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Kreis' Skimpy Refits - Kaidan's Armor Redux 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

Made with love for my (and probably almost everyone's) husband, Kaidan; a masterpiece by livtempleton

Since he refused to wear any other armor but his own armor, I was like, no honey, we're the thong team. You're wearing one if you wanna get up in this GIG.

You need to have Kaidan 2 installed to use my redux.
No textures attach, just the meshes.
BodySlide files included if you feel like messing around but no pants toggle because I was too lazy to. Might make it if enough people request it lol
I threw-in a quick-and-dirty good 'ol SAM-compatible refit for his default pants. If you're using any texture packs, it will cause seam because the body texture is set on the her ESP to use her texture (like for when he's bloody and stuff when you first found him). I mean, you could remove that reference if you want it to use your texture, but I didn't coz I rarely let him wear that pants and I'm not too fond of including an ESP unless I really need to haha. 

Installation : 

Install normally with your preferred mod manager. I personally use MO2

Permission : 

Permission was granted by livtempleton herself to play around with her mesh.



If anyone wanted to convert, derive, modify; all I ask is that you share it with other people here also for everyone's benefit 😃

Conversion to LE : 

Now, I have no idea if LE Kaidan has the same folder structure with SE Kaidan (why would it be different, I don't know, I'm 80% sure it's the same), but here's the link for LE Kaidan if you want to give that a shot. I can't offer support for LE further than this since I no longer have it installed, but the general procedure below should be the same. If it didn't work you might want to check the folder structure inside its BSA and match my mod to that.


Footnotes : 

Buy me a coffee, if you feeling generous. ko-fi.com/kreiste or paypal.me/ChristopherKho 
I could use a little spare change in this trying times. 

My creations will always remain free and would never be locked behind paywall. 

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

So cool!! Love this

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Sexy 😍












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      You don't need to download anything besides seductive guards if you want guards covered and savrenx's prisoner rags for the textures.
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