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Standalone follower help

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I'm trying to make a standalone follower replica of my player character but im having trouble having the SAM refit look properly with this golden ebony armor(from amidianborn). I used the vanilla skyrim refits from Vector (gold ebony armor copied the data from regular ebony and just changes the texture)

My problem: 

The refit from vector looks way better than mine and I want to implement it to the follower as it would look on my character but I don't know how to do that in terms if using bodyslide/outfitstudio. I'm not to keen on outfit studio but I was thinking of importing the tri files of the armor then changing the samson/samuel settings from there to export the mesh to the standalone nif armor but I get an error saying "could not import tri files" so im stuck there. Unless there's another way to do this?

Here is a picture of a side by side comparison of my standalone follower and player character using the same armor at the same settings of Samuel/Samson. (I didn't finish the face or colors on the body because I'm trying to work on the body rn.)





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some of those older refits are using a .tri file format which the newer versions of outfit studio can't load. If you import it into an older version of outfit studio and then export it again from there, you should get a .tri file which can be used in your current version. I don't remember what the cutoff version is exactly, but I've told someone in the past to use 4.5.4 and that worked for them.

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