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Un-removable underwear

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Hello everyone,,

I recently installed the SAM body mod and I absolutely adore it. The detail is great and the work and mods that go with it are also crazy good.

I have a problem though. As I am new to modding, I have no clue what is going wrong. My problem is that when I go into settings and click "Enable Schlong", the black underwear do NOT remove. They are permanently stuck to my body. I've tried uninstalling mods that may have conflicted, yet, still no change.

If there is any solution to this, it would be great if someone could help me with it.


Here are my current active mods:



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Better move XPMSE last in your load order.

Also load RaceMenu above it's other Plugins and SAM above it's dawnguard dlc Patch.

Maybe even move SkyUI higher, underneath ApachiisHair.

Oh and the dawnguard dlc came about befor the other two, so you may wanna move that one up, after the update.esm







I never had the problem with the Underwear, did you pick the right options during installation?

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Hi :D ! I've just installed all the big packs following the installation guide, and i have the same problem: schlong trapassing the underwear. Also, the menu can't recognize any actor, not even myself. I really hope it's just a order problem or maybe it's the language patch i've installed :/Tomorrow i'll try Darnexx advice !

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Make sure to run the newest RaceMenu and all the other Mods that are needed for SAM to run.

NetImmerse Override comes with RaceMenu now so no need to install that extra.

XPMSE is the Main Skeleton Mod , that means it ALWAYS shall overwrite any other Skeleton like the one from SAM for example.


Oh to the Post maker, I just noticed that you have the Moonlight Tales Patch but I don't see the esp for Moonlight Tales tho.

Don't forget to run FNIS for Users and tick the first two boxes.

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Author of the topic Posted
On 9/13/2019 at 4:46 PM, Ressler said:

Hello everyone,,

I recently installed the SAM body mod and I absolutely adore it. The detail is great and the work and mods that go with it are also crazy good.

I have a problem though. As I am new to modding, I have no clue what is going wrong. My problem is that when I go into settings and click "Enable Schlong", the black underwear do NOT remove. They are permanently stuck to my body. I've tried uninstalling mods that may have conflicted, yet, still no change.

If there is any solution to this, it would be great if someone could help me with it.

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Here are my current active mods:



Thank you my issue has been solved,...

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