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Raider Leather Gear for Atomic Muscle

Raider Leather Gear for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Raider Leather Gear.7z Features: 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Raider Leather Gear category   Requirements:  Atomic Muscle and its requirements: Original Raider Leather Gear mod installed: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46489?tab=files   INSTALLATION:  Just install with your mod manager like any other regular mod. You want to load this file After the original mod and after MLU refit if you have it installed



Resident Evil Pack for Atomic Muscle

Resident Evil Pack for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Resident Evil Pack.7z   Features: 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Resident Evil Pack category   Requirements:  Atomic Muscle and its requirements: Original Summers Outfit Pack 1 mod installed: https://brajansummers.wixsite.com/bsummersmods/outfit-pack-1   INSTALLATION:  Just install with your mod manager like any other regular mod. You want to load this file After the original mod, like this:



Prostitute Outfit for Atomic Muscle

Prostitute Outfit for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Prostitute Outfit v1.2.0-1.7z   Credits: Crimsomrider for the original mod   Features: 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Prostitute Outfit category 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get the Default and Open Chaps Revealing variants (See screenshots for reference) + Ballistic Weaves to improve the survival and gear score. 🌑 Optional Replacer Version, it will replace all npcs using the Tattered Rags with the Pros



SavrenX Vault Suit Replacer V2 for Atomic Muscle

SavrenX Vault Suit Replacer V2 for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) SavrenX Vault Suit Replacer V2 - v1.2.0.7z   @Don  for the original mod! 🌑 Separated Boots and Bracers to be used with AAF Partial stripping 🌑 Craftable in Chemlab under the (Atomic Muscle) SavrenX Vault Suit category 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get the Ballistic Weaves to improve the survival and gear score 🌑 Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :      🌑 The origina



Skimpy Attires for Atomic Muscle

Skimpy Attires for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Skimpy Attires v1.1.8.7z       @Don for the male implementation dikr for the original mod assets -> Models / Textures     🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Skimpy Attires category 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workbench for various retextures 🌑 Comes in 6 different pieces: Sneakers, Boot Stockings, Thong, Shorts, Shirt, Top



Skimpy Harness for Atomic Muscle - (Raider and Gunner Harness Replacer)

Skimpy Harness for Atomic Muscle - (Raider and Gunner Harness Replacer)

!!!DOWNLOAD!!!   (AM) Skimpy Harness v1.1.9.7z QuietPippin for the original model work. I got this from the TWB discord server and he granted me the permission 😄 =========================================================================================================================== =========================================================================================================================== =========================================================



Cross Strigidae for Atomic Muscle

Cross Strigidae for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Cross Courser Strigidae v1.1.6.7z Niero for the original mod -> models/textures/plugin and scripts   🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Cross Courser Strigidae Suit category - See Requirements!!! 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get many variants (See screenshots for reference) + Ballistic Weaves to improve the survival and gear score. You can modify the Visor, Suit, Overcoat & Armguard



Male Tomb Raider for Atomic Muscle

Male Tomb Raider for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Male Tomb Raider v1.1.5.7z     Onigirl for the original Survival Gear. Petrovich for UNP Simply Clothes. Blaze69 for the SOS adaptation   🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Male Tomb Raider category - See Requirements!!! 🌑 Comes with separated boots. Ready to be used with AAF Partial Stripping. As well as left and right Arm Armor. 🌑Modifiable in Armor Work



Courser Power Suit for Atomic Muscle

Courser Power Suit for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Courser Power Suit v1.1.7.7z @Don for the skimpy male implementation DeserterX for the original mod assets -> Models / Textures @Aster3303 for refitting the original suit. Thanks a ton  🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Courser Power Suit category 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get both Default and Skimpy Version + Retextures/Material Swaps + Balli



SavrenX Cowboy Lux for Atomic Muscle

SavrenX Cowboy Lux for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Cowboy Lux v1.2.0.7z SavrenX aka @Don for the original mod -> model/textures   🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Cowboy Lux category 🌑  Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get many variants (See screenshots for reference) + Ballistic Weaves to improve the survival and gear score. You can modify the outfit, Scarf & Poncho. 🌑  Material Swaps available in the armor workbench for many different retextures o



SavrenX El Cazador

SavrenX El Cazador

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) SavrenX El Cazador v1.2.4.7z   @Don for the skimpy male implementation Johnc0n0r for the original mod assets -> Models / Textures =========================================================================================================================== =========================================================================================================================== =========================================================================



Wintersday Frock for Atomic Muscle

Wintersday Frock for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Wintersday Frock v1.0.2.7z     @ kreiste for the original mod @Bug64 for the bracer and armband   🌑 Craftable in Chemlab under the (Atomic Muscle) Wintersday Frock category. 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get many variants (See screenshots for reference) + Ballistic Weaves to improve the survival and gear score. You can modify the outfit, hat, gloves, armband, cock sock, boots and bracer.



The Hour of Reaper for Atomic Muscle

The Hour of Reaper for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!!   (AM) The Reaper v1.0.5.7z   Crimsomrider for the original mod @Gishy Fishy for suggesting the refit   🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) The Reaper category 🌑 AWKCR dependency removed.               🌑 Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :      🌑 Original The Hour of the Reaper mod installed : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/m



Sim Settlements 2 Outfits for Atomic Muscle (W.I.P)

Sim Settlements 2 Outfits for Atomic Muscle (W.I.P)

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Sim Settlements 2 Outfits .7z (AM) Sim Settlements 2 Outfits - Modders Resource.7z     Credits SS2 Team for the Outfits jchernandez for the project files. I just updated them for AM 2.0.0+   Notes not all outfits are included, the following ones need refitting:       Requirements   🌑 Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :      🌑 Original Sim Settlements 2 mod installed : https://www.nexusmo



The Freeboter for Atomic Muscle

The Freeboter for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) The Freebooter v1.0.4.7z     wolfgrimdark for the original mod     🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Freebooter category - See Requirements!!!         🌑Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :    🌑   Just install with your mod manager like any other regular mod. You want to make this file



Tachanka Elite Set for Atomic Muscle

Tachanka Elite Set for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Tachanka Elite Set.7z (AM) Tachanka Elite Set - Modders Resource.7z   🌑 Craftable in Chemlab under the (Atomic Muscle) Tachanka Elite Set category.  🌑 Comes with separated parts: Helmet, Armbands, Gloves and Outfit 🌑 Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :     Just install with your mod manager like any other regular mod.



SOS Drifter Mashup for Atomic Muscle

SOS Drifter Mashup for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) SOS Drifter Mashup v1.1.6.7z   moterovinus for the original mod =========================================================================================================================== =========================================================================================================================== ===========================================================================================================================



Tough Traveller for Atomic Muscle

Tough Traveller for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Tough Traveller v1.2.1.7z   hagyjalbeken for the original mod assets -> Models / Textures @proko for the AWKCR + VIS-G + AE Patch 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Tough Traveller category - See Requirements!!! 🌑 AWKCR + VIS-G + Armorsmith Extended patch available during the FOMOD installation. If you select that option, it will be craftable in armorsmith workbench instead of Chemlab: - Outfit is



Faction Jockstraps for Atomic Muscle

Faction Jockstraps for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!!   (AM) Faction Jockstraps v1.0.1.7z   Adngel for the original mesh @bennzoor for the original mod/fallout 4 port 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Faction Jockstraps category - See Requirements!!! 🌑 available with different retextures of the set based on Fallout 4 factions.         🌑 Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :    🌑Original Fact



Grease Jacket and Handyman for Atomic Muscle

Grease Jacket and Handyman for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Grease Jacket and Handyman v1.0.3.7z   someone in nexusmod i cant remember of because the mod got deleted; for the original mod 🌑 This is a Vanilla Replacer its gonna replace Utility Coveralls (Sturges outfit) and Grease Jacket         🌑Atomic Muscle and Its Requirements :      Just install with your mod manager like any



Modular Road Leathers for Atomic Muscle

Modular Road Leathers for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Modular Road Leathers v1.0.6.7z   bug64 for the original mod 🌑 AWKCR dependency removed! If you want the AWKCR support, just delete the plugin that comes with this mod. 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Modular Road Leather category - See Requirements!!! 🌑Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get many variants (See screenshots for reference) + Ballistic Weaves to improve the survival and gear scor



Modular Leather Armor for Atomic Muscle

Modular Leather Armor for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Modular Leather Armor v1.0.4.7z   bug64 for the original mod -> models/textures/plugin and scripts 🌑 AWKCR dependency removed. If you want it to be available in AWKCR, just delete the plugin that comes with this mod. 🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Modular Leather Armor - MLA category 🌑Modifiable in Armor Workench so you can get many variants. You can modify the Torso, Legs, Arms, Codpiece a



Brotherhood Pinup Uniform for Atomic Muscle

Brotherhood Pinup Uniform for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) Brotherhood Pìnup Uniform v1.0.4.7z   radbeetle for the original mod Paladin Danse for posing for me 🐻❤️     🌑 Craftable in ChumLab under the (Atomic Muscle) Brotherhood Pinup category - See Requirements!!! 🌑 Comes with various parts such as; ➡️ The complete uniform which uses the bodyslot and has the shorts + power armor combined ➡️ Power Armor separated pieces, can be used with other outfits or used w



New Preston Minutemen Outfit for Atomic Muscle

New Preston Minutemen Outfit for Atomic Muscle

!!!DOWNLOAD!!! (AM) New Preston Minutemen Outfit v1.0.4.7z   friffy for the original mod           🌑 Craftable in ChemLab under the (Atomic Muscle) New Preston Minutemen category - See Requirements!!! 🌑 Modifiable in Armor Workbench so you can get different variations of the same outfit (check pics) 🌑Comes with an optional replacer version to replace default Preston Outfit with the new one. (Note: It might be possi



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