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vectorplexus.com is at https://vectorplexis.com until further notice. Γ—


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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Currently rebuilding a modlist and thought to take a quick screenshot while testing after liking how my character looked here. Might redo it better once I have more of my mods in order.
  2. Just a quick mod shout out, we can now have individual texture sets per race with Racial Skin Variance SPID, using SPID for it's distribution means it fully supports NPC's without needing to edit FaceGen files. Am currently using various textures for SAM in the screen, takes some effort to set up but totally worth it.
  3. Took a break from Skyrim and modding, just trying to get back into the spirit of things. Thought I'd add some context through dialogue but I'm terrible at writing so hope they not too bad πŸ˜…. Locations are from Karlov Manor and Black Room Plus.
  4. Decided to have a go at creating a dragon character and so far ended up with this fiery studπŸ‰
  5. A few random shots of Zalthu, a new Orc character of mine, not quite final yet. Once again been fiddling with my load order and adjusting ini/enb settings my framerate doesn't approve off, still need to fix a few kinks between the character mods I have installed. Better ones of him will come soon.
  6. Textures are from Sakhr's Skin. Am not sure about underneath the feet, haven't taken notice of it yet.
  7. I just ran the meshes folder through Cathedral Asset Optimiser.
  8. Gave my Redguard character a makeover, very happy with the results.
  9. If there's one thing a powerhouse Orc like Bahk can't do anything about, it's turning heads whenever he visits the baths, although on rare occasion he may be feeling generous enough towards the fortunate onlooker, if a little reluctant about it.
  10. It's a direct mesh edit I did in outfit Studio, using Total Unique Player 2.0 so only my character has it. I don't know how to refit outfits yet though, so it's only when nude for now.
  11. Time away at his isolated cabin somewhere near the Rift always leads to a good time.
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