifty replacement for the Dark Brotherhood robes, too.
  2. Its very kind of you to offer to help him. He's working so hard and I for one am infinitely grateful to him for this since only one other guy seems to be trying to do work like this for the game (thanks to him as well). So if you do help him, that would be amazing. I am very grateful to you for all the hard work you're doing. You are a hero in my book.
  3. You're doing God's work. Please don't be discouraged.
  4. Its looking better and better all the time! Very excited about it!
  5. I LOVE the work you're doing and I hope you don't go. I don't know who deleted the original thread, there didn't seem to be any notice or warning and when I first noticed it, I got this error message: I figured I had done something wrong. I'm glad you are posting more updates, as I was very disappointed when I couldn't access this thread anymore.
  6. DarkZephyr


    I am excited for this. A bit annoyed that the straights aren't willing to help you though. Because they have certainly done a LOT of piggybacking off of the hard work of LGBT modders for other Bethesda games, including modders from this site. So they're perfectly willing to take work done by LGBT people, but they aren't willing to help LGBT people.
  7. DarkZephyr


    I guess they gotta get those all important gazillion titty and booty mods out ASAP with no time to stop and help fellow modders.
  8. DarkZephyr


    That haircut really does make a great difference. How'd you get him shirtless?
  9. DarkZephyr


    So it looks like the mod tools will be available in 2024. Hopefully closer to the start of the year rather than the end. https://www.pcgamer.com/todd-howard-mentions-that-the-official-starfield-mod-tools-are-coming-in-2024-with-the-dlcs-release-still-tba/
  10. DarkZephyr


    Good point. I remember the 6 months of waiting after Fallout 4's release feeling obnoxious. I AM having fun with this game, but it so badly needs mods. Character face savers, clothing mods, body mods, companion mods, unofficial patch, etc.
  11. DarkZephyr


    You think the Starfield Creation Kit or whatever they'll call it could be 3 years away? That's a bit pessimistic. Skyrim's tools were released after just a couple months and Fallout 4's were released 6 months after the game was released. So MAYBE a year, but I doubt more than that, and even then a year would surprise me. Of course with how long it took them to release this game and how long its taking them to release the next TES, you could be right. Sigh.
  12. DarkZephyr


    Well, thanks anyway. I'm sorry this happened to you. I wish someone somewhere would make a sexy upgrade to Vito available. Love the character and love his voice but looks-wise he could use a tune-up.
  13. DarkZephyr


    Is there any way you would be willing to share that? Its absolutely gorgeous.
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