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Everything posted by Animus

  1. Dude, you are amazing! Thank you! Please add some more images though.
    Great mod! Better than mighty beasts, as it has better wings and has the armor but, with the cape removed perfectly. Only downside is that, the front chest jewel gets sucked into the chest but, a small price to pay tbh. Thank you for this.
    Great mod and expertly done. Much needed! We don't deserve such kindness!😂
  2. Dude, you are doing all this amazing work out of your own free time. Noone is paying you do it. I am the one who should be thanking you for the time you spent on this awesome creation. I'm the one who has to adapt, not you. I'll gladly install those mods to make yours work lol. Take your time, real life matters come first. Do not be apologetic about anything. I'm very thankful for your work, regardless of it having those requirements or not. Cheers!
  3. Hello. Thank you again for your awesome work. Quick question. Do you know what will happen if i use this mod without CCOR and Amidianborn? Wiĺl the mod work or will it crash the game?
  4. Thank you so much for your reply! Your outfit mod is probably one of the greatest things that ever happened to S.A.M. . Finally, something that skimpifies correctly the outfits and makes them look really cool. Not just visible dick stuff. Instead, something both immersive and revealing enough. Keep it up!
  5. Sorry for asking but, i did not fully understand. This mod requires Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered and aMidianBorn - Content Addon SSE?
  6. Nice work, reminds me of the mighty beasts mod that used to exist.
  7. Daaaaaaamn. Outstanding work. You have the hands of the old god warsmiths!
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