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Armor not fitting in game even though it looks fit in outfit studio?

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Hmm. Could it be a weight painting issue? I've had this happen when I either forgot to assign tri morphs, or when I forgot to copy bone weights from the body mesh. Other than that I'm not sure. 

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6 hours ago, Kirax said:

Any idea why?

And it's only with the shoes. I refitted the top and gauntlet and they work fine.

Which one, malebody_1 (0).nif or malefeet_1 (0).nif did you use as a reference for the refit? 

I'd rather recommend the former, not the latter, as a reference even if you refit the leg outfit since morph file often works only one part of the body (head/body/ hands/ feet).


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Author of the topic Posted
7 hours ago, y_sengaku said:

Which one, malebody_1 (0).nif or malefeet_1 (0).nif did you use as a reference for the refit? 

I'd rather recommend the former, not the latter, as a reference even if you refit the leg outfit since morph file often works only one part of the body (head/body/ hands/ feet).


This is dizona body. I don't suppose morph file is involved here?

And yes I did use the body as a reference, not the feet.

This is driving me crazy because I really can't pinpoint where went wrong, the only difference this piece have is I throw it into 3ds max for some editing.

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Delete all the bones from that shoes. Totally give new weight. This happen sometimes when i refit female stuff to males. Make sure only bones from sam in the bone list. 

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