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Everything posted by taringaran

  1. OK, I found out what's happening with him already. Sam Morphs for Racemenu don't work on him properly, specifically Samson and Samuel morphs. Whenever you dial them up, his right side starts to distort. Anyway, penis morphs work well, and Body Scales too, although I think they are not kept when you load your saved game.
  2. As someone said in this mod's reviews, when naked, half of Brann's body looks distorted, specially his right arm and leg. Anyone knows how to fix this? Should I paste Sam Light body meshes into Brann's body mesh folder?
  3. I figured out what happened. My problem was Males of Skyrim mod (the LE version in Nexusmods) It has a body replacer, and conflicted with SAM Light body. I found it out when I uninstalled SAM Light and installed SOS instead, causing all the guys modified by Males of Skyrim mod having 2 genitals, and if SAM Light and Males of Skyrim together, it caused the wrist gap and the flaccid... u know... So I managed to fix it by doing a copy/paste process of malebody, malefeet files from SAM Light into Males of Skyrim Mesh Body folder, and same with the malebody malehands files from SAM Light into Males of Skyrim Texture/Body folder. Just post it here if anyone is having same problem.
  4. Hello! I love this mod, but it seems that some of my NPCs have the wrist gap. I've tested this mod with SexLab, and I've found out that all the NPCs with this wrist gap are also having flaccid penis all the time, either during SexLab animations or Race Menu. Apparently, this happens with any male NPC who has scars on their skin, like Sven, Stenvar or Faendal (no matter their race). I wonder if anyone else is having this issue, and if there's a way to solve it. Thank you!
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