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Custom player character only textures?

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Im setting up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3006/?tab=files Unique Character, so I can have unique texture/mesh for my player only.  Im wondering how id go about having a different schlong texture set for only the character? but still use the schlong types the mcm can apply, do I have to copy all the schlong mesh and textures to the unique character folders, change the path in the nifs, and add the changed nif & texture paths to the unique character esp with a SOS/SAM override?


Edit:  I think I should be able to do it without copies of the mesh and just edit the esp to point to the new textures, going to try that first.  :D

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Author of the topic Posted
8 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

That depends on how SOS has it set up.  Does it use the texture paths from the .nif or swap textures from the list in the .esp?

The esp uses a base texture set, & different texture set per race for the diff.  Its setup as SOS as an ESM, with esp for each schlong type having texture set & size tweaks for the additional races.  I noticed the schlong texture as listed in the nif was not the one being loaded(was not where listed), instead using the texture as detailed in the .esp for that schlong type/race style.

The (Unique Character.esp)  didnt make a custom race though, it used a custom armo attached to the Player Prisoner NPC record.  Then in that Armor record it calls all the armatures per race/style, and those armor addons call the unique mesh & texture sets for female/male of all player options race/vamp/wolf, a body, feet, hands, head, tail directory for each possible option.  Seems like overkill just for the player character, its about 1gig lol... I found a batch file that collected everything and distributed mesh/tex to the folders the esp wanted, the body texture its a bit different directory structure than sos/sam, it repeated the body texture in the feet folders, and tail folders for example.

Im unsure how to patch the SOS style esp's to have them recognize the player only setup, or patch the Unique Character esp.  I guess Unique Character mod allows total customization for all the things, but seems maybe overkill for just the player character.  I may just scrap it and make a custom race, or find another way for this.

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I think I might use skyproc and (EBD - EveryBodys Different Redone) with that I can disperse as many different texture variations as I like with different hair, scars, tattoos, nipples, features, muscles, etc, and also the player character will have unique textures too.  Plus even after they've all been dispersed and randomized, there is an in game MCM to change it on any character and customize them live, save, and backup.

I might have to tinker to get the schlongs to match though, SAM & SOS overcome the texture limit by putting the feet on the body texture which is different than vanilla.  Also im not sure how sos would know what texture set to use beyond the race, it doesnt have variations built in beyond that accept for afflicted and vamp/wolf.  So a white Khajiit might not get the right color meat & potatoes, unless its aware somehow that the body is a certain color?  Or minimally I avoid color changes around the groin lol.   Maybe I can write that into the skyproc patcher to handle all the things & grab the right textures.  Ive never used skyproc before but its available now and working on SSE, so im going to attempt it anyway lol.   Should be a good learning process.

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There's also https://z-edit.github.io/#/docs?t=Overview   z-edit the x-edit replacement, which has an integrated newgen skyproc-ish universal patcher. lol  I've not tested it out yet tho it seems like it could disperse body types too. hmmm, this seems like it will be a big challenge, but the end result seems so worth it.

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Maybe if I just avoid color changes it wont matter?  Let the color tint set on the character determine overall color, but I can have all the texture variations based on that races default, would simplify things for SOS/SAM though still it would be preferred to have a full texture set per style if possible.  Im in the middle of moving across town but hopefully I can try this out soon, seems doable either with skyproc & everybody's different or that new z-edit and a custom setup patch without mcm extras.

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It seems like you're making this more complicated than it should be.  From what I understand, the basic idea behind the WNAM (Worn Armor) record is that it acts as the base body for a particular race.  The base body has all the body parts needed (body, hands, feet, tail for beasts).  The armor-addons associated with them attach a mesh and skin texture swap to each body part.  When you apply the WNAM to an NPC record, you override its racial one.  This is essentially what the Unique Character mod does.  It creates a copy of "SkinNaked" (base body) and its relevant armor-addons (with modified mesh + textures paths) and applies this base body to the player character record only.  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the skin texture swap occurs when a mesh uses the skin shader and occupies the same biped slot as a base body part.  This seems to be how gloves with hand meshes included will have the correct skin texture based on race.

Using the same concept, you can probably apply it to genital textures as well.  I'm not sure of the priority used for texture swaps found on both equipped body part and its base, but the safest way is to create "invisible" genital armor-addons for human/argonian/khajiit races (matching SOS settings) and attach them to the original "SkinNaked" and "SkinNakedBeast" armor.  Then create a copy of them (modified only) to apply to the player character.  You have to remove the texture swaps from the genital armor-addons on the .esp of SOS to avoid priority issues.  All of this can be done as a separate patch and loaded after SOS.

For Oldrim players using the full SAM, this method does not work.  SAM scripts will dynamically change skin textures based on MCM settings.

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Author of the topic Posted
12 minutes ago, KouLeifoh said:

It seems like you're making this more complicated than it should be.  From what I understand, the basic idea behind the WNAM (Worn Armor) record is that it acts as the base body for a particular race.  The base body has all the body parts needed (body, hands, feet, tail for beasts).  The armor-addons associated with them attach a mesh and skin texture swap to each body part.  When you apply the WNAM to an NPC record, you override its racial one.  This is essentially what the Unique Character mod does.  It creates a copy of "SkinNaked" (base body) and its relevant armor-addons (with modified mesh + textures paths) and applies this base body to the player character record only.  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the skin texture swap occurs when a mesh uses the skin shader and occupies the same biped slot as a base body part.  This seems to be how gloves with hand meshes included will have the correct skin texture based on race.

Using the same concept, you can probably apply it to genital textures as well.  I'm not sure of the priority used for texture swaps found on both equipped body part and its base, but the safest way is to create "invisible" genital armor-addons for human/argonian/khajiit races (matching SOS settings) and attach them to the original "SkinNaked" and "SkinNakedBeast" armor.  Then create a copy of them (modified only) to apply to the player character.  You have to remove the texture swaps from the genital armor-addons on the .esp of SOS to avoid priority issues.  All of this can be done as a separate patch and loaded after SOS.

For Oldrim players using the full SAM, this method does not work.  SAM scripts will dynamically change skin textures based on MCM settings.

Cheers man, that mostly makes sense to me & seems like it should work for player character, I think ill have to tinker with it some more again soon.   I do want to try out every body's different as well since im still building my next playthrough, and can get messy testing things heheh.  Hopefully ill be done moving and office setup to tinker again soon.

Thanks for the insights Kou

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Author of the topic Posted

Ok, after digging in and seeing how out of date EBD and Skyproc are I've decided to make a UPF patcher instead, with zEdit.  :D  Wish me luck!  

With it I should be able to propagate skin/body variations, as well as all the things like weight, hair, complexion, eyes, tints, etcetera. 

Unified Patching Framework UPF

Mator said this, which he's almost done with, will make the process easy to implement. >8)



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