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About Mr.Mizza

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  1. would this be compatible with sosam or is it only SAM light? Great mod regardless
  2. have you thought about adding in an argonian sheath schlong? something similiar to Skyfurries argonian sheath? just a thought your mod is amazing as is!
  3. been wanting to ask would there be more hdt configs in the future giving the balls more collsion? for example being able to bounce off another ball sack during scenes and not going through? I Dunno if its already implemented, also more butt physic bouncing during scenes. Its just a suggestion I think it would be cool as most of the scenes i do are with male actors anyway.
  4. Dang! thank you, and no problem enjoyed testing just want to be sure you're well informed about the patches was all. Thank you for still working on this was a crazy surprise to still see you giving it love take your time on the update I'm sure it's going to be great!
  5. hey again I made a mistake with the above posts. There isnt any seams or gaps with this setup using Sosam all the patches work and i downloaded them all the mistake i had made was assuming that Sosam uses full sam textures. I was wrong. using the sam light option in the fomod fixed the issues i had mentioned above and the sosam patches you created work wonderfully and argonians look better than ever. Enb on below is enb off. As you can see there is no longer any seams granted that i didnt show them in the previous post i made this is by making sure that in fomod you choose sam light and not sam full. that's on me so my ad if i caused any headache. though a few things besides the cocks the nipples do have the pinkish hue on them though as for the buttholes they are very faint. not sure if its from the patches but besides the pink hue for the butts being light. And one final thing the normal maps and the other textures the patches above mentioned such as the fvar patch adding 10 normal maps i can for sure say they do not work even with the sosam patches. if you try appying them with racemenu you get this. besides all these which im sure may need time to fix if you have the time and want to, you still have my thanks for making the patches regaardless i jusut made sure to show clearly this time that it workks instead of it being a buggy texture that i made it out to be before. Thanks very much Dredd!
  6. Thanks! regardless I'm gonna use this along with sosam since there isnt anythihng that really bothers me pluus it looks just as good as i remember but works with sosam. So thank you a ton! look forward to you uupdating this beautiful mod ahhhh right, in sosam they had said recently that anything edditing sam light would no longer work since sosam is its own thing, only things that worked were face textures but thats all, the description of sosam pretty much mentioned if it was a skin addon for sam light you would need to patch it for sosam. which for this i think its decent though everything can always be improved. i could suggest making some of the hues more pinkish like the buttholes specifically and nipples
  7. hey, went ahead an tried it out for you since this is my favorite argonian mod on this website and used it in my sam light set up, I didnt think you would make it work with sosam and for that i gotta thank you for seriously. so thanks, here are some pictures and besides some things about it i will show you my findings. however, I did notice this Neck seam so maybe i installed something wrong or it is a result of the patch. as far as pink buttholes go, this is lucifers butt. i do see the pinkish hue on it so that's great, i might take more pics but I Dunno maybe these have already answered your question. Nice cock. well besides these shots I took that's pretty much it maybe there is something to improve on here? only thing i could somewhat understand people being bothered by is the neck seam but then again its iffy. though it does act strange with argonian fins with some more discoloration. Thanks for the mod and also for bringing back these sexy ass lizards, going to be visiting the dock waaay more now to give scouts many marshes his dose of vitamin D ah right and also for those using the sosam patchs you can ignore the other sam patches listed on here as they will give you severe body discoloration and seams all over your argonians wrist and feet also ignore thhe fps counuter had it on earlier for optimization reasons.
  8. this new update coming out tonight? do you have a time in mind?
    Loved using it, though I am wondering with the new schlong of sam release will you be patching this texture into it? Thanks for the sexy argonians
  9. Oh and on another note besides this cool release will this be able to work with the flawns argonian soft and supple patch? again all these sexyy dudes\ Edit: Nope tried it out in game but its cool loving the new argonians and the new look of all the guys
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