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Best Follower overhaul/tweaks mods?

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Theres a quite a few follower tweaks/changes as mods - and i just feel a bit overwhelmed? - Can anyone tell me which are just the "have to get"/essential ones ? - and so i can just download those ? - i done want to install just everything. Please and thankyou !:)

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Author of the topic Posted
3 hours ago, Sorajmoe said:

Theres a quite a few follower tweaks/changes as mods - and i just feel a bit overwhelmed? - Can anyone tell me which are just the "have to get"/essential ones ? - and so i can just download those ? - i done want to install just everything. Please and thankyou !:)

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71689/? Is this one good? -- also i know there was a mod that lets ur followers pose that was good. not sure.

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