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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Maybe you guys are interested into it. Mod New Updates will come over time, I collect a few and then drop an Update.
  2. 1 point

    Version 2.1.0


    SAM Revealing Blacksmith Apron This is a refit of BadDog's Skimpy Blacksmith Apron for SAM. There are three versions; See images for reference. All versions are HDT or SMP-compatible. All versions available for Legendary Edition and Special Edition. You no longer need any textures to use this. Remove any old textures you installed for the previous version. Extra Details (FOR [SE] Version Only!) There are two different versions for SE, CUT and UNCUT. Please choose the version that corresponds to your SAM Light/HDT/SMP/High Poly Installations. If you choose the cut version, everyone who equips this will not have foreskin and you will not be able to change that. If you choose the uncut version, everyone who equips this will have foreskin by default, but if you have SAM Morphs for RaceMenu you can use the "Foreskin Hide" slider to show either cut or uncut penis. Credits BadDog - the mesh KouLeifoh - HDT/SMP/High Poly assets VectorPlexus & etc. - SAM
  3. 1 point
    Uploaded Version 1.1 Ralof, Hadvar, Tullius, Ulfric and the Courier
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