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flaccid genital mesh for SAM?

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TBH man this stuff isnt nearly as hard to do as some may have you believe. Also there are other ways to go about all this, like VFX, SKSE-based manipulation, and other options. I noticed these scenes will often establish a sole end-all-be-all method, as well as one established goto person or handful of people, even when methods are perhaps inferior (not saying the status quo def is or def is not, just saying) and other approaches get basically dismissed without even being looked at. I made my peace with this on Nexus, and was a bit more outspoken about it happening here too, and it ofc didnt end well, I threw away my acct and left, and now I guess I poke in sometimes since I miss being around my own kind heh. Anyway glad it helped. This can be done with pretty much anything so let me know. I can show people how to use Max + Skope + SKSE to do a lot more than I suspect most take advantage of. Good luck

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Do you want to give the working penis the second erection slider or do you want to merge the two sliders into one? I'm not sure the second slider would work all that well on a penis that's rigged to the SOS penis bones since it's not simply a size slider, but a full erection one.

In any case,  adding the sliders is just a matter of selecting the reference, and copying them over to the destination shape, while to merge sliders you need to push both the Erection and the Size slider to the shape you want the new slider to have at 100%, then go to Sliders >Coalesce sliders and name the new slider. Name it, activate it, disable the other two and watch it in action. Since this is a new slider it wouldn't necessarily work in Racemenu. I haven't tried it so it might work, but in case it doesn't I don't know how to make new sliders useable in-game so in case it doesn't it's probably better if you leave the erection slider separate and just build a dick with the slider maxed in Body Slide.

 If I haven't fucked anything up the zip I've uploaded contains a working version of the penis with both sliders AND a merged slider, it also includes the body because I don't know if you use the SOS patch, you need to choose what to keep and what to throw away. Still, haven't tried it in-game (also you need to re-save the project with the path you want the body/penis to go before building it in Body Slide) so let me know how it goes...

SAM Penis All Sliders.7z

Edit: I just got around to actually try the thing and despite it being, as far as I could tell, linked to all the relevant erection bones, it doesn't actually work.

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12 hours ago, ElderVerK said:

Do you want to give the working penis the second erection slider or do you want to merge the two sliders into one? I'm not sure the second slider would work all that well on a penis that's rigged to the SOS penis bones since it's not simply a size slider, but a full erection one.

In any case,  adding the sliders is just a matter of selecting the reference, and copying them over to the destination shape, while to merge sliders you need to push both the Erection and the Size slider to the shape you want the new slider to have at 100%, then go to Sliders >Coalesce sliders and name the new slider. Name it, activate it, disable the other two and watch it in action. Since this is a new slider it wouldn't necessarily work in Racemenu. I haven't tried it so it might work, but in case it doesn't I don't know how to make new sliders useable in-game so in case it doesn't it's probably better if you leave the erection slider separate and just build a dick with the slider maxed in Body Slide.

 If I haven't fucked anything up the zip I've uploaded contains a working version of the penis with both sliders AND a merged slider, it also includes the body because I don't know if you use the SOS patch, you need to choose what to keep and what to throw away. Still, haven't tried it in-game (also you need to re-save the project with the path you want the body/penis to go before building it in Body Slide) so let me know how it goes...

SAM Penis All Sliders.7z

Edit: I just got around to actually try the thing and despite it being, as far as I could tell, linked to all the relevant erection bones, it doesn't actually work.

Im sorry for not being so specific, I mean erection slider during animation erection, and I use the SOS patch. Thank you so much for this Elderverk, Im going to update you soon after checking on this. 

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