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About herasey

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  1. Heya fellas! Still sadly got glitchy dongs here, again, symptoms seem to be that the dicks APPEAR, but if the guy with the dick moves around slightly, it's like the dick lags and it takes a while to catch up with them. If the guy dies/goes to sleep/sits in the chair the dick goes up really high and stretches out all freakily. Adjusting dick size also doesn't seem to affect anything at all, the dick stays the same size no matter what. Here's my load order.
  2. Hey guys, back with an answer for the blue hands/feet glitch, turns out it was something to do with WICO? Just put it above SAM in the load order and it seemed to fix it, new issue however, or one that was present from the start. Khajits have a gaping hole where their dicks should be, still can't seem to figure out why the dicks look so weird either!
  3. Hey guys, awesome mod, really enjoying being able to see chubby/musclegut dudes for once in skyrim, so much so that it got me back into playing the game! Ran into a few issues however, likely my own fault given i'm incompetent with mods and stuff. So basically all the dicks in the game kinda look...Strange? It feels like they've not got physics behind them, like if I nudge someone out of the way it takes the dick a while to catch up to that NPC that got pushed so it just kinda stretches really weirdly. Not to mention the fact that even on max size the dicks remain the same, they don't look like some of the hyper cocks that i've seen in screenshots. Also possibly related/unrelated, but I think it might have to do with SAM since it's only on males. All the male khajit in the game have weird blue fur now for some reason? Dunno why, could be another mod. Attached is a pic of one of my followers, they've got the cock set to max and it looks no different for some reason! Other than these easily ignorable issues to be honest, i'm super pleased with this mod! enb 2017_05_28 21_21_56_18.bmp
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