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About Mogenshin

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  1. When I use this mod, can the foreskin on uncut genitals 'retract' like they do in SOS? Or do they stay uncut when erect?
  2. I'm so glad the solution was that easy! I'll make a note of this.
  3. I'm on Special Edition. Here's another picture of the problem with a screenshot of what mods I was using (the stuff in my overwrite folder is just logs and profile settings). The only thing I did on this test was leave the character as a male Nord > Face Tab > selected high poly head > Eyes Tab > changed shape to #7 since it's pretty noticeable there. The weird thing is that they look normal in the Sculpt tab (note the lack of eye socket) Has anyone else had this problem or is it really just me?
  4. I've been doing as clean of a test as I can, with only Skyrim Unbound and EFA + HPH with no body overhauls or textures. I checked the Data tab in MO2 which tells me the High Poly Head assets are being used with no conflict. If I've installed everything properly I'm thinking it's user error but I don't know where. Or maybe something to do with my Racemenu sliders. I noticed the eye socket problems persist if I try to go back to the vanilla head. Things seem to look okay if I do all my tweaking on the vanilla head first then switch to high poly but I wasn't expecting to use the mod in this way.
  5. So if I'm reading this right, if nothing else touches the eye mesh and I only have High Poly Heads, the vanilla eye morphs should be fine? I experience major clipping in the eyes for both males and females (tested Nord race only); female eye options are all wrecked out of the box, male eye options are okay until I get to the elven shaped ones where the sockets look wrong. All eyes across the board can't be edited much without revealing this clipping and I'm not trying to push the Racemenu sliders to their limits. I'm sure the only mods I have that touch NPC heads are Expressive Facial Animations and HPH installed after, with the appropriate options ticked. This wasn't the behavior I was expecting, am I mistaken somewhere?
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