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About iduncs

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  1. What thong is this? Trying to find. Thank you!
  2. So I think it's a conflict with SavrenX Schlong of SAM. Any way to patch it? Thank you.
  3. I keep getting conflicting meshes in the pp area, so it looks like he has two dicks overlapping. I'm almost 100% sure it's a problem on my end, but wondering if anyone else had a similar issue and fix? Also here to echo the nipple placement. Lovely work though!
  4. Absolutely love this! Thank you. Any way to get a silver version?
  5. Love this mod, been looking for this so thank you! There is clipping at higher SAM slider values. Anything past 35 clips into the body. Any way to fix or am I doing something wrong? Using SAM Light so that's probably the reason. Any way to get a version for SAM Light? Thanks! Ran this through Nif Optimzer and it seems to work fine. Thank you!
  6. I love this outfit, is there any way to remove the nipple rings or make them optional?
  7. Got the poses to show up in FNIS, ran it without error. However, the characters T pose when trying to initiate the flexing poses. Not even sure if this works for Special Edition. Other animations and such work fine. Any help?
  8. Thank you thank you thank you. This mod saved my playthrough, much appreciated. Wish there was more utility mods like this. One for swapping face and head textures would be amazing. Great mod, fantastic work.
  9. Not sure if you can help me, but I keep getting a dark texture on the genitals. I'm using SAM light (works just fine when I have JUST this mod installed, no texture issue) and also SavrenX Schlong of SAM Lite (which I think is the culprit). Can't figure out how to change the genital texture either from the additional genital texture file. I'm too new to modding to know what I would need to do to fix (if there even is a fix). Would love to be able to use the Schlong of SAM Lite for your incredible Lykaios or at the very least, be able to "turn off" Schlong of SAM Lite for only the Lykaios race. Is that even possible? Any help will do, and thank you.
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