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Found 13 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Previously I made refit vampire lord armor for SAM but there was a request to make it for BILF's body. This time I made it more beautiful with ornaments for the armor and some parts glow in the dark. Makes the feel of the armor even more beautiful at night. For loincloth, only the front has HDT. I copied Lilyrim's fundoshi. The rear loincloth is short and does not require HDT. You can craft and temper armor as usual. You need a BILF shape body for this armor. I increased the defense stats so you can use this armor until the legendary game. Enjoy. Credit to lilyrim for hdt xml and Dizona for vampire lord armor normal map ( for mixing ). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to support my patreon here : www.patreon.com/SavrenX
  2. View File SavrenX Vampire Lord Armor Previously I made refit vampire lord armor for SAM but there was a request to make it for BILF's body. This time I made it more beautiful with ornaments for the armor and some parts glow in the dark. Makes the feel of the armor even more beautiful at night. For loincloth, only the front has HDT. I copied Lilyrim's fundoshi. The rear loincloth is short and does not require HDT. You can craft and temper armor as usual. You need a BILF shape body for this armor. I increased the defense stats so you can use this armor until the legendary game. Enjoy. Credit to lilyrim for hdt xml and Dizona for vampire lord armor normal map ( for mixing ). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to support my patreon here : www.patreon.com/SavrenX Submitter SavrenX Submitted 04/10/2024 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by SavrenX Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Gorgeous armor from other games ported to skyrim is common. Because modern games now have beautiful designs even though most of them have bad textures too XD. Beautiful textures for Skyrim are not enough because our armor requires special changes to it's Nif specifications. Using good textures is only half the story and will not immediately bring your armor to game quality as it is today ( just much better than before ). By providing specifications including the addition of other maps (cubemap as well), our armor can be beautiful and not even inferior to the gorgeous MMO game. Wolf armor is now shiny and detailed. I added a refitted circlet from Tawoba for the male head as well as optional with esp tagged as esl. The default helmet is available for all races including argonian and khajiit but unfortunately the gauntlet is only for humans so you can use another suitable gauntlet. The chest protector is shaped to be both dashing, sexy and manly. Textures are all remastered and enhanced so the details are beautiful. The armor structure is clearer even for close screenshots. The resolution is all 2K even though for screenshots I use my personal 4K. But 2K is more than enough for gameplay and very good quality. Thongs are modded like metal pouches which are sexy XD. I hope this SavrenX-style armor can make your game even more beautiful. Please enjoy. Credit to Kreiste for base meshes and Amidianborn for half base textures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to support me on https://www.patreon.com/SavrenX ( Your support can give me a lot of time to make mods )
  4. This mother f***er. Same name in Vectorplexis Hello everyone, I am posting an article here about a scammer who is deceiving people everywhere in our country and selling collection packages, This collection includes mods for G12 and Ulfberto This is a rather long story. I have already PMed the matter to the corresponding author, and the author has responded directly. But currently, this liar still has his fans coming to my forum in China, saying that I am acting in cooperation with all the authors. So I have to issue evidence here as well. I hope you can have a picture text translator, so that I can save some trouble, because there is too much content. I will first list the text content of one of the pictures. 注意一下,群号1039271129 同时,本辐射整合将会附赠纯G(gay)向10周年最新上古卷轴整合(不断更新) 一,辐射G(gay)内容自身作者Ulfberto是我的好友;辐射G服装作者G12也是我的好友,他们的作品,我转发,使用,本身就获得了他们的同意和支持。 二,你作为一个白嫖党没资格和我说三道四 三,我做的很多东西,他们同样也在使用,同时本整合也附带了很多Ulfberto内部作者DC群内的内部资源。 而且我也是作者群的成员之一 It is recommended to use Google for translation. Of course, it is best if you have Chinese-speaking friends around you. 白嫖党means--------People who want to get things without spending money. 第一点、有些事情我不得不说 第一,遇见一个货色说出这种话,真是搞笑,什么叫收费?稍微赞助鼓励一下,鼓励辛苦创作是大问题?? 第二,那些东拼西凑的垃圾直男整合,挂淘宝卖(Similar to Amazon eBay etc.)你几百块,你这个SB(idiot)怎么不说了? 第三,类似的货色,绝对是原创作者退圈的负能量,超级推手。 第四,我真的要收费,我的东西绝对不可能只值这点钱。 第二点,没有谁欠谁的,再说一次 第一,关于赞助和鼓励 本人不止一次赞助论坛,赞助国外大佬,这点毋庸置疑,正因为有了鼓励,才能创造出更好的东西。 When you read this Chinese paragraph, I can tell you clearly that this fu**er started to implement a charging system. If anyone didn't pay him, he would call them poor and scold those people for wanting to take advantage of him. And when people leave his group, This fu**er calls them spies, or the kind of people who run away if they can't pay or buy. 你们不要到上面去找衣服了,上面的衣服我全部测试过,一个我整合净整合包的兼容身形,其他的穿上以后你的身形会变成默认的,特别丑的那种 这些衣服全部不兼容身形(BILF),穿上以后你会变成竹竿 这是作者偷懒造成的,不过就是把衣服改了一下性别关键词,连身形都没有刷进去 千万不要随便装,穿了以后会出问题,而且你会变成竹竿(体型) The most outrageous thing is that around February, he started to attack my favorite author - Savren The place where technology is really tested (here, I will not comment on any technical aspects, because my knowledge is relatively limited. I only know a little bit about the authors of mods that have brought changes, or those with high production and popularity, They are all worthy of respect and have skills.) And when he said this, he posted it when his chat had reached 1,000 people. I endured attacks on Skyrim modders for nearly 2 months, and finally I decided to expose them with my friends, whether they are armorers, questers, or followers. I called them all up and asked these people to come and compete with this fu**er technically. Then this fu**er did not reply to our technical posts or expose his posts. He posted this himself. muli: 跑的特定区域就隐身 之前也遇到过,忘了怎么解决的了 Fu**er: 显卡设置和型号问题。 This is the funniest recorded screenshot in Gamemale at that time. From this fu**er group. A player asked why the character's head was missing. The fu**er's answer was: There is something wrong with the settings and model of the graphics card. 我是G(gay)双整合(skyrim,fallout4)的作者,有些事情我必须澄清一下,同时向大家告别 我没有骗任何人,我是能力有限,但是每一个东西我都在认真的修改,我自己做的有些东西,汉化的那些东西,我也是用心在做。 GAY的MOD避免不了要女改男什么的,如果这样侵犯到了别人的利益,我在此道歉。 首先再说一次,不要给论坛添堵了,我就是一个不起眼的小人物,犯不上大家那么带节奏。 一、关于突然间搞赞助制度的原因 那么多年了,我一直都是无条件的给大家尽量以我个人能力去做整合。去年2022年事业编制考试,我确诊淋巴癌中期,到现在我瘦了40多斤,低沉了很久,工作也丢了(也是临时工),现在一直在吃药治疗,不敢跟家里人说。 今年年初,新冠肺炎疫情,我爸爸死了,作为儿子,我在自己很艰难的情况下,操办完了葬礼,一共借款7W多(7万多人民币),包括公墓费。 我妈是残疾人,需要人照顾,无工作 我迫不得已的情况下,采取了赞助制度,想通过互助互利的方式,尽量度过难关,但是我没有跟任何人(除了我堂姐)说我的病情,我不想给别人添加压力。 赞助制度就是这么诞生的。 但是没想到,会闹出那么大的乱子 不过我没有骗任何人的钱。我也没有在此卖惨,我不需要任何人同情我,如果我说了任何一句谎话,我天打雷劈,不得好死。 我和你们无冤无仇,请不要赶尽杀绝。 我还有个残疾人老妈要照顾,暂时不会去寻死 在此,我会永远退出GM,不再出现,愿大家安好。 最后一次赞助论坛30元(RMB),我自己现在也拿不出太多,不要介意。 别了,GM,认识大家很好 When he finished saying these words, I softened my heart and decided to slowly restrain myself. Because I don’t know him and don’t know his true situation, I don’t need to be too extreme. If anyone wants this to be the end? I'll tell you, absolutely not. This message was posted in his group three days after this fu**er said his father died. 明天群主(fu**er)要去重庆有事情,当然了,整合包会一直一直更新也会一直帮大家上传福利(porn videos),也会一直协助大家远程操作,有什么问题的话,随时都可以问群主(fu**er),现在信息很发达。 晚点告诉大家一个好事情 20年前和我(fu**er)发生过关系的那个直男,现在又和我联系上了,我(fu**er)准备从重庆回来以后就去看她,已经和他说好了哦,他和我(fu**er)还是旧情未了 @全体成员(This mother fu**er always @ everyone,10 times one day!!) 各位新人游戏愉快,本群主动退群以后是无法在此加进来的,想了解下群规则可以看一下群公告,实在看不懂可以问一下群主(fu**er),大家游戏愉快 But after reading these messages, I knew he was lying. He said that his father died and he was very sad, and then he went out to hook up with someone else's man after 3 days? A few days later, this person posted this message again. 我宁愿挂淘宝,都不会再在论坛更新任何整合包的东西 从现在开始,不会再在论坛发布任何更新信息 本群和VIP群(He created a new group for the people who paid him)的伟哥不会受到任何影响,同样可以体验到最新版本的整合包 望周知 为了避免打扰到别人,我不会艾特本条消息(This fu**er even failed to hook up will @ everyone, many times.) I never wanted to know anything about him again. Just ignore it. It was not until August that this person returned to the forum, and he deleted the statement he wrote at that time to withdraw from the forum. 我知道黑我的黑子是比较多的,具体的目的就是像上次那样被我正走,反过手马上那我做的整合包挂某鱼(Similar to Amazon eBay etc.)某宝(Similar to Amazon eBay etc.)游戏平台贩卖,我也是醉了。上次退出的确是太冲动了,这次说什么也不会了。 不要因为别人三言两语就相信自己不了解的事,最好是亲眼所见。 一、帖子位置 (一),最新版本随时更新,新玩法随时增加,加群可以获取,请注明来自GM (二),毕竟没有人能比整合包本人更懂整合包(Full of shit!)。 I don't want to continue typing out his nonsense, it's so disgusting. Then, he said that SOSAM is an upgraded version of SOS to fool new players. He also deleted his statement about quitting the forum in March and changed it to us reselling his modpack. In recent days, because my friends and I have continued to expose him, we asked him to send out a link address for reselling his integration package. As a result, he never sent it. Just like in March, he said he had cancer, but there was no medical record. He even told people in his group that he had cancer and those of us who reported him were cursing him to die early. He was strong and wanted to live. What a holly mother fu**er!!! 群主小号This is this person’s chat account. Because his large account was often reported, he changed it to a smaller one. There should be many people using this language conversion tool. How can I add dialogue without the finished esp or esl tool? He then said he constructed the dialogue himself. What a f**king lie. He also claimed that it was an exclusive resource, but my friend quickly found it on nexusmods. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/70929?tab=description&BH=0 We took this opportunity to continue reporting him, and the result He just said that this mod is from nexusmods. And just credit the author casually, without the author's consent. There are more detailed things, I will find time to list them later, it is really too tiring. In the past few days, I have been attacked by this liar's fans, and I really can't stand such people going around lying to people. This person also said that the followers or mods I make are all part of a team and cannot be done by myself. F**k this asshole! @ SavrenX @ g12 @ Ulfberto
  5. Version 1.0.1


    First of all, this file is not intended for general users who don't understand what bodyslides are, what studio outfits are and so on. If you don't understand it's better to wait for the refitters to give the results. I also can't guide newbies because the language just gets in the way. Plus I don't have the patience of a mentor. Hahaha. It's been a long time since I wanted to make a super sexy male body for SAM but didn't have the time (especially since the world was hit by Covid and the whole economy was falling apart). Unexpectedly today can release it with much better results than all my screenshots. First I want to thank the Patrons who have supported me since I intended to complete this bodyslide. Slowly but surely along with the completion of many life problems. Ha ha ha. There is no denying that the difficult conditions of the world forced me to work too hard and have no time. The desire to complete the project is always there but the power of concentration has run out due to fatigue. Because of the support of the patrons, sometimes at the beginning of the month I can sit for a full week completing many mods. Once again, thank you. Besides that, I also personally thank Bro Kouleifoh because all this time he has been like a mentor and has supported many community wishes. Not to mention the assets provided to the community. Thanks bro. So, what's the difference between this bodyslide and Samson or Samuel ? Since the beginning, SAM has focused more on Bara Style's muscle form and is very bulky. It's impossible for you to make a body shape like a sports magazine star model or a Gym Star with a samson / samuel morph. There is no clear biceps or triceps shape, and no definition of muscle shape. With the SAM Warrior Slide bodyslide, now you can have a body shape like the one in my gallery image. It's been a long time since the community has sent PMs asking why my SAM body shape is different from the others. Yes this file is the answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also tweaked a few things from the default SAM and from the bro Kou version because it had to be done considering these body shapes are completely different. Apart from that, as a refitter, I also gave important tweaks so that the refitter will be able to use this file easily in the future. - GROIN Tweak : Sometimes in refitting the SAM I get a little annoyed with the groin shape because it is difficult to follow and brushing bone weight in this area can never be easy. Now, with this tweak, it's easier for me to refit my underwear or thong. Copy bones weight is getting easier and the area is clear. Check the image below. From this picture, the refitters will know that a tweak like this is really needed. - HDT power reduction With a more defined shape, the default HDT makes the meshes seem separate from other meshes and on the buttocks, like sagging (can't be sexy tight). With reduced HDT strength and smoother weight distribution, HDT now moves much more naturally and in rhythm with the new body shape. Bouncy is still a bouncy but not Jelly. The movement feels SEAMLESS. The refitters also know that strong HDT weight sometimes makes the shape of the underwear messy. With this, it is hoped that the refitters will not be so dizzy after seeing the results of the refit. - Minor tweaks for sharp and too angular Poly. Polygons remain polygons. Sometimes there are parts that are a bit too angular or sharp. I've tried to check all the important parts during the formation of this body. I hope there are no more major cases. You can see the example on groin tweak too. How is the difference before and after using bodyslide ? far. I took lots of pictures over the years and saw lots of videos for reference. Eh, this is an expensive project, you know, because the tissue has been expensive for years. Hahaha. Check the image below as a simple sample. - A sexier and smaller waist. - A more sexy, fuller and adorable ass like asking to be patted. - Stronger biceps and triceps shape. - Stronger shoulders. - More muscular thighs. - A clearer distance between the right and left thighs in the groin. - Chest muscles are denser and fuller. - More prominent back muscles. - Etc. I have experimented with this body for years to be flexible with all normal maps, either the default from SAM or custom. At least it can blend with very acceptable results. Because the refit of the existing clothes is not yet available, I suggest using a custom race or if you use it as the default body, you can only see this body when you are naked. Vanilla clothes always have a body replacer, so your default body will be automatically replaced. Making muscles like this is not easy either because it has to be in harmony with body movements including several poses for screenshots. I changed this body many times until I found a really good formula between gameplay, screenshots, and refits. If you use the SOS Patch either from me or the continuation version, make sure to tick the sos patch before generating the bodyslide. This bodyslide can be used for refit but I will update it later for a twink / femboy shape as an extra morph shape. So we can make Warrior, and Twink/Femboy with this bodyslide. I'm working on another form and I'll update it. You can combine SAM Warrior shape with SAMSON / SAMUEL too for Extra muscle. See this example : PERMISSIONS: I give freedom to the SAM community at Vectorplexis to use this bodyslide as a refit project or anything related to SAM, but hope you upload the results only on Vectorplexis.com as usual. If you see someone trying to upload this file or the results of our friends' refit on other websites such as Nexus, please report it. Please enjoy the mod. https://www.patreon.com/SavrenX
  6. View File SavrenX Wolf Armor Gorgeous armor from other games ported to skyrim is common. Because modern games now have beautiful designs even though most of them have bad textures too XD. Beautiful textures for Skyrim are not enough because our armor requires special changes to it's Nif specifications. Using good textures is only half the story and will not immediately bring your armor to game quality as it is today ( just much better than before ). By providing specifications including the addition of other maps (cubemap as well), our armor can be beautiful and not even inferior to the gorgeous MMO game. Wolf armor is now shiny and detailed. I added a refitted circlet from Tawoba for the male head as well as optional with esp tagged as esl. The default helmet is available for all races including argonian and khajiit but unfortunately the gauntlet is only for humans so you can use another suitable gauntlet. The chest protector is shaped to be both dashing, sexy and manly. Textures are all remastered and enhanced so the details are beautiful. The armor structure is clearer even for close screenshots. The resolution is all 2K even though for screenshots I use my personal 4K. But 2K is more than enough for gameplay and very good quality. Thongs are modded like metal pouches which are sexy XD. I hope this SavrenX-style armor can make your game even more beautiful. Please enjoy. Credit to Kreiste for base meshes and Amidianborn for half base textures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to support me on https://www.patreon.com/SavrenX ( Your support can give me a lot of time to make mods ) Submitter SavrenX Submitted 07/17/2023 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by SavrenX Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  7. View File SavrenX SAM BILF Bodyslide First of all, this file is not intended for general users who don't understand what bodyslides are, what studio outfits are and so on. If you don't understand it's better to wait for the refitters to give the results. I also can't guide newbies because the language just gets in the way. Plus I don't have the patience of a mentor. Hahaha. It's been a long time since I wanted to make a super sexy male body for SAM but didn't have the time (especially since the world was hit by Covid and the whole economy was falling apart). Unexpectedly today can release it with much better results than all my screenshots. First I want to thank the Patrons who have supported me since I intended to complete this bodyslide. Slowly but surely along with the completion of many life problems. Ha ha ha. There is no denying that the difficult conditions of the world forced me to work too hard and have no time. The desire to complete the project is always there but the power of concentration has run out due to fatigue. Because of the support of the patrons, sometimes at the beginning of the month I can sit for a full week completing many mods. Once again, thank you. Besides that, I also personally thank Bro Kouleifoh because all this time he has been like a mentor and has supported many community wishes. Not to mention the assets provided to the community. Thanks bro. So, what's the difference between this bodyslide and Samson or Samuel ? Since the beginning, SAM has focused more on Bara Style's muscle form and is very bulky. It's impossible for you to make a body shape like a sports magazine star model or a Gym Star with a samson / samuel morph. There is no clear biceps or triceps shape, and no definition of muscle shape. With the SAM Warrior Slide bodyslide, now you can have a body shape like the one in my gallery image. It's been a long time since the community has sent PMs asking why my SAM body shape is different from the others. Yes this file is the answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also tweaked a few things from the default SAM and from the bro Kou version because it had to be done considering these body shapes are completely different. Apart from that, as a refitter, I also gave important tweaks so that the refitter will be able to use this file easily in the future. - GROIN Tweak : Sometimes in refitting the SAM I get a little annoyed with the groin shape because it is difficult to follow and brushing bone weight in this area can never be easy. Now, with this tweak, it's easier for me to refit my underwear or thong. Copy bones weight is getting easier and the area is clear. Check the image below. From this picture, the refitters will know that a tweak like this is really needed. - HDT power reduction With a more defined shape, the default HDT makes the meshes seem separate from other meshes and on the buttocks, like sagging (can't be sexy tight). With reduced HDT strength and smoother weight distribution, HDT now moves much more naturally and in rhythm with the new body shape. Bouncy is still a bouncy but not Jelly. The movement feels SEAMLESS. The refitters also know that strong HDT weight sometimes makes the shape of the underwear messy. With this, it is hoped that the refitters will not be so dizzy after seeing the results of the refit. - Minor tweaks for sharp and too angular Poly. Polygons remain polygons. Sometimes there are parts that are a bit too angular or sharp. I've tried to check all the important parts during the formation of this body. I hope there are no more major cases. You can see the example on groin tweak too. How is the difference before and after using bodyslide ? far. I took lots of pictures over the years and saw lots of videos for reference. Eh, this is an expensive project, you know, because the tissue has been expensive for years. Hahaha. Check the image below as a simple sample. - A sexier and smaller waist. - A more sexy, fuller and adorable ass like asking to be patted. - Stronger biceps and triceps shape. - Stronger shoulders. - More muscular thighs. - A clearer distance between the right and left thighs in the groin. - Chest muscles are denser and fuller. - More prominent back muscles. - Etc. I have experimented with this body for years to be flexible with all normal maps, either the default from SAM or custom. At least it can blend with very acceptable results. Because the refit of the existing clothes is not yet available, I suggest using a custom race or if you use it as the default body, you can only see this body when you are naked. Vanilla clothes always have a body replacer, so your default body will be automatically replaced. Making muscles like this is not easy either because it has to be in harmony with body movements including several poses for screenshots. I changed this body many times until I found a really good formula between gameplay, screenshots, and refits. If you use the SOS Patch either from me or the continuation version, make sure to tick the sos patch before generating the bodyslide. This bodyslide can be used for refit but I will update it later for a twink / femboy shape as an extra morph shape. So we can make Warrior, and Twink/Femboy with this bodyslide. I'm working on another form and I'll update it. You can combine SAM Warrior shape with SAMSON / SAMUEL too for Extra muscle. See this example : PERMISSIONS: I give freedom to the SAM community at Vectorplexis to use this bodyslide as a refit project or anything related to SAM, but hope you upload the results only on Vectorplexis.com as usual. If you see someone trying to upload this file or the results of our friends' refit on other websites such as Nexus, please report it. Please enjoy the mod. https://www.patreon.com/SavrenX Submitter SavrenX Submitted 06/30/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by SavrenX Anniversary Edition compatible Yes
  8. View File SavrenX BILF Geralt Prologue There have been many requests for this armor to be converted to SAM Body. Even PM to me many times. The problem is I don't like this armor one bit and the textures are very blurry from the original. The armor style is also very general and mediocre. But after I looked back I tried to compromise it to my own taste. The texture is upgraded to be much more detailed. Now his pants are no longer long but tighter and mini plus Bulge like tight men's pants. The knife at the back is made smaller and repositioned so as not to cover the sexyness of these pants. Some important part like Pant and other now High Poly. Download the original mod here (Credit to): - Geralt Prologue : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57488?tab=description After that DELETE the ESP and overwrite everything with my files. ESP is tagged as ESL as usual. Please enjoy. Feel free if you want support me : https://www.patreon.com/SavrenX Submitter SavrenX Submitted 10/23/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by SavrenX Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    It's a tough year for Earth and people on it in 2022. However, you have nothing to be worried about because you are now in Tamriel. A cute, sweet, happy and strong young fellow will be your new best friend this December. Introducing Chris, the opmistic adventurer boy. May he guard you and warm your heart through the long dark winter. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! =============================================================================================== Info -Name:Chris -Gender: male -Age: 19 -Weight: 75 -Spells: Ice Spike, Ward, Fast Healing, Close Wounds, Conjure Dwarven Guardian -Skills: One-hand, Archery, Destruction, Restoration, Sneaking, Block -Location: Bannered Mare, Whiterun ============================================================================================== Credits: Racemenu Sam Light High_Poly_Head_v1.4_(SE) SavrenX Pretty Face for SAM Light AddOn Mild Eyes The Eyes of Beauty Eyes AO Clipping Fix Hvergelmir Brows - For High Poly Head (And the hair mod I can't recall where from. Its folder name reads "SE" and the esp file's title is "thair". Anyone with any idea? Let me know if you do! ) HG hairdos (Thank you, @mikaakim)
  10. View File Chris Follower for Christmas 2022 It's a tough year for Earth and people on it in 2022. However, you have nothing to be worried about because you are now in Tamriel. A cute, sweet, happy and strong young fellow will be your new best friend this December. Introducing Chris, the opmistic adventurer boy. May he guard you and warm your heart through the long dark winter. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! =============================================================================================== Info -Name:Chris -Gender: male -Age: 19 -Weight: 75 -Spells: Ice Spike, Ward, Fast Healing, Close Wounds, Conjure Dwarven Guardian -Skills: One-hand, Archery, Destruction, Restoration, Sneaking, Block -Location: Bannered Mare, Whiterun ============================================================================================== Credits: Racemenu Sam Light High_Poly_Head_v1.4_(SE) SavrenX Pretty Face for SAM Light AddOn Mild Eyes The Eyes of Beauty Eyes AO Clipping Fix Hvergelmir Brows - For High Poly Head (And the hair mod I can't recall where from. Its folder name reads "SE" and the esp file's title is "thair". Anyone with any idea? Let me know if you do! ) HG hairdos (Thank you, @mikaakim) Submitter viwi Submitted 12/23/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by viwi Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    There have been many requests for this armor to be converted to SAM Body. Even PM to me many times. The problem is I don't like this armor one bit and the textures are very blurry from the original. The armor style is also very general and mediocre. But after I looked back I tried to compromise it to my own taste. The texture is upgraded to be much more detailed. Now his pants are no longer long but tighter and mini plus Bulge like tight men's pants. The knife at the back is made smaller and repositioned so as not to cover the sexyness of these pants. Some important part like Pant and other now High Poly. Download the original mod here (Credit to): - Geralt Prologue : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57488?tab=description After that DELETE the ESP and overwrite everything with my files. ESP is tagged as ESL as usual. Please enjoy. Feel free if you want support me : https://www.patreon.com/SavrenX
  12. Version 1.0.3 - ESPFE


    Thanks to Mayu Asuka as Original Author for making this great/cute mod. Original Mod Link to Camp Buddy Followers Standalone - LE Version. Here is the Quick Converted version for SSE / AE. Fix few things broken due to conversion. Body to work with SAM Morphs and HDT Change default buddies clothes to work with SAM Morph Slider. (Kreis skimpy refit with revealing patch by Wolvyn, Credit to Both) Add weapon and armor set (No Helmet) to each buddy according to the Pictures in Original page. All buddies are waiting in their spawn cell wearing default revealing clothes for you to check them out and will change to the new given armors when you recruit them. Aiden : Orcish Sword & Armors Yoshi : Steel Mace, Shield & Steelplate Armors Goro : Ebony Warhammer & Armors Keitaro : Akaviri Katana, Blade's Shield & Armors Hiro : Glass Waraxe & Armors Taiga : Dragonbone Waraxe & DragonPlate Armors Natsumi : Stalhrim Greatsword & Light Armors Naoto : Stalhrim Greatsword & Heavy Armors For compatibility reason, All given armors are Vanilla, So if you've installed Skimpy or revealing refits, you will see them in those refits, otherwise you'll see them in regular vanilla armors Currently, I'm using AE, and have no problem recruiting any of them, eveything seems fine with no neckseam and working SAM Morphs. I'm no modder and take no credits at all. All credits go to Original Author and all mentioned in Original Mod's Page. Have fun
  13. View File CampBuddyFollower1.3 - SSE Thanks to Mayu Asuka as Original Author for making this great/cute mod. Original Mod Link to Camp Buddy Followers Standalone - LE Version. Here is the Quick Converted version for SSE / AE. Fix few things broken due to conversion. Body to work with SAM Morphs and HDT Change default buddies clothes to work with SAM Morph Slider. (Kreis skimpy refit with revealing patch by Wolvyn, Credit to Both) Add weapon and armor set (No Helmet) to each buddy according to the Pictures in Original page. All buddies are waiting in their spawn cell wearing default revealing clothes for you to check them out and will change to the new given armors when you recruit them. Aiden : Orcish Sword & Armors Yoshi : Steel Mace, Shield & Steelplate Armors Goro : Ebony Warhammer & Armors Keitaro : Akaviri Katana, Blade's Shield & Armors Hiro : Glass Waraxe & Armors Taiga : Dragonbone Waraxe & DragonPlate Armors Natsumi : Stalhrim Greatsword & Light Armors Naoto : Stalhrim Greatsword & Heavy Armors For compatibility reason, All given armors are Vanilla, So if you've installed Skimpy or revealing refits, you will see them in those refits, otherwise you'll see them in regular vanilla armors Currently, I'm using AE, and have no problem recruiting any of them, eveything seems fine with no neckseam and working SAM Morphs. I'm no modder and take no credits at all. All credits go to Original Author and all mentioned in Original Mod's Page. Have fun Submitter Lostamasta Submitted 03/27/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Mayu Asuka Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
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