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SAM for SE is not Completely Hopeless

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54 minutes ago, Faeryn Shea said:

I am just curious if/when the SSE Racemenu morphs will be updated?

I was hoping I had just made a mistake with my mod choices, but every time I go to take off all armor/clothes, the game crashes. I am assuming this is due to the update to SSE and then SKSE64.

SE was updated recently to 1.5.50.  If you updated the game, you also need to get the updated SKSE64, RaceMenu, and any other SKSE plugins you may be using.  I'm still on 1.5.39 for the time being due to the unknown future of HDT-SMP.

Also, crashing while unequipping everything can be a sign of missing bones on the skeleton.  Make sure you didn't overwrite SAM or XPMSE skeleton with a vanilla one.

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Im a bit rusty with modding, been a few years, hehe

Ill double check I am using the right skeleton. So your morphs (Thank you SO MUCH for those, btw) should work with the latest version of SSE?



Ensuring the proper skeleton was installed didnt work. So I followed instructions on the Racemenu SE page to roll Skyrim back to 1.5.39. Successfully Rolled back, put SKSE back to 2.0.7, Racemenu SE to 2.4.

And I am still getting a CTD as soon as I go to take my armor off. Oddly, Gunjar can be stripped of his stuff just fine. So color me a bit perplexed.

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On 9/10/2018 at 8:16 AM, Faeryn Shea said:


Ensuring the proper skeleton was installed didnt work. So I followed instructions on the Racemenu SE page to roll Skyrim back to 1.5.39. Successfully Rolled back, put SKSE back to 2.0.7, Racemenu SE to 2.4.

And I am still getting a CTD as soon as I go to take my armor off. Oddly, Gunjar can be stripped of his stuff just fine. So color me a bit perplexed.

What I suggest doing is installing things one at a time and see when the crash occurs.  The only difference between having armor equipped and being nude is the genital bones.  SAM Light should work as-is without issues.  SAM Morphs add another layer of complexity due to RaceMenu and its issues.

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I hadnt wanted to clutter this thread up, but I did some exhaustive testing since my original post.

It is 100% SAM causing the crash. I did literally every iteration imaginable to get it working, but every time, a crash. I installed with NMM, I installed manually, I installed JUST the body and textures manually, I pulled my SAM light files from my Oldrim data folder and optimized them. I used the skeleton included with SAM light, I used the XPMSSE skeleton, I pulled the Oldrim SAM files from your mod and optimized them, etc.

I researched, checked my process and was as thorough as it is possible to be. But every time I loaded the game with the SAM body in my SSE data folder, it crashed the moment I took off my chest armor.

And to confirm, I rolled my SSE back to the previous version and made the exe read only. I installed the previous version of Racemenu and SKSE64.

I may be rusty, but I used to be pretty swish at managing mods. The only thing I didnt try, because I didnt feel like looking up dozens of tutorial videos, was porting the SAM _0 and _1 meshes into 3ds Max and skinning them to the vanilla skeleton (I use the underwear version, so I dont need nor care about the genital bones)

Everything else, I tried, and for some reason, SAM crashes my game. Which is too bad, as I really was looking forward to using it. Hell, I ported my Subtle Male Skeleton from Oldrim using the optimizer and it worked a treat right out of the bag *shrugs*

So yeah, if you have any ideas, I would love to try and get it working.

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Since you mentioned manually converting SAM Light from Oldrim, did you also convert the Auxbones used for genital animations to 64bit? The 32bit version for Oldrim isn't compatible with SE.  My SAM Light installer has the Auxbones in both format depending on which base game you select.  If you haven't done so already, download the latest version of SAM Light since that has the updated morphs required for my SAM Morphs mod.  I don't recommend a manual install unless you know what you're doing.

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Can you try running the game without RaceMenu (and skee64.dll) to see if the crashes still exist?  Make sure you use a vanilla setup to eliminate possible conflicts from other mods.  Other than the morph for the underwear version using the old format, I don't have any crashing issues.  My testing was done on SE 1.5.39 and RaceMenu 0.2.4.

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Tried cut and uncut, insta crash on both

Edit: I suppose I find this extra perplexing because I am running very few mods. And aside from WICO (Which I am overriding when installing SAM) nothing edits skeletons or body meshes.

Edit2: In case this helps,


*Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
*Gildergreen Regrown.esp
*ELFX - Exteriors.esp
*Cutting Room Floor.esp
*WICO - Immersive People.esp
*WICO - USSEP Compatible Patch.esp
*Improved Eyes Skyrim - Serana.esp
Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.esp
*Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp
*Better Dynamic Snow.esp
*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
*Book Covers Skyrim.esp
RSChildren - CRF Patch.esp
*JKs Skyrim.esp
*Point The Way.esp
*Run For Your Lives.esp
*Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
*JKs Skyrim_Cutting Room Floor_Patch.esp
*Unique Uniques.esp
Rayeks_End - Barenziah's Glory Patch.esp
*Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp
*FurSet by keung.esp
*WICO - Immersive Character.esp
*JKs Skyrim_RWT_Patch.esp
*RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp
*Bashed Patch, 0.esp


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Ok, so, interesting new info.

I made a new, fresh SSE data folder, zero mods, had Steam do its file validation thing, deleted SKSE files from the main SSE folder etc.

I installed SAM Light, loaded up my save, took of chest armor and boom. Crash. So, since there mightve been something wrong with using my save, I used the console to coc Riverwood from the main menu.

Took of the default characters chest armor, and no crash. SAM was up and running fine. On a lark, I loaded up showracemenu, to see if the face color mismatch would get fixed. It did, so again, on a lark, I scrolled down to check the bosmer. BOOM. CTD the moment I selected bosmer.

Is there some hidden function in SAM that would make it not work for bosmer? (To clarify, my character is a bosmer)

EDIT: Additionally, altmer cause a CTD (I just checked) and I would assume then that all the mer will cause a CTD. However orcs work fine. And just to clarify, all human races seem to work fine.

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I almost forgot about that "bug" in the vanilla game.  Both Altmer and Bosmer don't have a 1st person body defined in their NakedTorsoHighElf / NakedTorsoWoodElf records and will default to using the full body.  Since the genital bones don't exist in the 1st person skeleton (SAM only uses a modified 3rd person skeleton), the game will crash when removing armor from either race.  The solution was to add the missing 1st person body to those records and save as an .esp (used by full SAM but not SAM Light).  I may need to see if I can modify the 1st person skeleton to avoid using the .esp as a fix.

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Ah. So is there anything I can do in the meantime? If it is just a matter of going into the CK and redirecting the 1st person to use the SAM skeleton, thats something I can manage

EDIT: It was silly of me to ask. I made a fix esp, and now it works a treat. Now I need to go convert my old SAM Light refits to SE hehe

Thanks for the help KouLeifoh. Its been a fair few years since I messed about with Skyrim at all, and I really appreciate the time youve taken to try and help me get this working. Not to mention your continued work on SAM. I am sure Vector would be very pleased that SAM didnt fall by the wayside. 

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On 9/15/2018 at 12:40 PM, Faeryn Shea said:

EDIT: It was silly of me to ask. I made a fix esp, and now it works a treat.

Would you be willing to explain to a 100% noob how you created your fix so that I could do it as well? Or even better, could you share your .esp? ?

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3 hours ago, Spam said:

Would you be willing to explain to a 100% noob how you created your fix so that I could do it as well? Or even better, could you share your .esp? ?

I've just merged this fix with the test package of SAM briarheart conversion (revised version: 1.1) as a kind of (very) hotfix.

If you are interested in, download the package from the commentary section (link is shown below). 



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On 1/1/2019 at 12:59 PM, y_sengaku said:

I've just merged this fix with the test package of SAM briarheart conversion (revised version: 1.1) as a kind of (very) hotfix.

Thank you for this! I grabbed the latest version posted by Alarik. Thanks for sharing your work :D

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