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Hey Friends.
I'm currently recreating my Mane Khajiit. SE Sam light with Hardbody normalmap, replaced the tail with HDT tail.
I'm very happy about the results i had the last time but there is still much to do for perfection.


Khajiit Mane Sam light SSE

my probolems are simple but i wasnt able to find a solution till now. at first i have zero experience with sculpting.
i sometimes tried but mostly failed. especially for big changes.
what i currently need is a Headmesh / headmorph suitable for Lion type characters. ive found images but have no idea what they used to create this look. (picture #1)
since i use my Mane hair it doesnt even care if there is a neckseam
second problem is face texture. the body texture is amazing but the face texture simply is shitty. (picture #2)
third problem...i want a sam light compatible Digitigrade feet for my Khajiit.
i know Kouleifoh is working on fixing the gap which is amazing but i personally would prefer Digitigrade feet. (picture #3)

i hope someone here can hel me. have a nice day ❤️









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Thx to my friend SavrenX who came up with the idea i just used Sin Dunestride Headmesh for my character. its amazing. why i havent thought about this earlier?!^^
but there is still the feet mesh and face texture issue.





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On 11/4/2019 at 2:37 PM, karunavai said:

Thx to my friend SavrenX who came up with the idea i just used Sin Dunestride Headmesh for my character. its amazing. why i havent thought about this earlier?!^^
but there is still the feet mesh and face texture issue.





If I may ask. how did you get the masculine textures to work with the khajiit?  Ive tried to get it to work for me with no luck. I really dig the look and been wanting a khajiit skin with more definition.

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i use the normalmap from hardbodies. thats why he looks so massivly muscular.
you can copy this buld by using sin dunestrides headmesh + hair / sam light / hardbody normalmap / Equippable HDT tails. the only problem i cant solve is a slight texture gap for the hands and feet. but its barely recognizable


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