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Help with singular clothing replacer not appearing

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Hey gays, hope you're all doing as good as you can be doing in the pandemic lmao.

I'm trying to replace most of the clothing/armour in skyrim so naturally I came here because the work is all so good on this site. I have everything working in my load order except this one mod (https://vectorplexus.com/files/file/431-kreis-skimpy-attires-flavius-finery/) which for some reason won't appear on Lucien, or other NPCs wearing fine clothing. I've tried everything from moving to the bottom of my install order (mo2) to making new saves, and emptying my load order to just sam light/the mod in reference, but it's just not showing up. Does anybody have an idea what could be preventing this from overwriting fine clothes? Please let me know if you have any idea, I'm stumped :( 




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While the description says the attire is modeled on fine clothes, I don't think that it by itself is a replacer, being made by 12 pieces. You most likely need to either craft it or summon it through the AdditemMenu mod, and then you need to manually give all the pieces you want your follower to wear.

Or if you want it just for the look and don't want to be bothered every time you start a new game, you can smash all the pieces together in Outfit Studio and use Body Slide to build it as a replacer for the fine clothes.

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It's not a replacer.

He has made a replacer pack for clothing which you can find here:

I believe it includes something similar for fine clothes

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